Contact us Whakapā mai
If there is an immediate risk to the safety of people call 111. You can also notify us about this risk as well as the risk to property by calling 09 355 3553.
Contact us online
You can use online forms to report a problem, request information, report illegal parking, or provide other feedback.
Get in touch
Online forms have been designed to ensure that the correct team receives your request.
Contact us onlinePay or query a fine
Get help with your travel
For queries related to your HOP card, please see the AT HOP card section of the website or download the AT Mobile app to check your balance on the go.
For information about contactless payment methods, visit the contactless payments section of the website.
Contact us by phone
For speech, hearing and vision assistance, contact the NZ Relay (telecommunications service).
Public transport
Monday to Friday: 6am to 8pm. Weekends and Public Holidays: 8am to 6:30pm.
AT HOP or contactless payments
Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm. Weekends and public holidays: 8am to 6:30pm
Public Transport and AT HOP for Auckland calling areas
Call for queries within the Auckland calling areas of Warkworth, Helensville, Hibiscus Coast, Great Barrier or Pukekohe.
See Bus, train & ferry operator contact details for area-wise operators.
Contact the Harbourmasters office for maritime enquiries.
Write to us
AT General
Auckland Transport General Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142
AT HOP or contactless payments
AT HOP Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142
Parking - Infringement query
Auckland Transport, Parking Review, Private Bag 92260, Auckland 1142
Parking - Infringement payment
Auckland Transport, Parking Infringement Payment, Private Bag 92260, Auckland 1142
Submit an official information request