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Mobility parking permits Mobility parking permits

A Mobility Parking Permit enables the permit holder to park conveniently close to their destination, inaccessible reserved parking spaces or park longer than the stated time in some standard car parks and metered spaces.

You can apply for a mobility parking permit from these organisations:

Apply for a Mobility Parking Permit

Mobility parking permit

The mobility parking permit scheme is managed by CCS Disability Action. It is a concession-parking scheme owned and administered by CCS Disability Action with the cooperation of local GPs and city and district councils.

To learn more or to apply for a Mobility Parking Permit, visit the Mobility Parking website (managed by CCS Disability Action).

Apply for a Mobility Parking Permit (Mobility Parking website)

If you qualify for a mobility permit, you will receive a card from CCS Disability Action. In December 2012, the permits were changed to a new look permit in CCS Disability Action colours (green, black and white) with an expiry date, barcode and permit number on it. The barcode allows parking wardens to scan the permit to check ownership. Existing orange permits are still valid and will be replaced as they reach their individual expiry date.

The permit must be clearly displayed on the inside of the vehicle windscreen or on the dashboard while you are parked.

Apply for a Disability Parking Identification Permit

Sommerville Mobility Parking PermitSommerville's parking scheme is for people whose disability makes it difficult for them to walk more than a short distance.

Parking concessions have been made so users can park as near as possible to their destination. These permits are accepted nationwide.

Eligibility needs to be confirmed by a doctor who has signed the application form.

The permit must be clearly displayed, preferably on the dashboard of the parked vehicle.

Apply for a Disability Parking Identification Permit (Sommerville Disability Services website)

You may have a card for the following durations:

  • Short-Term Disability: the applicant is expected to gain full or sufficient mobility in 12 months or less and will no longer meet the required conditions of the Card.
  • Long Term: the applicant is expected to gain full or sufficient mobility between one and fives years to an extent where they no longer meet the requirements of the Card.
  • Permanent Disability: the applicant will always meet the requirements of the Card (cardholders only need to get a new card every five years but don't need to reapply through their practitioners).

Parking concessions for mobility permit holders

  • Mobility permit holders can park for double the time restriction indicated on parking signage in the following areas: P5, P10, P15, P30, P45, P60, P90 and P120, e.g. in a P30 space, permit holders can park for 60 minutes;
  • In dedicated mobility parking areas, permit holders can only park for the time restriction displayed on parking signage;
  • In all on-street pay and display parking areas, permit holders are given one additional hour of free parking on top of the time paid for, e.g. if a parking receipt is displayed with an expiry time of 2:15 pm, the permit holder can stay in the parking space until 3:15 pm.

Get more information about where you can find mobility parking in Auckland

Total Mobility scheme

The Total Mobility scheme provides eligible registered individuals in the form of subsidised door-to-door transport services wherever Total Mobility transport providers (usually taxis) operate.

Read more about the Total Mobility scheme.

For more information

Contact Auckland Transport


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