Grey Lynn and Westmere improvements Grey Lynn and Westmere improvements

Project update

The Grey Lynn and Westmere Improvements project is currently on hold as we focus our funding on recovering from the weather events earlier this year and investing in already committed capital projects.

 We hope to deliver the proposed street and travel improvements in the future, when funding is available.

 Thank you to everyone in the community who has given their time to provide feedback on this project.

Consultation update

Consultation ran from Monday 24 January to Sunday 27 February 2022. It had several purposes:

  • Refresh people’s awareness and understanding of the project.
  • Collect any final thoughts on the design, before construction gets underway.
  • Help AT understand what aspects of the Safe School Speeds trial have been successful and what hasn’t worked as well.
  • Tap into local knowledge to help manage construction impacts.

We received 232 submissions and 246 pieces of feedback through the Social Pinpoint site. Feedback covered a wide range of topics, including general support for or opposition to the project, on-street parking, design improvement suggestions, comment on the Safe School Speeds trial, and suggestions for how the project should be delivered.

All feedback has been assessed and considered by the project team. Feedback is informing design development and construction planning.

Download Grey Lynn and Westmere Improvements engagement report (PDF 3MB).

Project overview

Auckland Transport is delivering walking, cycling and bus improvements along two routes within Grey Lynn and Westmere. The improvements include 5.6km of protected cycleways, new pedestrian crossings, bus stops and raised speed tables at intersections. These changes make it safer and easier to move around the area however people chose to travel.

  • Route 1 – Garnet Road, Old Mill Road, Surrey Crescent
  • Route 2 – Richmond Road, Surrey Crescent

Since we last consulted the public in 2018, the design has been updated and readied for construction. Most recently, the project was delayed following the Covid-19 emergency budget in 2020.

Map showing Grey Lynn and Westmere improvements

Map: Grey Lynn and Westmere improvements (Routes 1 and 2)

Plans for 2022

The project includes the following improvements to provide safe access to Grey Lynn and Westmere Schools, West Lynn Village, Old Mill Village and the Richmond Road retail hub near Countdown.

Improvements include:

  • Cycleways separated from traffic
  • Improved bus stops
  • Raised table pedestrian crossings
  • Raised tables across side streets
  • A new roundabout
  • More trees and planting along the route

Most sections of the cycleway will be on-road, physically separated from vehicles and pedestrians. Within areas that have high pedestrian numbers, the cycleway will be raised to the level of the footpath to promote slower speeds. This includes areas outside schools, village centres, and near the Countdown on Richmond Road.

Download project brochure

Benefits for the public 

  • Safer cycling for all ages and abilities
  • Expanding Auckland’s network of connected cycleways
  • Bus stop and cycleway integration
  • Improved safety for people crossing the street and side streets
  • Slower vehicle speeds and improved safety
  • Growing Auckland’s urban ngahere (forest)

Other projects happening in this area:

  • West Lynn Village

The section through West Lynn Village was completed in 2017. Remedial work to address cycleway design issues within the Village is now underway as a separate project, due for completion by July 2022. Find out more about West Lynn Village works.

  • Safe School Speeds at Grey Lynn School

AT is trialling the Safe School Speeds pilot programme outside Grey Lynn School to reduce the risk of death and serious injury, using temporary changes like street art and planter boxes. The Grey Lynn and Westmere improvements project will deliver the permanent design for this area. Find out more about the Grey Lynn Safe School Speeds project on the Auckland council's website

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