Mooring inspections and service providers Mooring inspections and service providers
Find out about mooring inspections or browse a list of service providers.
Mooring inspections
All moorings must be lifted and maintained in a safe and efficient condition by an approved mooring contractor on a 2- or 3-year cycle, as a guide here are three easy steps to help. Failure to have your mooring inspected may result in a bylaw fine and cancellation of the site.
Step 1: Reminder inspection is due
- You will be reminded 6 months before your mooring is due for its 2 or 3 yearly mooring inspection.
- This will allow enough time to book a mooring service provider so that your mooring is inspected before the due date.
Step 2: Book your inspection in plenty of time
- See the list of mooring service providers and make sure you book your inspection when requested, to minimise delays.
- Mooring contractors have a lot of moorings to inspect. They also have to work around weather and tidal conditions.
Step 3: Complete the inspection
When inspected, if the condition of the mooring is acceptable, a mooring inspection certificate will be issued (much like a vehicle warrant of fitness).
Did you know?
The most common cause of mooring failure is lack of maintenance. Please check your mooring regularly.
Find out more about mooring licence rules and responsibilities.
Mooring service providers
- Contact: Robyn Davenport
- Mobile: 021 025 00542
- Email:
- Work phone: 09 407 7770
- Website:
- Contact: Laurence Wall
- Mobile: 027 492 6041
- Email:
- Website:
- Contact: Glen Collins
- Phone: 09 372 2464
- Mobile: 027 233 6693
- Email:
- Website:
- Contact: Tony and Linda Lewin
- Mobile: 027 459 0006 or 027 242 3512
- Email:
- Contact: Paul & Linda Greenhorn
- Mobile: 027 528 4441
- Email:
- Contact: Peter Ganley
- Mobile: 027 422 7724
- Email: