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Regional Road Safety Plan 2009-2012 Regional Road Safety Plan 2009-2012

The Regional Road Safety Plan aims to provide improved accountability for road safety measures in the Auckland region. It acknowledges the growing need to address local road safety issues by integrating the work of the many organisations that share responsibility for reducing road trauma.

Preparing and developing the plan

The Auckland Regional Road Safety Plan 2009–2012 was prepared by the former Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) in collaboration with the region’s road-controlling authorities, other transport and public health stakeholders, and communities. 

This plan has been developed from the 2005 Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS), and recognises the significant role that the promotion of road safety plays in the performance of the region’s transport network, and the contribution road safety makes to the region’s wider social and economic outcomes.   

Purpose of the plan:

  • To outline the most important road safety issues for the region; and to determine cost-effective interventions for addressing them with current resources;
  • To establish regional and local road safety targets to 2012 based on the region’s most important issues and the Government’s transport strategy; and to develop goals and strategies for achieving them;
  • To provide a road safety management framework that will monitor coordinated efforts to address the most important issues, and to reach the 2012 targets;
  • To allocate key actions and responsibilities for planning, engineering, enforcement, education and advocacy for reduced road trauma;
  • To develop a rationale for funding further improvements in safety engineering on local roads.

Using the plan

The Regional Road Safety Plan will be used mainly by members of the RoadSafe Auckland working group convened by ARTA (ARTA, Local Authorities, Auckland Regional Council, New Zealand Police, the New Zealand Transport Agency, the Accident Compensation Corporation, Safekids, Auckland Regional Public Health Services, Automobile Association) to guide the planning, funding, and delivery of actions that reduce road trauma, as outlined in Appendix 4.

Please contact us if you require further information on these plans.