Wynyard Quarter and Silo Park
Find your way to Wynyard Quarter and Silo Park using our bus, train and ferry services, walking and cycling routes and parking options.
- Beaumont & Jellicoe Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010
Transport options
Check the transport options for this venue:
Plan your journey
There are frequent bus services from Auckland city centre to Wynyard Quarter and Silo Park.
Takapuna to Wynyard Quarter

Use Journey Planner or the AT Mobile App to plan your journey, or visit the timetables page for scheduled bus times.
Find suggested walking and cycling routes from nearby locations.
Walking routes
Wynyard Quarter and Silo Park are an easy stroll from downtown Auckland, Victoria Park, Ponsonby and neighbouring suburbs.
Cycle routes
Wynyard Quarter and Silo Park have bike parking around the area, as well as links to safe cycle routes from Westhaven, Nelson Street, the Downtown Ferry Terminal and Britomart train station.
Parking is available near Wynyard Quarter at the Downtown and Fanshawe Street carparks. An open-air car park on Madden Street is also available.
Visit the Wynyard Quarter website for more information about the venue.