Traffic bylaw 2012 Traffic bylaw 2012

Auckland Transport's Traffic Bylaw 2012 allows AT to set requirements for parking and control of traffic on roads under the care, control, or management of Auckland Transport.

Download AT Traffic Bylaw 2012 (PDF 212KB).

The AT Traffic Bylaw 2012 regulates traffic and parking on road corridors in Auckland’s transport network. The bylaw gives Auckland Transport the ability to:

  • Create (by resolution) certain features such as one-way roads, special vehicle lanes, cycle paths and shared paths.
  • Prohibit or restrict (by resolution) certain types of traffic from certain roads, or to prescribe routes for certain classes of traffic.
  • Prohibit (by resolution) parking by any vehicle, or certain types of vehicle, on certain roads.
  • Designate (by resolution) areas of land or road under the care of Auckland Transport as parking places.
  • Reserve (by resolution) parking places for the exclusive use of disabled persons or residents.
  • Prohibit parking off roadways.
  • Prohibit parking for the sole purpose of advertising or offering the vehicle for sale.
  • Prohibit the leaving of machinery, equipment, materials and freight containers in the road, and the carrying out of vehicle repairs or modifications in the road.
  • Require broken down vehicles to be removed from the road within seven days.
  • Remove vehicles and other items that are in breach of the bylaw.

How do I get approval under the bylaw?

Mobility Parking Permits and Resident Parking Permits are referenced in this Bylaw. For information on how to apply for a Mobility Parking Permit of Resident Parking Permit, please visit the pages below:

Need more information?

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