Bus and train changes for Pukekohe, Waiuku Paerātā & Papakura Bus and train changes for Pukekohe, Waiuku Paerātā & Papakura

Trains return to Pukekohe Monday 3 February

Plus bus route and timetable changes from Sunday 2 February

Trains return to Pukekohe Monday 3 February 

The upgraded Pukekohe Station will reopen on Monday 3 February, with fully electric trains running to Papakura and beyond. Pukekohe Station will be served by the Southern Line, with trains running every 20 minutes throughout the day, and every 30 minutes in the evening, 7 days a week. The first train will leave Pukekohe Station at 5:11am on weekdays and 6:11am on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. 

The last train to stop at all stations will leave Pukekohe Station at:

• 9:41pm Monday – Thursday 
• 0:41am on Friday (Saturday morning)
• 11:41pm on Saturday
• 9:41pm on Sundays and public holidays

The last train going to Pukekohe Station will leave Waitematā Station at:

• 10:30pm Monday – Thursday
• 1:30am on Friday (Saturday morning)
• Midnight on Saturday
• 10pm on Sunday and public holidays

Download the Southern Line train timetable.

The 394 bus service will continue to run between Pukekohe and Papakura stations up to and including Saturday 1 February.

On Sunday 2 February, a rail replacement bus service (not the 394 bus service) will run between Pukekohe and Papakura stations.

Download the rail replacement bus service timetable.

394 bus changes from Sunday 2 February

The 394 bus service currently runs between Pukekohe Station, Paerātā Rise and Papakura Station.

From Sunday 2 February, the 394 bus service will run between Pukekohe Station and Paerātā Rise only.

394 buses will no longer serve Papakura Station – to travel between Paerātā Rise and Papakura Station, you will first need to get to Pukekohe Station.

The 394 bus service will run to a new timetable from Sunday 2 February, to help buses connect with trains at Pukekohe Station. 

Buses will run every 20 minutes at peak commuting times on weekdays, and every hour at all other times, including weekends and public holidays.

On weekdays, the first bus will leave Pukekohe Station at 5:30am, and Paerātā School at 5:43am. The last bus will leave Pukekohe Station at 9:52pm and Paerātā School at 10:06pm. 

On weekends and public holidays, the first bus will leave Pukekohe Station at 5:53am, and Paerātā School at 6:06am. The last bus will leave Pukekohe Station at 7:53pm and Paerātā School at 8:06pm.

There won’t be late-night trips on Friday or Saturday nights.

Download the new 394 bus timetable from Tuesday 28 January.

Other bus timetable changes from Sunday 2 February

We’re changing the timetables for some of our Pukekohe and Waiuku bus services, to help them connect with Southern Line trains.  

From Sunday 2 February, the following bus services will run to new timetables:

• 391 – Pukekohe Northeast Loop
• 392 – Pukekohe Northwest Loop
• 393 – Pukekohe South Loop
• 395 – Waiuku, Kingseat Rd, Linwood Rd, Papakura Station (the new timetable for this weekdays-only service will start from Monday 3 February)
• 396 – Waiuku, Patumahoe, Pukekohe Station

The 391, 392 and 393 bus services will run more often than they currently do. These buses will run approximately every 20 minutes, all day 7 days a week, and every 30 minutes after 9pm on weekdays.

Download the new timetable for Pukekohe and Waiuku buses from Tuesday 28 January.

Train timetable changes from Monday 3 February 

The Southern, Eastern, Western and Onehunga lines will all run to new timetables from Monday 3 February. 
Download the new timetables here.

For more information 

Use the AT Mobile app or Journey Planner to plan your journey. 
Phone our contact centre on 0800 103 080.
More information about the Pukekohe Station upgrade.