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About resident parking zones

If you live or have a business in a resident parking zone, you can apply for a parking permit or one-day parking coupons that let you park outside the usual time restrictions.

Permits are valid until the zone's annual renewal date.

Annual renewal dates

Each zone has an annual set date for when parking permits need to be renewed. You will need to re-apply every year.

Each permit application costs $70 per vehicle (this is a flat admin fee) regardless of when you apply. It is most cost effective to apply for a permit on, or soon after the renewal date. If that date is soon, you may prefer to use free resident parking coupons in the meantime.

Applications are open until the cap for the area has been reached.

Suburbs with resident parking

Check if your street is in a resident parking area.

Permit caps and allocation

To ensure parking is available, we cap the number of permits to 85% of the number of parking spaces in the zone.

We allocate permits one at a time, based on the priorities below (1 = highest, 6 = lowest).

  1. House on a single title without off-street parking. Or an apartment building built before 1944 without off-street parking.
  2. House on a single title with one off-street parking space.
  3. All other houses or townhouses.
  4. Apartments.
  5. Community groups, schools, education providers.
  6. Businesses.

If you are applying for several permits, you can only receive one in each allocation round.

The process stops once the cap is reached or when all applicants have received a permit.

New housing developments

To make the resident parking scheme sustainable, homes built after the notification of the Auckland Unitary Plan in 30 September 2013 are not eligible for permits and coupons. 

Developers and new home builders should allow for adequate off-street parking in their plans.

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