Changes to on-street parking in Auckland City Centre
Auckland Transport is extending paid-parking hours in Auckland’s city centre to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Upcoming changes to parking
Sundays and public holidays
Paid parking will be extended to Sunday and public holidays in the Green and Orange Zones from 1 July 2024.
8am to 6pm
$2.50 per hour for the first 2 hours and $4 per additional hour.
Sundays and public holidays in Wynyard Quarter
Wynyard Quarter was excluded from the July change due to the bridge being repaired. Now that the bridge is back in operation, Wynyard will shift in line with city centre changes. This means Sunday and public holiday charges will begin on Sunday 23 March 2025.
Overnight on-street charges
Overnight paid parking will apply across the City Centre Parking Zone from March 2026.
Why these changes are happening
Every year, AT reviews parking across Auckland to identify areas where parking management can help keep our city moving.
Extending paid-parking hours to operate at all times would support the growth of the city centre by creating “turnover” of parking spaces for wider use. This will make it easier for people visiting the city centre to find a place to park after 6pm and on Sundays and public holidays.
AT is also facing increasing cost challenges in meeting Auckland’s transport needs. To maintain current levels of service, we must source new funding opportunities
Where possible, we prefer a user-pays model, like paid parking, so we can keep general rates increases low. Extending paid-parking hours in the city centre will help address AT’s funding gap in the fairest way for all users at all times, day and night.
Overnight parking changes
AT’s parking design team spent 3 months considering stakeholder feedback about the proposed overnight parking charges for the city centre.
We’ve had dozens of conversations with community and business representatives and elected officials to arrive at a suitable proposal that won’t impact the city centre’s vibrance. The team’s objective is to ensure that charges are fair and affordable while balancing turnover and commercial needs.
We'll be starting changes to overnight parking at a time closer to when the City Rail Link opens. We made this decision after listening to feedback from our stakeholders and communities.
Anyone who wishes to share further concerns for consideration can email us at
Parking permits
AT is not considering parking permits within the city centre.
If permits were to be offered to residents and workers, parking spaces would remain occupied day and night, with little turnover.
Residents who hold legacy parking permits remain unaffected by paid parking changes.
Other useful links
- Finding parking in the city centre
- Monthly leases at AT carparks
- Room to Move: Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland's parking strategy