Promote your business with AT Park Promote your business with AT Park

From shops to cafés to health services, if you have Auckland Transport (AT) paid parking near your business, then offering a parking discount is a great way to attract or reward customers by providing them with additional value. 

How it works

Creating an AT Park promotion is easy and free to set up. You can tailor your promotion to suit your business needs by choosing your budget, timeframe and which customers get a discount. What you spend goes directly to discounting your customers’ parking.

Promotions appear on the AT Park app. If a customer visits a business offering a parking discount, they simply scan a QR code (provided by AT to the business) using the AT Park app to apply the discount to their parking. 

The side bar in the AT Park app showing where to view promotions

Set up and manage your promotion  

Before you apply

  • Use the AT Park app to make sure AT paid parking is located near your business. 
  • You will need to know:
    • the total budget you want to spend on this promotion
    • how long the promotion will run for 
    • which days of the week and times your promotion is active 
    • how much of your budget you want to spend each day 
    • how much of a discount you want to offer customers per visit 
    • which of your customers will get a parking discount.

      For example, you may decide on a budget of $200 and to run your promotion for 2 weeks. You could split this up by offering $1 off parking on weekdays from 7 to 10am, to customers who purchase a coffee and a muffin. Limiting your how much you spend each day to $20 means you can offer your $1 discount to 20 customers and evenly spread your budget over the two weeks.

Apply for an AT Park promotion

  • Fill out the online application form.
  • If approved, we will send you instructions to deposit the amount you want to spend.
  • Once processed, you will be emailed a QR code to display.  

Manage your promotion

Limiting how much you spend every day allows you to keep track of your promotion budget. Once you reach your daily spending limit, your QR code will stop working for the day. You can also opt when applying, to be emailed your budget balance weekly.

If you urgently need to check your balance or modify your promotion, please email

    How to use your QR code 

    Your customers will need to scan your QR code with the AT Park app during their active parking session, to apply the parking discount. Businesses can manage which of their customers get a discount by limiting access to their QR code.

    Do not email your QR code, as it could be easily shared. If you're worried your QR code has been photographed and shared by people, you can request a new QR code. 

    Request a new QR code 

    Email and we will provide you with a new QR code within 1 working day. You can also request to pause your promotion, which means it will not be visible on the app, while we process your new QR code.

    Once you receive your new QR code, your previous code will no longer work. If you have put your promotion on pause, we will start your promotion when we email your new QR code.