Streets for People - Onewherowhero (Kelston) Streets for People - Onewherowhero (Kelston)
Making streets a better place for our tamariki.
On this page
- Project update
- About Streets for People
- What are the trial changes?
- Project benefits
- The Streets for People Programme
Project update
The Streets for People Onewherowhero consultation with the community officially closed on 14 April 2024.
Get up-to-date information about the Streets for People Onewherowhero (Kelston) project
About Streets for People
The Tāmaki Makaurau Streets for People programme is working with local communities to design and test temporary or semi-permanent street changes in their area. These changes are geared towards making it easier for people to walk, bike or wheel.
Streets for People puts people first, designing and testing with the people who use the space rather than for them. Compared to traditional transport projects, the changes will be low-cost and low risk. This allows our project team to better understand the wants and needs of the local community before making any permanent changes.
Auckland Transport’s Tāmaki Makaurau Streets for People programme is a part of the national Streets for People programme led by Waka Kotahi. Auckland Transport was one of 13 successful applicants to this programme, which will fund projects in both Kelston-New Lynn and Māngere.
Over the past few months, we’ve been working with the local schools, community groups and mana whenua to explore ways of improving the streets around Kelston.
We are moving forward in stages and have installed the on-street changes listed below while we review the plans for the pop-up hub in the corner of Bamboo Grove and St Leonards Road.
What are the trial changes?
To make it easier and safer for the community, especially school children, to get around, we have:
- Installed planter boxes and flexi-posts along St Leonards Road to encourage slower speeds and increase safety for students who walk and cycle to school.
- Installed a temporary pedestrian island to improve safety for people crossing the top of Vanguard Road.
- Reinforced existing no-parking zones and encourage slow turning traffic at the intersections of St Leonards Road with Barbary Avenue, Vanguard Road, and Bamboo Groove.
- Removed 6 parking spaces along St Leonards Road to improve visibility in areas frequently accessed by children.
- Installed wheel stops in front of the St Leonards shops to stop cars from driving onto the footpath.
- Installed speed cushions on Bamboo Grove to slow speeds and improve safety for those crossing the road.
- Installed a permanent pram ramp with tactile pavers on Bamboo Grove to make it safer for those crossing.
- Reinforced the existing no-parking areas outside Kelston Girls College so it is easier to see people crossing the road.
Changes to St Leonards Road
Project benefits
This project aims to support an increase in safe walking and cycling by:
- Making the streets safer and more enjoyable places to be in.
- Empowering students and the school community to participate in designing, implementing, and assessing changes.
Community and school events
St Leonards Primary Wheels Day (24 November 2023)
This was an opportunity to introduce the children to safely riding their bikes and scooters to school. We invited bike mechanics from the Bike Kitchen to fix some wheels that need repair. AT’s Community Partnership Team also provided the kids with some basic safe cycling skills.

Watch out for more community events and activities that will allow locals to give the trail a go and have their say on the changes.
The Streets for People Programme
The Streets for People programme is a national programme funded by Waka Kotahi which aims to make it easier and faster to create safer, healthier, and more people-friendly streets.
The programme creates opportunities for councils across New Zealand to partner with communities to accelerate street change projects (e.g. walking and cycling improvements, safe routes to school, and road safety). This will help Aotearoa to achieve its emissions reduction goals faster while creating vibrant, people-friendly places for thriving communities.
Learn more about the national Streets for People programme on the Waka Kotahi website.
To receive updates, ask questions or get involved in the Kelston-New Lynn Streets for People project please email