Improving the unsealed road network Improving the unsealed road network

Auckland Transport (AT) has a programme to progressively improve the performance of its unsealed road network.

We’re responsible for the management and maintenance of approximately 7,800km of roads. Around 800km of the network is unsealed and is operating as gravel roads. In general, gravel roads service sparsely populated rural areas.

Around 80% of Auckland’s gravel roads are within the Rodney area. The remaining 20% are located mainly in Franklin, Great Barrier Island, Waiheke Island and Waitakere.

The Unsealed Roads Improvement Programme

We have updated our programme of unsealed road improvements based on 2023 datasets. This updated programme is based on the priority order that has come from this updated methodology.

You can download the 2025/26 to 2026/27 Unsealed Roads Improvement Programme (PDF, 101KB).

How we prioritise road sealing

Due to limited funding available for sealing unsealed roads, we developed a revised prioritisation process for unsealed road improvements. This was created in 2020 after consultation with the affected Auckland Council local boards.

Under the new prioritisation process, unsealed roads are assessed to identify the road issues and then a range of appropriate treatments may be applied to address these issues. Road sealing remains part of the solution, however this is only one of several options considered. This will mean an increased number of roads can be improved each year as a broader set of solutions are possible.

Roads with higher traffic volumes and roads with a higher strategic function such as connecting places are prioritised.

The decision-making process involves:

  • assessing the strategic role of each road and traffic volume
  • assessing each road quantitatively and qualitatively based on a multi-criteria analysis which includes:
    • safety – using road gradient and crash data
    • public health – using dwelling and amenity proximity
    • natural environment – examining sensitive receiving environments
    • climate change – impact of increased rainfall and dry periods
    • cost – most cost effective whole of life option and available budget
  • establishing the priority order based on the score they receive from the assessment criteria.

As part of this, we will take into consideration any relevant local board plans or area plans that may help influence our decisions.

The prioritisation is updated every 3 years to align with Auckland Council’s funding requirements.

The treatment options available

The new approach also allows for a broad range of treatment options, rather than defaulting to a full seal, including:

  • surface strengthening
  • road widening
  • safety improvements
  • pothole, corrugation and drainage improvements
  • road sealing.

Roads will be assessed with the treatment option determined by the core issue affecting the road. If there are multiple issues, then we will select the highest rated treatment option and if warranted, we will seal roads.

Each road is prioritised by treatment type and funding is allocated according to relative priorities within each treatment group.

We will liaise with local boards to ensure the proposed treatment option is suitable for the unsealed road.

View the Unsealed Roads Improvement decision-making process (PDF 598KB)

Maintenance for unsealed roads

Unsealed roads which are not on the current prioritisation list will continue to be maintained including:

  • regular grading of road surface
  • clearing surface water channels
  • re-metalling of the road surface when needed.

If customers have any concerns regarding maintenance of unsealed roads or observe any faults on an unsealed road which requires maintenance, please feel free to contact us by:

Funding for this programme

Funding for unsealed road improvements, including road sealing, is provided by Auckland Council, which is outlined in the Council’s Long-Term Plan (LTP).  View the current 2025 to 2034 LTP on the Council’s website.

Auckland Council has recently approved the 2025/2034 LTP funding, including funding for the 2025 to 2027 Unsealed Road Improvement Programme.

AT funding is approved in 3-year cycles and a 3-year Unsealed Road Improvement Programme is prepared based on the available funding. Based on these funding requirements, roads that do not appear on the programme of unsealed improvements cannot be scheduled for any improvement works at this time.

For more information

Contact Auckland Transport