Ponsonby resident parking
Check which streets are included in the Ponsonby resident parking zone and when you need to renew your permit.
Annual renewal date
Ponsonby annual renewal date: 19 June.
Each zone has an annual set date for when parking permits need to be renewed. You will need to re-apply every year.
- Permit applications are open.
- Coupon applications are open.
Note: Permit applications open about 4 weeks before the annual cycle date.
Eligible streets

- Bayard Street
- Blake Street (part of)
- Brown Street
- Clarence Street
- Cowan Street
- Douglas Street
- Fitzroy Street
- Islington Street
- John Street
- Kent Street
- Lincoln Street
- Mira Street
- Norfolk Street
- O'Neill Street
- Pompallier Terrace (between Ardmore Road and Redmond Street)
- Ponsonby Terrace
- Prosford Street (between Provost and Blake Streets)
- Provost Street
- Richmond Road (between Lincoln and Scanlan Streets)
- Scott Street
- Sheehan Street
- Stuart Street
- Summer Street
- Tole Street
- Vermont Place
- Vermont Street
- Albany Road
- Ardmore Road
- Trinity Street
- Wanganui Avenue.
Last updated
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