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To get a discounted concession fare, you must have a registered AT HOP card. Concessions are not available with contactless payment or cash.

Find your fare

To find your fare for a trip, use Journey Planner. Enter a start and end point and select “view fares” to see the cost for different concession types.

View all our current bus and train fares, and ferry fares.

Child concession (5 to 15 years)

Children aged 5 to 15 are eligible for a child concession. This gives them 40% off travel on most buses, trains and ferries when they use their registered AT HOP card. Children also get free travel on weekends and public holidays with their registered AT HOP card.

Secondary student concession (16 to 19 years)

Auckland secondary students aged 16 to 19 are eligible for a secondary student concession. This gives them 40% off travel on most buses, trains, and ferries when using their registered AT HOP card.

Find out more about secondary concessions and apply.

Tertiary student concession

Full-time students at any of Auckland’s registered tertiary institutes are eligible for a tertiary student concession. This gives them 20% off travel on most buses, trains, and ferries when using their registered AT HOP card.

Find out more about tertiary student concessions and apply.

Senior and SuperGold concession

New Zealand senior citizens with a SuperGold card are eligible for a senior concession. This gives them free travel on most buses, trains and ferries after 9am on weekdays, and all day on weekends and public holidays when using their registered AT HOP card.

Find out more about senior concessions and apply.

Accessible concession

Total Mobility and Blind Low Vision NZ cardholders are eligible for an accessible concession and a free AT HOP card. This gives them 40% off most buses, trains, and ferries when using their registered AT HOP card.

Find out more about accessible concessions and apply.Accessible concession

Community Connect concession

Community Services cardholders are eligible for a community connect concession and a free AT HOP card. This gives them 50% off most buses, trains, and ferries when using their registered AT HOP card.

Find out more about community connect concessions and apply. 

Fareshare subsidy

If your employer is enrolled in Fareshare, you can get subsidised travel when using your registered AT HOP card.

Find out more about Fareshare.Fareshare concession

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