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Mobility parking Mobility parking

Mobility parking spaces are available across Auckland and within Auckland Transport's car park buildings. Mobility spaces are reserved for Mobility Parking Permit holders.

Parking concessions for mobility permit holders

Dedicated mobility parking spaces

Dedicated mobility parking spaces can only be used by vehicles displaying a mobility permit.

  • These parks are free.
  • These parks cannot be reserved.
  • Mobility permit holders can only park for the time restriction displayed on parking signage for these spaces.

On-street parking time extension

Mobility permit holders can park for double the time indicated on on-street parking signage in the following time restrictions: P5, P10, P15, P30, P45, P60, P90 and P120. For example, in a P30 space, permit holders can park for 60 minutes.

On-street paid parking areas

In all on-street paid parking areas, mobility permit holders are given one additional hour of free parking on top of the time paid. For example, if your paid parking time expires at 2:15pm, you can stay in the parking space until 3:15pm before an infringement may be issued.

Please note: On-street paid parking areas are where payment can be made by pay by plate machine or AT Park app.

Auckland Transport car park buildings

If the building does not have a barrier arm at the entry and exit:

  • The 'on-street' concession applies (as above).

If the building has a barrier arm at the entry and exit:

  • There is no discount. 
  • This applies to these car park buildings, Civic, Victoria St, Downtown, Ronwood and Trading Place.

Mobility parking in Auckland Central

View map with mobility parking locations in Auckland.

For major events at Spark Arena, additional mobility parking will be made available from 6pm-midnight.

Mobility spaces in AT car park buildings

Mobility spaces are available at these Auckland Transport car park buildings. Please note that they cannot be reserved. 

Central Auckland

North Shore

South Auckland

West Auckland

Mobility parking permit

Mobility parking permits enable the permit holder to park in mobility parking spaces or to park longer than the stated time in some standard car parks and metered spaces.

Learn about and apply for a mobility parking permit.


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