Abundant travel options at Auckland DHB Auckland DHB

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Auckland District Health Board's collaborative approaches towards travel planning has seen them make some big strides in providing better journeys for their staff, patients and visitors.

A collaborative approach

Since 2006, ADHB has been involved in Travelwise Choices, a programme run by the Sustainable Mobility team at Auckland Transport that helps businesses create better journeys for their staff and visitors while cutting down on single-occupancy car trips.

For a large organisation like ADHB, this required a collaborative effort between staff, patients, visitors, researchers and the local community to identify travel issues and develop scalable solutions.

In collaboration with AUT in 2015, the health board’s newly minted Sustainable Transport Projects set up the Design for Health and Wellbeing Lab which worked on the best policies and practices to make sure everyone had an accessible and easy journey from their front door to ADHB’s. The lab found that clear communication was the top priority with everything from physical wayfinding to staff newsletters needing an upgrade.

From this, ADHB collected over 3,500 responses to their survey on different travel modes and behaviour, including quantitative personal experiences of staff, patients and visitors. They used the data to create a travel plan and share journey stories through first-person case studies on their staff magazine, intranet and their social media accounts.

Auckland Transport (AT) provided support and guidance during this process and helped the DHB to create a travel guide that could be distributed to staff, visitors and patients. AT now participates in ADHB’s monthly ‘new starters’ expos, creating bespoke travel plans, giving away pedestrian and cycling safety gear and offering our renowned Give it a Go public transport trial.

Travelwise Choices participation

Abundant travel options at Auckland DHB.

Auckland Transport now holds between 15-20 travel events at ADHB each year, engaging with over 1200 people and signing up nearly 500 to the Give it a Go Programme. These events range from the new starters’ sessions mentioned prior to e-bike guided rides, bespoke travel planning events and DIY bike mechanic classes.

With over 1.2 million patient journeys each year, 10,000 staff and New Zealand’s second busiest carpark, ADHB have a lot of journeys to manage and are committed to reducing single occupancy car trips.

The Give it a GO programme has been highly successful with nearly 40% of staff continuing to use their card after the trial expires. These cards account for roughly 1000 trips per month, successfully taking hundreds of cars off the road and helping Auckland’s transport network be more efficient.

For their great work, ADHB won the Commute Travel Champion Award at the 2015 Travelwise Choices Awards Ceremony. ADHB is committed to encouraging better travel choices and we’re looking forward to continuing to help them on the journey.

Sign your business up for a travel plan