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  • 42 Mahuhu Crescent, Parnell, Auckland 1010

Transport options

Check the transport options for this venue:

Plan your journey

There are frequent bus services from all areas of Auckland to Waitematā Station (Britomart), which is a 5 minute walk from Spark Arena. 

View suggested bus routes from nearby locations.

Mount Eden to Spark Arena

Mount Eden to Spark Arena bus route map
  • Bus routes 27H and 27W
  • Every 20 minutes
  • 15 minute bus journey
  • 5 to 15 minute walk to Spark Arena

Use Journey Planner or the AT Mobile App to plan your journey, or visit the timetables page for scheduled bus times. 

Plan your journey

There are frequent train services from south, east, and west Auckland to Waitematā Station (Britomart), which is a 5 minute walk from Spark Arena.

Use Journey Planner or the AT Mobile App to plan your journey, or visit the timetables page for scheduled train times. 

Plan your journey

The Downtown Ferry Terminal is a 5 to 10 minute walk from Spark Arena.

Use Journey Planner or the AT Mobile App to plan your journey, or visit the timetables page for scheduled ferry times. 

Spark Arena is a 5 minute walk from Waitematā Station (Britomart).

Walking routes

Parnell to Spark Arena

  • 20 minute walk

Cycle routes

There is bike parking outside the Spark Arena, to the right of the main doors.

Wynyard Quarter to Spark Arena

Wynyard Quarter to Spark Arena cycle route map
  • 15 minute cycle ride

There are parking buildings near Spark Arena, and in the downtown area.


Visit the Spark Arena website for more information about the venue.

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