North Rural Auckland flood recovery progress North Rural Auckland flood recovery progress

The North Rural area of the Auckland region was the most severely impacted by the storm events of 2023. We’ve made significant progress on repairing storm-damaged roads over the last 18 months, as shown by the following statistics.

Reported sites and slip repairs as of 31 May 2024:

  • Total number of sites: 326 (68 major)
  • Currently under construction: 11 (9 major)
  • Completed sites: 292 (90%, 40 major)

The reported number of sites requiring minor to major repairs will change slightly over time as the design and investigation of each slip site develops.

Read the North Rural flood recovery update - June 2024 to stay updated on the progress of repair work in your area. 

We ask for your patience as we repair sites all over Auckland.

To report new issues, please contact us.

Completed slip repair sites

The following is a list of recently completed major sites in the North Rural area. Our thanks go to everyone in each of these communities for your patience and understanding as we made necessary repairs and restored safe connections.

  • Ahuroa Road, Puhoi – 3 of 8 slips
  • Ashton Road, Leigh
  • Coatesville Riverhead Highway, Coatesville
  • Goat Island Road, Leigh
  • Haruru Road, Wainui
  • Kahikatea Flats Road, Warkworth
  • Krippner Road, Puhoi – 22 slips 
  • Mahurangi Road East, Snells Beach
  • Makarau Road, Makarau
  • Matakana Valley Road, Matakana – 8 of 10 slips
  • Moir Hill Road, Warkworth – 11 slips
  • Pakiri Road, Leigh and Pakiri – 8 slips
  • South Head Road, Helensville
  • Tahekeroa Road, Tahekeroa
  • Tauhoa Road, Tauhoa
  • Wainui Road, Wainui
  • Waitoki Road, Waitoki
  • Waiwhiu Road, Dome Valley
  • Weranui Road, Wainui – 3 completed to date
  • West Coast Road, Kaipara Flats – 9 slips

Ahuroa Road, Puhoi

Road status: open, single lane with stop/go traffic management 

26 June 2024

Two slip sites, near 849 Ahuroa Road and the ‘hairpin’ bend, are set for final guardrail and line-marking work during the first week of July (weather permitting). This will only require a stop/go lane closure.

Work east of J Tolhopf (site RP7784) started on 27 May. Benching is complete and 4 piles have been installed. The team are encountering some hard rock similar to the other repairs along the road. Approximately 2 months’ work remains at this site. Stop/go and occasional stop/stop traffic management is occurring, but no delays have been noted as a result of these Downer works.

Ahuroa Road ‘hairpin’ bend in Puhoi with wooden guardrail and orange cones

Aerial view of bush along Ahuroa Road with digger and other machinery working on road slip repairs

Crewman and digger at Ahuroa Road east of J Tolhopf, with white plastic sheeting and orange cones marking the repair site

22 May 2024

Work on the main slip site near 900 Ahuroa Road has been completed, and the road is now open to residents on a stop/go basis while further slips are being worked on.

Construction works near 859 Ahuroa Road (on the northern side) began in early May, and one lane is closed. All timber piles have been installed and backfilling is under way.

Work beginning near J Tolhopf Road from 27 May is expected to take around 3 months.

Of 8 slips identified along Ahuroa Road, 3 are largely complete, with 5 remaining.

Another 2 slip sites are being repaired alongside road maintenance work further down the road towards Puhoi.

24 April 2024

Downer is planning to begin construction work opposite 859 Ahuroa Road (on the northern side) from Monday 29 April. Access will be maintained with a stop/go in place. This work is expected to take around 4 weeks.

Work continues near 900 Ahuroa Road with a full road closure. Work in this area is expected to take until 7 May.

The design and methodology for repairs to Ahuroa Road at RP 7.784, approximately 50 metres east of J Tolhopf Road, is progressing. Access will be maintained, but at times there may be a delay of 10 minutes when travelling through this section of road. During peak times, Downer will ensure access is uninterrupted. We will provide an update once a construction start date is confirmed. 

22 April 2024

All piling has now been completed with a total of 149 piles installed. Our priority now shifts to drainage works and the capping beam. The focus has now shifted to the concrete work on the capping beam of the retaining wall.  The heavy machinery within the road corridor restricts both vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the area.

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8 April 2024

The construction team is installing the last of the 300m of piling and continuing to install the capping beam, poured to support the retaining wall and road.

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18 March 2024

All 900mm 17m piles are in and Downer is now installing 900mm 12m piles using steel casing.

February 2024

Downer is making good progress, with 73 of 150 piles (some up to 17 metres deep) and 80 soil nails in place.

January 2024

Downer has now reestablished all construction equipment on site in preparation for the months ahead. The team is drilling and filling piles on the upper section of the site and the road will continue to remain closed for the duration of these works.

December 2023

Downer, on behalf of Auckland Transport (AT), continues to make progress on the remediation of the roadway on Ahuroa Hill. Since construction activities
began, a total of 16 piles have been drilled across the two sections. This is a considerable effort given the ground conditions which includes hard rock at a much lower depth than expected.

The construction team will be taking a break over the holiday period, from Thursday 22nd December 2023 returning on Monday 8th January 2024. During
this period the road will remain closed with all current temporary traffic management remaining in place.

26 October 2023

Ahuroa Road is proving difficult to repair. The original design was completed and works began in July 2023 on the permanent reinstatement. Unfortunately, the underlying rock layer is substantially deeper than thought, which has required a review of design options and a temporary hold on works.

AT is assessing six new design options and will select the most appropriate.  Once we have the preferred option, Downer and AT will be able to provide programme information to the community around timing and options.

AT remains committed to the successful completion of these works and expects that we will be able restart construction within four weeks and have the road open by April 2024.

10 October 2023

On Ahuroa Road, several major slips have completely closed the road through to Puhoi. There has been considerable progress on the slip at Ahuroa Hill RP8200-8600. Soil nails acting like anchors are in place, which means the slope is now stabilised against further erosion. Shotcrete (sprayed-on concrete) was completed in September, as shown in the image on the right. This specialised process involves the high-pressure spraying of concrete onto the retaining wall's surface, reinforcing its structural integrity. Some remaining components for this slip are currently in design.

21 September 2023

Completion of works is expected by February 2024.

7 September 2023

Ahuroa Road is being worked on in sections. Some sections have already been completed, some are in construction. One section near J Tolhopf Road, where there was a major slip, is in the design phase. Designs are being prepared to repair this section in conjunction with the other repairs.

There are several retaining walls to be completed and will be worked on in sections. Each section will be completed separately. Road sealing will be completed afterwards.

30 May 2023

  • Final design has been approved. Works to start shortly.
  • Road status - open from both ends with one section of road closed at J Tolhopf Road.

3 May 2023

  • 8 underslips have been identified.
  • Geotechnical investigation has been completed, and an inclinometer has been put in place.
  • Preliminarily assessment and design for the road rebuild were completed and presented on 20 April 2023. We are now moving forward to the final design phase using the existing road alignment.
  • Road status – open from both ends with one section of the road closed at J Tolhopf Road.

Matakana Valley Road, Matakana

Road status: open, single lane with stop/go traffic management 

There are 10 slips located along Matakana Valley Road. The first repair site started on 29 February 2024.

26 June 2024

The team here are making great progress and are well ahead of programme. Eight sites have now been completed, with another one under way and one in design.

Work crew and cement truck laying cement at roadside slip marked with orange cones

22 April 2024

Three slip sites have been repaired and another 5 are under way. 

At RP773 (below left) 17 steel UC beams have been installed, ready for the lagging to be installed. Further along the road 39 timber poles have been installed with another 8 to come (see below right).

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At RP7037 timber poles and lagging is complete (below left), while at RP7730 all steel beams are in place and timber lagging and backfilling is under way (below right).

At RP7330 (below left) and RP7257 (below right) 17 beams have been installed, and curb and channel work are under way.

8 April 2024

Chip sealing has been completed on 3 sites (RP7330, RP7257 and RP5900) and 25 retailing poles are being installed and backfilled at RP7037. Ten steel beams have been installed at RP7730.

18 March 2024

The retaining wall at RO5900 is completed and kerb and channel will be installed next. Contractors are working on another three sites.

21 February 2024

Downer, on behalf of AT, will be undertaking permanent repair works on the 10 slip sites across Matakana Valley Road between numbers 732-952 from late February/early March. The construction work includes building retaining wall structures to reinforce and prevent further slips from occurring.

Works will begin near number 952 Matakana Valley Road, with the plan to progressively move through the area as each slip is remediated. Construction is expected to take 10 months, and we will provide regular updates on timelines.

  • Hours of work 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday
  • Traffic management includes temporary traffic signals, stop/go and speed restrictions.

22 September 2023

Work commenced on Monday 18 September. After initial works, we found that a design change was required. Works are on hold while we refine the design. Traffic management will remain in place. 

20 September 2023

Work commenced on Monday 18 September. Our initial works will involve excavation and site setup before preparing for construction of the timber pole retaining wall. This work is expected to take 6 weeks. Once this is completed, Downer will make their way to the next slip further up on Matakana Valley Road. Resilience work in this area is still in the design phase. 

8 September 2023

Work is set to begin on Monday 11 September for a 6-week period. A lane closure will be required with a stop/go in place. 

Notification to residents was delivered Tuesday  September.

17 August 2023

  • Final designs under way

20 July 2023

  • Additional damage caused by storm of 9 May 2023
  • More slips were identified during investigation.

3 May 2023

  • 6 underslips and overslips have been identified
  • Preliminary site investigations completed
  • Road status - open.

26 April 2023

  • 6 underslips and overslips have been identified
  • Preliminary site investigations completed
  • Road status - open

Mill Flat Road Bridge

April 2024

Mill Flat Road bridge replacement project

On 27 January 2023, the Mill Flat Road bridge was washed away during the Auckland Anniversary Weekend flooding event. As an emergency response, AT commissioned a Bailey Bridge to be constructed at the same location a week later.

Since then, AT has been investigating options for a permanent Mill Flat Road Bridge replacement, securing the necessary funding and undertaking a design process which includes planned intersection safety improvements on the Coatesville-Riverhead Highway.

What is planned

The Mill Flat Road Bridge current design includes:

  • a 2-lane replacement bridge with 3-metre-wide general traffic lanes
  • a single 1.5-metre-wide footpath on the southern (downstream) side of the bridge
  • a slightly widened approach to the bridge on Mill Flat Road, providing greater sightlines
  • no vehicle class or weight restriction
  • the ability to be submerged and withstand a one-in-100-year flood event without being washed away.

The new bridge will be located slightly upstream of the current bridge to enable continued community access throughout its construction. It will be constructed in two halves, with traffic running on the temporary Bailey Bridge during the first half of the build. Traffic will then run on the first half bridge while the temporary Bailey Bridge is removed and the second half of the new bridge is constructed.

Concept bridge design and typical cross-section

Intersection Improvements - Mill Flat Road / Coatesville-Riverhead Highway

  • The current design includes:
  • A right-turn bay on Coatesville-Riverhead Highway leading toward Mill Flat Road.
  • Slight widening of the road in this area, including retaining walls on the Rangitopuni Stream side, to accommodate the right-turn bay.
  • Improved signage and intersection warnings either side of the intersection.

Next steps

  • Finalise the detailed design - July 2024
  • Award contract for physical works to the successful tenderer by October 2024
  • Construction start - late 2024 for 12 to 16 months.

January 2024

Geotechnical investigations will be done at the bridge location from 30 January for approximately one week. Traffic management will be in place and delays are expected at times.

13 November 2023

AT presented a progress update to the Coatesville Transport Forum.

17 August 2023

Investigation phase under way to inform the design of the new bridge.

3 May 2023

  • Temporary one-way bridge installed
  • Project plan in development.

Pinchgut Road, Kaukapakapa

26 June 2024

Four slips remain on Pinchgut Road, with repairs starting soon. This work will follow the work currently being done on West Road.

January 2024

  • Minor slip repairs at RP1015 and RP659 complete
  • Preliminary site investigations complete, final designs in progress.

3 May 2023

  • Two underslips have been identified.
  • Preliminary site investigations are complete.

Potter Road, Dairy Flat

January 2024

Temporary emergency works completed.

3 May 2023

  • Preliminary site investigation complete
  • Road status – open

26 April 2023

  • On track to completion
  • Preliminary site investigation complete
  • Road status – open

Red Hill Road, Te Arai

Road status: closed, resident access only

17 August 2023

  • Preliminary site investigations completed
  • Final designs completed 8 June 2023

30 May 2023

  • Road closed due to most recent storm on 9 May 2023
  • Road status - closed, open to residents only

3 May 2023

  • Preliminary site investigation completed
  • Preliminary design near completion
  • Road status – open but down to one lane

26 April 2023

  • Preliminary site investigation completed
  • Preliminary design near completion
  • Road status – open but down to one lane

Takatu Road, Tāwharanui Peninsula

Road status: open, single lane with stop/go traffic management 

Repairs at Takatu Road include 5 soil-nailed shotcrete walls and one mass-gravity rock buttress to address the 6 slips identified.

26 June 2024

The team had to work with the tide to install the rock buttress during low tide. Work here is progressing well, and work on these initial slips should be completed soon.

Digger digging along muddy shoreline area at low tide

22 April 2024

Working in challenging conditions using abseiling gear and special supports for access, the team have made great progress. Steel mesh has been placed over the slip area of four slips. Shotcrete work is now complete on 4 of the 5 slips that need it.

8 April 2024

Shotcreet has been completed on Slip 2, while soil-nail drilling and installation continues on slips 5 and 6.


18 March 2024

Repairs are being made to six sites and contractors are currently working on four, focusing no grouting and meshwork and soil nailing.

February 2024

Image: Drilling Slip 3 where the excavator couldn't reach.

December 2023

Construction activities are under way and focus on comprehensive remediation measures which include five soil nailed shotcrete walls and one mass gravity rock buttress to address the identified six slips.

All necessary equipment, including excavators and drilling gear, has been mobilised, vegetation removal is complete and nailing is under way.

20 September 2023

Design work for the slip on Takatu Road is nearing completion.  Construction will follow.

17 August 2023

  • Final designs expected at the end of August
  • Road status – open, but some sections of the road are reduced to one lane 

22 June 2023

Final designs under way on 25 June 

3 May 2023

  • 5 underslips identified
  • On track to completion
  • Road status – open, but some sections of the road are reduced to one lane.

26 April 2023

  • 5 under slips identified
  • On track to completion
  • Road status – open, but some sections of the road are reduced to one lane.

Weranui Road, Wainui

Road status: open, single lane with stop/go traffic management 

26 June 2024

Three slip repair sites remain on Weranui Road. 

Repairs at the first site began on 21 May. A large slip requires a long timber retaining wall made of 122 piles. To date, 57 piles have been drilled and poured, and timber lagging continues. This work should take approximately 3 months, with completion expected by the end of July. Repairs to a minor slip are also under way.

On 24 June, work at a second site began. The team is installing a small extension to an existing timber pole retaining wall and removing an area of overhang. All 9 timber poles that make up the new extension have been drilled, placed and poured.

Work on the third major site, at the intersection of Weranui Road and Waiwera Road, will start in July.

Soil bank with overhanging lip lined with trees

Timber pile retaining wall along roadside slip, with orange cones marking the works area

January 2024

  • 2 underslips and 1 overslip completed. 
  • Final designs expected.

17 August

  • This site had 2 underslips and 1 overslip
  • Overslip has been completed
  • Final designs for the permanent repairs for the underslips are expected early September 2023

3 May 2023

  • Two underslips have been identified.
  • On track to completion.
  • Preliminary site investigation complete.
  • Road status – open.

26 April 2023

  • Two under slips have been identified
  • On track to completion
  • Preliminary site investigation complete
  • Road status – open 

West Coast Road, Kaipara Flats

26 June 2024

Work is now complete on a number of sites on West Coast Road. Chip sealing was done in early April, along with hydro-seeding of the adjacent bank to help stabilise the soils on the slope. Minor finishing works were completed in May.

Thank you to the community for their patience while this work was completed.

April 2024

A number of sites on West Coast Road have been under repair for several months.  At slip RP11900, the work is just coming to an end.  

Chip sealing was undertaken in early April, along with hydro-seeding of the adjacent bank to help stabilise the soils on the slope.  Minor finishing works will be completed throughout the month.

8 April 2024

Kerb and channel on the east side of the lane has been completed along with hydroseeding.

Slip RP 13570 is now complete, with new kerb and channels helping to direct surface water into the upgraded drainage systems.

The upgraded systems include replacement culvert pipes and a new cesspit to prevent excess water from pooling on the road surface and causing damage. 

West Road, Kaukapakapa

Road status: open with a single lane

26 June 2024

Work on West Road will begin soon, with a new retaining structure required to support the road, road repairs and a new culvert planned. This work should take approximately 3 months to complete.

February 2024

Contractors are on site to excavate, trench, and install a culvert and cesspit.

January 2024

Final design expected February 2024.

3 May 2023

Preliminary site investigation complete.

Wishart Road, Helensville

January 2024

Temporary repair to open road over Christmas completed.

20 July 2023

Final design delayed due to further investigation (movement being measured). 

22 June 2023

Under design phase. Final design due 4 July

3 May 2023

  • Preliminary site investigation complete.
  • Road status – open but reduced to one lane with traffic lights at major slip site.

26 April 2023

  • Preliminary site investigation complete
  • Road status – open but reduced to one lane, with traffic lights at major slip site.

Other slip repairs

The following slip repairs are also on our list and currently in the design phase. We will share more information about each location under its own section when we have it. For now, other roads where slip repair work is planned include:

  • Dairy Flat Highway, Dairy Flat
  • Leigh Road, Leigh
  • Pine Valley Road, Dairy Flat
  • Ridge Road, Riverhead
  • Smyth Road, Warkworth