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Planning and Acquisitions Graduate

Will Pringle

I was born and raised just north of Christchurch to a family of 6 and have spent most of my life there. I love sports, geography and just spending time with friends and family.

My studies

I spent 3 years at the University of Otago studying Geography, then completed my master’s in planning from Lincoln University from 2020-21.

Why Auckland Transport

Out of all my job interviews I completed in 2021, AT was definitely the one that stuck out for me. I quickly learnt in the application and interview process that the people of AT and the culture was something I definitely wanted to be a part of. Furthermore, with my job I have the ability to positively impact the community, which is something I take pride in.

My favourite part of Nga Kaihoe

Simply just meeting new faces who are in the exact same position as you. Even during COVID and these hybrid working days, the program is set up to make it very easy for you to meet other graduates and colleagues.

My opportunities

I was brought into AT as a Customer Experience Graduate but have been able to do many placements in their Culture and Transformation division (HR), which has allowed me to broaden my knowledge and skills. As grads, we are also given the opportunity to go through a “Personal Mastery” course and work with mentors on our goals for the future.

My favourite AT value

So far, my opportunities have included work with a consent planning team processing and lodging resource consents. I have loved this work as it has allowed me to see some of the significant work we do here at AT and has already given me the opportunity to learn a lot of skills and knowledge in regard to planning.

I also spent 6 weeks with the Technical Property Specialist team processing building line restriction applications.

My advice for graduates to Ngā Kaihoe 

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone, meet people and most importantly ask questions! AT has an extremely welcoming culture and creates a work environment where people can thrive.