North Harbour Stadium
Find your way to North Harbour Stadium using our bus, train and ferry services, walking and cycling routes and parking options.
- Stadium Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632
Transport options
Check the transport options for this venue:
Plan your journey
There are frequent bus services from Auckland city centre to North Harbour Stadium.
The Stadium is about 15 minutes walk from Albany Bus Station, which serves a large number of different bus services.
View suggested bus routes from nearby locations.
Downtown to North Harbour Stadium

City Centre to North Harbour Stadium

Use Journey Planner or the AT Mobile App to plan your journey, or visit the timetables page for scheduled bus times.
For selected events, there will be event buses that travel directly from the city centre or other locations to North Harbour Stadium.
Visit our events page to see if event buses will be running on the day of your event.
Onsite parking is available for patrons who who hold a valid mobility permit. Mobility parking is accessed via the Stadium Drive entry, just present your permit to traffic control staff for access.
There is limited amount of paid parking available at the stadium for large events and concerts. This varies between events depending on reserved areas.
View parking map for North Harbour Stadium.
For more information about parking including carpark prices, visit the North Harbour Stadium website.
Visit the North Harbour Stadium website for more information about the venue.