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AT Park help AT Park help

How to update details, set reminders, manage your account, and use the AT Park app.

Add or update details

You can update your AT Park details via the AT Park app or AT website.

Reminders to stop your parking session

Set reminders to stop your parking session. These reminder services are free.

Area ID numbers and the AT Park app map

AT Park can be used to pay for parking anywhere in Auckland where there are AT Park area IDs. This includes on-street paid parking areas and some off-street car parks.

Each paid parking area has a unique 6-digit Area ID number that is used to define the location and tariff for the area. The correct Area ID number must be entered when paying for parking with AT Park.

​Area ID numbers can be found in the AT Park app, on pay by plate machines and parking signs.

Transactions, invoices, negative balance and failed payments

When using AT Park, payment is made with the credit or debit card entered in your AT Park account. If payment has failed, please check your card has sufficient funds. If your card has expired, the card details will need to be updated in your AT Park account.

Parking charges, refunds and enforcement

Parking charges are shown in the AT Park app, the AT website and on pay by plate machines on the street.

If you are unable to use AT Park to pay for parking, please use one of the pay by plate machines to pay for parking.

Start & stop a parking session

When you start a parking session there is a minimum 15 minutes charged.

Once you start a parking session, it will be active until you stop it, or it will stop at the hour when parking charges do not apply in the area you have parked.

Managing multiple users and using AT Park for business

You can set up an AT Park account and add multiple motorists and multiple vehicles, which may be useful for your business or family if you want to manage multiple users in one account.

Read more about using AT Park for business and managing multiple users.

Resident parking permits and coupons

If you are a customer in a resident parking area, learn how to apply for permits and coupons and use 1 day coupons.

Close your account

If you want to close your AT Park account contact us.

Contact us

Contact us or call us on 09 528 7275 (7am to 10pm, 7 days).


Do not enter your credit card number, bank account number, or any other personal financial information.