Region-wide pedestrian crossing improvements 2018 Region-wide pedestrian crossing improvements 2018

Auckland’s population has grown significantly over the past years. This has affected our roads: in the years between 2012 and 2017, the number of pedestrians being seriously injured or killed on Auckland’s roads increased by 75%. Recent investigations show that 20% of pedestrian crashes occur at existing zebra crossings.

To curb this trend and meet the objectives of the Regional Land Transport Plan, we are planning to roll out a region-wide programme that targets existing crossings at high-risk locations. We have selected 49 sites that we're hoping to improve first.

Project overview 

How we selected these 49 sites

We want to maximise our impact on the community with these upgrades. For that reason, we have carefully assessed the many existing crossings all over Auckland, and prioritised these sites based on a combination of crash data, vicinity to schools and town-centres, road speed, the volume of cars, traffic conditions, and community requests.

Further safety upgrades to other crossings across Auckland are currently being investigated for the following years.

Benefits of raising these crossings

All locations will be transformed by raising the crossing onto a table. This is proven to be an effective means of slowing vehicles to 30 km/h or less. Slow speeds are essential to ensure pedestrian safety. Depending on the location of the crossing, changes may also include building out the kerb, and/or new refuge islands that will shorten crossing distances for people on the footpath.

Other new safety features include: improved signage, surface treatments, road markings and lighting. These will increase the visibility of pedestrians, and create a safe environment for all road users, at all times.

Overview map of projects

Timeline and construction

Community feedback closed on 14 December 2018. You can find our responses to the feedback we received here. We are aiming to construct the projects between March and June 2019.

Our contractors will do their best to minimise any inconvenience this may cause.

Contractors will notify affected residents if any changes in the construction date occur.

Have your say

Public feedback for these projects closed 14 December 2018.