Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path

AT and NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi are creating a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians from Merton Road near Glen Innes Station to Tāmaki Drive, allowing you to walk, run or cycle from Auckland’s eastern suburbs to the Waitematā Harbour. The path will be built in 4 stages.

Project status

Latest updates

August 2024

Hobson Bay boardwalk enabling works (Section 4: Purewa Bridge to Whakatakataka Reserve)

We will begin enabling works in September to prepare for the construction of the boardwalk in Hobson Bay. The boardwalk, running from Purewa Bridge to Whakatakataka Reserve, is the final section of the project. We plan on starting construction towards the end of the year. Once completed it will replace the temporary cycling facility constructed along Ngapipi Road.

In September we will be:

  • trimming, removing and protecting trees
  • creating a laydown area in the Whakatakataka Reserve
  • removing approximately 350 square metres of pest tree (privet) near Purewa Bridge.

All trees removed will be replaced and supplemented with native planting.

Tree works will create noise. Traffic flow on local roads will not be affected.

We will appoint a construction partner for the boardwalk construction works in the coming months. After that we will be able to confirm the project timeline and construction details.

KiwiRail work next to the shared path (Section 2: Saint Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk)

KiwiRail has completed its construction work next to the shared path in Pourewa Valley. Work areas have been prepared for the upcoming planting season.

For any questions, please contact KiwiRail on or phone 0800 801 070 extension 43042.

Section 4 (Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive) - the last link

The final stage to complete Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land to sea) is the 870m bridge and boardwalk in Hobson Bay, connecting from Orakei Road to Whakatakataka Reserve. With consent obtained, we are now planning the delivery of the work, including confirming cost, and expect to start work before the end of 2024.

In the meantime, pedestrians and cyclists can reach Tāmaki Drive using Ngapipi Road, which features a temporary uni-directional cycleway and newly widened footpaths to cater for the growing number of people traveling this route.  

This is a priority project for AT as a key piece of the wider Strategic Cycling Network, providing healthier car-free choices for how people choose to travel around their neighbourhood and for their commute.

Other works completed on Section 4

Shared paths connecting Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk to and along Ngapipi Road from Whakatakataka Reserve past the boatsheds to Tāmaki Drive are complete.

Find out more about Section 4 and the interim improvements on Ngapipi Road.

Project overview

The Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path - Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land and sea) project will deliver a 7km-long path connecting Auckland’s eastern suburbs to the city centre.

The path completes a missing link in Auckland’s cycle network and connect with cycle routes to Point England, the shared path along Tāmaki Drive, and the Tāmaki Drive Cycle Route.

The natural beauty and magnificent views along the route will appeal to people commuting into the city as well as those using the path for fitness and recreation.

With over 5km completed, from Merton Road, Glen Innes to Ōrākei Basin, Section 4 - Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive is the remaining stage to connect people all the way to the waterfront.

A map showing the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path. White text at the top of the screen says 'Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land and sea)'. The path is shown by a line stretching from its beginning at Merton Road through to Tāmaki Drive. The different sections of the path are shown in different colours. Section 1 is shown as a yellow line stretching from Merton Road to St Johns Road. Section 2 is shown as a red line stretching from St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin. It is shown as stopping at Meadowbank Train Station. Section 3 of the path is shown as a green line stretching across the Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk. Section 4 of the path is shown as a blue line going from Ōrākei Basin, through Ōrākei Train Station, to Tāmaki Drive. In the bottom left of the image is a key depicting the colour for each section and the section name. The section names listed are: Section 1, Merton Road to St Johns Road (completed), Section 2, St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin (completed), Section 3, Ōrākei Basin boardwalk (completed), and Section 4 (Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive).
Image: Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path route map.


  • Safe and convenient for people on foot or on the bike.
  • Good lighting will extend hours of access, particularly during the winter months.
  • The route’s geography is hilly in places, but the design of the path will keep gradients as low as possible.
  • The path connects communities with public transport along the route.
  • Community input will help shape aspects of the path.

Section 1 - Merton Road to St Johns Road

Glen Innes Shared Path Section 1 Map

Section 2 - St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin

Glen Innes Shared Path Section2

Section 2 closes the gap between sections 1 and 3, providing an uninterrupted 5km of the full 7km route.

A series of mahi toi (artworks) were unveiled in May 2024 along Section 2 of the path between Kohimarama Road and Ōrākei Basin. This includes 2 sets of pou (cultural markers) at the end of each path acting as waharoa (entranceways), and carved handrails at both ends of the 2 bridges.

All artworks relate to the central design theme ‘Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai’ (from the land to the sea). The 4.5m tall green and red waka pou at Ōrākei Basin are named Ki Uta and Ki Tai respectively. They mark the point between sections 2 and 3.

The pou at Kohimarama Road represent the inhabitants of the Pourewa Valley below, specifically the piwakawaka (fantail) and tuna (eel). Designs along the carved handrails show the connectivity of the path sections and te maunga (the mountain) and nga wai (the waters).

Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive Shared Path Tuna Pou

Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path waka pou

Section 3 - Ōrākei Basin boardwalk

Looking down the shared path towards Auckland city centre. It's almost dark and the path is lit up by lights along the rail.

Section 4 - Ōrākei Basin to Tāmaki Drive

GI to Tāmaki Dr Shared Path section 4 map

Vital connections completed

The shared paths connecting Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk to Purewa Bridge (along Ōrākei Road), and along Ngapipi Road (from Whakatakataka Reserve past the boatsheds to Tamaki Drive) are completed.

One remaining piece of the puzzle

We know the community is eager to see the path completed to give them a continuous connection all the way to the waterfront and destinations beyond. With consent obtained, we are now planning the delivery of the work, including confirming cost. We expect to start work before the end of the year.

A community asset, connecting with nature

We received overwhelmingly positive feedback about the design for the boardwalk, which follows the Hobson Bay coastline. Distanced from rail and traffic noise, it will provide a respite in people’s daily commute, and attract more people to opt for healthy, congestion free ways to travel. With its stunning surrounds it will also be a popular destination for Aucklanders.

Read the feedback summary report.

Designed with the community in mind

Community feedback received through this consultation and other sections of the path – including the Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk - has highlighted the importance of a low (1.2m) and more permeable (or ‘see through’) balustrade, so people can take in views of the surrounding environment. We received very positive feedback about the design, including about it being sympathetic and fitting with the environment. 

Boardwalk image

We were asked during the consultation to show how the balustrade permeability compares with the Section 3 balustrade, so we produced a pack giving more detail about the design.

We also worked closely with our Mana Whenua project partners and key stakeholders including Ōrākei Local Board and Bike Auckland. Through our work with these stakeholders, we ensured the design:

  • retains recreational water access
  • complements Ōrākei Local Board and Auckland Council aspirations to restore Whakatakataka Reserve
  • provides access for boatshed owners and safety for path shed users
  • considers sea-level rise
  • minimises the size of the boardwalk and bridge, and complements the natural environment.

We have also reflected feedback received from consultations on other sections of the path. We know it is important to the community that:

  • lighting is unobtrusive, while still illuminating the path safety
  • we preserve views from the path
  • people are kept safe with surfaces that minimise the risk of slipping
  • the balustrade height is kept low, while still being safe
  • curves are smooth for cyclists
  • a rest area is provided.

Hobson Photosim

Bird's eye view of Section 4

Unless you get out in the bay to paddleboard or kayak, you probably won’t have seen the beautiful coastline up-close. Take a moment to watch our video to get a glimpse of what it will be like to travel along this path.

Ngā mahi toi – recognising Mana Whenua values

Cultural markers (pou) will be positioned in significant locations to tell important Mana Whenua narratives of this place. Developed in collaboration with Mana Whenua and artist Graham Tipene, they will provide wayfinding and cultural interpretation points along the pathway. The pou will include integrated carved creative expressions with backlighting and interpretive information.

rest area

Section 4 from Ngapipi Rd

Boardwalk lighting and materials

The bridge and boardwalk will comprise a concrete deck and timber and steel balustrades with LED downlighting in the handrail.

To determine the alignment of the boardwalk in Hobson Bay, we have considered user comfort, the potential impact on neighbours, marine traffic, water access and use, environmental impact and sea-level rise.

Subtle materials, finishes and design details have been selected to naturally complement the coastal landscape and its curved form.

View the full design pack.

Interim improvements on Ngapipi Road

With many more people travelling through the area, the interim facility on Ngapipi Road is much needed until the boardwalk in Hobson Bay is constructed, creating an alternative route. The 4.5m wide boardwalk will have smooth surfacing and low gradients making it a faster, more comfortable, and accessible route to take to and from Tāmaki Drive.

Ngapipi Road is a challenging location due to its topography, high traffic volumes, importance as a freight and bus route and lack of available space for new facilities. Space allows for a one-way cycle facility only, and the footpath has been widened as much as possible within the available space and other constraints. If travelling north (toward Tāmaki Drive) people on a scooter or bike can use the uni-directional cycleway. If heading south, travelling on the outside edge of the shared path (further from vehicles exits) is encouraged. Please travel safely at appropriate speeds for a shared space while using the route, be prepared to stop at driveways and bus stops and if walking, keep dogs on a short lead.

Our thanks to road users, people on foot and bike, locals and businesses for your patience as we progressively completed work along Ōrākei Road, the connection to Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk, and Ngapipi Road.

For more information on this project
