Safe Communities Programme - Mt Roskill Safe Communities Programme - Mt Roskill

Auckland Transport is committed to improving the safety of all road users travelling through this community area.

Project status: Completed

Project zone: Central

Project overview

We have constructed important safety improvements along Mt Albert Road that will create a better and safer environment for everyone. Construction work was completed in two stages. During the first stage, we completed the new signalised pedestrian crossing located at the intersection of Frost Road and Mt Albert Road and the changes have made it safer for all road users. During the second stage, we raised the existing pedestrian crossing on Mt Albert Road outside the Three Kings shopping plaza area and put in speed calming measures on Hayr Road.

In August/September 2021, people shared their views on plans to make improvements in this area of Mt Roskill. This was the fourth time AT asked for feedback as we first consulted on this project back in 2017.

After listening to people’s feedback, we worked alongside community representatives including the Puketāpapa Local Board to shape our intersection improvements and also focused our thinking on what is important to schools, businesses, residents, and visitors to this area. We considered extensive feedback and comments from the community and delivered a solution based on your feedback that now includes even better cycling and pedestrian facilities.

As a Vision Zero organization, AT is committed to making the roads around Auckland safer and reducing the rise of death and serious injury on our roads. This work has been prioritised due to high numbers of vulnerable users in this area including school children, senior citizens, people walking and people on bikes or motorcycles interacting with motorists.

Mt Albert Road and Hayr Road

Raised pedestrian crossing on Mt Albert Road and speed calming on Hayr Road

We raised the zebra crossing along Mt Albert Road to make it safer for pedestrians to cross the road and putting in two community requested speed humps along Hayr Road.

We started working on the Mt Albert Road crossing in late February 2023 and completed work on Hayr Road in May. Affected residents, schools and businesses in the vicinity were notified, prior to starting work.

Please note that due to a land acquisition process outside of AT that impacted on AT’s timing for this work, we did not proceed with some of the earlier proposed changes located at the Hayr Road, Dornwell Road and Mt Albert Road intersection.

The pedestrian and cycle lane safety improvements included:

  • New raised pedestrian crossing which includes drainage works, kerb buildouts, pram crossings, footpath reconstruction and the installation of new streetlights.
  • Construction of new AC speed humps.
  • Asphalt resurfacing and new road marking.
  • Ancillary works associated with the project.

Mt Albert Road and Frost Road

Arists impression of the improved pedestrian safety on Frost Road and Carr Road in Mt Roskill

Image: Frost Road/Mt Albert Road intersection

  • We installed separated cycling facilities on Mt Albert Road through the intersection.
  • We installed traffic lights and pedestrian-controlled crossings on all three legs of the intersection.
  • We installed new sections of footpath at crossings and connecting to the nearby bus stops, including tactile pavers to help guide people with low vision to the correct place to cross the road.
  • We painted new road markings to support changes at the intersection.
  • We relocated the bus stop from #496 to #500 Mt Albert Road.
  • We relocated the bus stop from #471 to #473 Mt Albert Road.
  • We removed the existing crossing point traffic islands at #473.
  • We removed six (five on Mount Albert Road and one on Frost Road) on-street carparking spaces to help with intersection visibility.
  • Street lighting at this intersection was also upgraded as part of this project.

Contact us

For queries about the project contact Auckland Transport on 09 355 3553 or email