Puketāpapa – He Taunga Paihikara – A cycling haven Puketāpapa – He Taunga Paihikara – A cycling haven

Cycle heaven logo

Community feedback shows there’s great support for more people to cycle our existing greenway infrastructure while getting fit and saying safe in the Puketāpapa/Mt Roskill area. By working together with the community, Council-family staff, Kāinga Ora as well as schools, we can create a local cycle haven for everyone to enjoy.

Cycling around Mt Roskill just got easier with the help of the Puketāpapa - He Taunga Paihikara I Puketāpapa, a Cycle Haven project. It’s a cool bike train initiative that will encourage more children and family members to cycle around the vast number of cycle paths in the area.


A Bike Train pilot run by the Global Hope back in 2019 showed demand to extend this type of experience further. There’s significant projected population growth in the area due to current and planned extensive housing developments, particularly by Kāinga Ora. This means reducing barriers to people cycling is going to help reduce the amount of traffic on the road, reduce carbon emissions as well as improving the fitness, health and wellbeing of the community.

The local Roskill Bike Kitchen facility, conveniently located in Wesley and Roskill South, will provide ongoing community support as well as give people access to bikes. We will be working closely with 10 local schools to encourage kids to ride to and from school on the off-road shared paths.

The Fit for Growth Insights Report February 2022 outlined a community desire for: “Safe spaces for our children to grow and play. We heard from children that they want to be outside and using local green and meeting spaces for free play with their friends and family. Children connect at a very local level – within a few streets' radius or to close destinations like the local park, playground or school grounds. Parents wanted to know their children were safe and could play near home. Particular concern was for traffic and increased cars on roads due to intensification.” .

Local support

As well as support from community groups and local schools, Auckland Transport is working closely with the Puketāpapa Local Board to deliver this project. The Puketāpapa Cycle Haven project meets key objectives in the Puketāpapa Local Board Plan for 2020-2023 by:

  • Providing a range of transport options that are less polluting, such as a shift towards carpooling, trip reduction, public transport, walking and cycling
  • Investing in cycle safety and education

About the programme

The Cycle Haven sits under the Ngā Tiriti Ngangahau or the Vibrant Streets programme. It is a newly established $3 million fund that is to be delivered by Auckland Transport over the first three years of Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland Council’s 10-year climate action package.

The programme covers seven projects across Auckland that aim to reduce transport emissions by improving access to active modes (such as cycling or walking) and infrastructure. The programme was open to applications from local boards, Auckland Council and Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs). This opportunity was also extended to Mana Whenua through AT’s engagement hui.

Applications that met the eligibility criteria were assessed against the Primary and Secondary objectives for the programme.

Primary objectives

  • Reduce transport emissions and improve air quality outside of the city centre by encouraging a shift to walking and cycling through the creation of more people-friendly streets.
  • Respond to local enthusiasm for people-friendly streets through undertaking activities in areas where there is strong local board and community support.

Secondary objectives

  • Encourage the use of initiatives that can be rolled out rapidly and at relatively low cost and with a link to existing funding so a permanent solution can be put in place, if the trial is successful (e.g., projects included for funding in the Regional Land Transport Plan).
  • Support Māori outcomes, for example by encouraging active Māori participation, and improving low carbon access to marae, kura, kohanga, employment and services.

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