Invitation to qualify for new Total Mobility operators Invitation to qualify for new Total Mobility operators

Auckland Transport wishes to increase the number of Total Mobility operators. We are looking for operators with small passenger service licenses (or who could obtain a licence by September 2022) in order to supply services to eligible customers under the Total Mobility scheme.

Applications have closed and will reopen next year. Please check back for new dates. 

Total Mobility scheme

The Total Mobility scheme is a national scheme which supports people who cannot use public transport to travel, all or some of the time with a subsidised rate of up to 75%. 

Find out more about the Total Mobility scheme.

What we need

Auckland Transport is looking for operators with Small Passenger Service Licenses (or who could obtain a licence by September 2022) in order to supply services to eligible customers under the Total Mobility Scheme.

Auckland Transport ensures that eligible customers are able to access appropriate transport quickly; be transported safely; and be treated with dignity. This means that coverage of suitable operators across the region is important as is the quality of the actual service provided. Auckland Transport takes due diligence in ensuring that the operation of the scheme itself and that of the operators is managed effectively and that suitable systems and processes are in place. 

Note: This is only an opportunity and does not guarantee business to the operator from AT and the Total Mobility scheme clients. 


Each application must meet the Preconditions listed in Section 3.1 of the ITQ Submission Template. Applicants who are unable to meet the Preconditions should conclude that they will not benefit from submitting an application.

At Auckland Transport, Health and Safety is important to us. As a result of this we require all operators who wish to submit a proposal to ensure that they have a Health and Safety Management Plan that complies with the principles of NZS 4801:2001 – full certification is not necessary.

Discounted transport and other benefits

Total Mobility services offer a discounted transport option for many customers in Auckland. By successfully applying, operators will have access to this group for the duration of the Agreement. Over the duration of the Agreement, the total value of the transport fares charged to customers will provide the a significant value as well as the subsidy provided through Auckland Transport – it will be up to each operator to compete for their portion based on their own strategy.

Further, by being an approved provider to this Scheme, it demonstrates to other organisations that an operator is able to deliver safe and dignified transport to customers and is also able to maintain a professional and solution-focussed relationship with Auckland Transport.

Being a Total Mobility Operator is more than just a financial decision; the ability to support eligible customers to lead full and active lives in their community is a worthwhile end in itself.

What AT will consider

Auckland Transport will consider the following factors when finalising and reaching decisions as to which applicants will be successful.

  • Geographic spread of services around the Auckland Region
  • Taxi Operators may already be operating normal services in these locations
  • Fully aware with NZTA Taxi Operator requirements
  • Experienced with the functionality of the RideWise Software- In-vehicle electronics to allow for full end – to- end transaction and card management.
  • Completed NZQA Unit Standards (or the equivalent replacement standard if updated during the Term) prior to providing any TM Services
  • Adequate customer experience provided to Total Mobility clients
  • Comply with Auckland Transport and the Total Mobility scheme safety requirements

Budget and take off Contract Obligations

What you need to do:

  • Sign a contract agreement with Auckland Transport. This contract agreement will incorporate a length of service obligation.
  • Provide evidence of the requirements of the AT specifications to join the Total Mobility scheme for the Auckland region.

Join the Total Mobility scheme 

Applications will reopen next year. Please check back for new dates. 

Important readings