Excellence in Travel Choices award winner - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Excellence in Travel Choices award winner - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare

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Fisher & Paykel Healthcare is the winner of the Excellence in Travel Choices award from the Travelwise Choices Awards 2020.

Winner Fisher and Paykel of the Excellence in Travel Choices awardGeoff Bold from Fisher & Paykel accepting the Excellence in Travel Choices award.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare make medical devices for respiratory care, but they also play a huge role in encouraging sustainability and sustainable transport options.

The healthcare giant is shaking things up and that's why they are the winner of the 2020 Excellence in Travel Choices Business Award.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare has 3,500 employees based at their East Tamaki campus. With this number of employees you know that whatever choices Fisher & Paykel Healthcare make it's going to affect a lot of people.

For Fisher & Paykel Healthcare adopting sustainable transport options was never a choice, but rather a way of life.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare organised a total of 7 key events in January and February this year to promote the Aotearoa Bike Challenge.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Product Development Manager Callum Spence rode his e-mountain bike all the way from Auckland to Wellington to raise money for CureKids and show his colleagues that if he can cycle that huge distance, then surely, they could all cycle the short distance to work.

Other events included free smoothies to get people cycling, a wheelie competition, and collaboration with Auckland Transport, Sinch Bikes and Big Street Bikers who provided knowledge, bikes and giveaways to Fisher & Paykel Healthcare employees.

The Aotearoa Bike Challenge events inspired 62 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare employees to try cycling for the first time and a total of 272 to ride in February.

Another great piece of work includes a Sustainable Transport Showcase organised by Fisher & Paykel Healthcare in November 2019. The event encouraged more Fisher & Paykel Healthcare employees to use electric vehicles, carpool, cycle or catch public transport to work. What's more, the company's newly completed Building 4 continues to encourage this behaviour as it features dedicated carpool parking spaces, bike cages, hybrid vehicle parking spaces, and best of all, 20 electric vehicle charging spaces.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare continue to pave the way for businesses to adopt more sustainable transport options and truly provide their employees with every resource they need to give a new way of getting to work a try.

This no excuses approach is why they are the proud winners of the 2020 Excellence in Travel Choices Business Award.

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