Great South Road Special Vehicle Lane Great South Road Special Vehicle Lane

Special vehicle lanes in the form of T2 HV lanes are being installed along Great South Road, between Portage Road and South Eastern Highway. The operational hours are between 7am to 7pm, Monday to Sunday.

About the special vehicle lanes

The T2 HV lanes are being installed as an 18-month pilot to support the wider disruptions of the Rail Network Rebuild.

Auckland Transport is responsible for the delivery of this project. KiwiRail are the major funders of the CRL and Rail Replacement Project.

Learn more about the project and how to get around when lines are closed on our Rail Network Rebuild page. 

T2 HV lanes are part of a pilot project

 Bus priority lanes along Great South Road were part of AT’s long-term plans and the rebuild has provided an opportunity to pilot them sooner.

The pilot will allow AT to gather data to aid in its decision of whether the T2 HV lanes become permanent. If the data suggests the T2 HV lanes should be made permanent, public consultation will take place before any decision is made.

As the project extent is for the most part in an industrial area and it is important to support freight movement throughout this area. Therefore, freight vehicles are allowed on the special vehicle lanes. 

Changes to parking 

While the majority of the T2 HV lanes are repurposed from an existing traffic lane, there are some sections where parking will no longer be allowed during the T2 HV lane operational hours - Monday to Sunday, 7am to 7pm. However, parking will still be allowed outside of these hours.

Contact us 

If you’d like to speak to someone about the Great South Road Special Vehicle Lanes, please get in touch.


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