Tāmaki Drive northern footpath and handrail upgrade Tāmaki Drive northern footpath and handrail upgrade

Construction starts: 7 November 2022

Construction completion: August 2023

The section of footpath to be renewed lies between the Solent Street intersection and the Ngāpipi Bridge. 


This project was requested by the Waitematā local board as part of long-term improvements to walking and cycling along the Waitematā waterfront, and in the wider Ōrākei area generally. It will upgrade links between the central city and eastern locations, such as Glen Innes.

Project details 

Thank you for your engagement and help with our planning of this upgrade. The project will improve the poor-quality asphalt surface of the footpath, replacing it with a more robust concrete surface, less prone to future problems. It will also provide a new, double horizontal handrail.

The existing footpath surface needs repair and replacement. The current path has:

  • An uneven surface caused by tree roots
  • Potholes
  • Surface cracking
  • Loss of function of the drainage channels due to successive asphalt overlays
  • Inadequate protection from wave action
  • A handrail that is not in keeping visually with the upgraded sections of Tāmaki Drive.

We will also raise the footpath by 250mm and upgrade drainage channels to provide a higher level of protection to Tāmaki Drive from storm surge. This will reduce flooding and improve the drainage of water back into the sea. The smoother, concrete surface will be more accessible for mobility users.

The height of the handrail will be raised, thereby improving safety. The design will be similar to adjacent sections of handrail, improving the look of this iconic corridor.

Footpath construction

The construction programme has been designed to reduce disruption to traffic. The footpath will be closed to pedestrians during the construction. Pedestrians and cyclists will share the cycleway beside the path during the construction work, but pedestrians will be encouraged to use the southern footpath instead.

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