Causeway Road, Waiheke Island - Sealed shoulder Causeway Road, Waiheke Island - Sealed shoulder

Proposal status: Feedback closed 3 December 2020, last updated 15 March 2021.

Reference number: CSFW1.1

Proposal outcome

In November 2020, Waiheke Local Board and Auckland Transport proposed to install a new sealed shoulder to make a section of Causeway Road safer for people walking and cycling to the nearby schools. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

What happens next

The Community Safety Programme is focused on tackling road safety concerns. This programme is dependent on the level of funding AT receives from Auckland Council. Unfortunately, this year, funding has been constrained due to the impact of COVID-19. Planning and design will continue but currently many projects cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.

The proposal will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning before being constructed, once the budget is confirmed.

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.  

A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions:

Shelly Beach Road intersection

  • Multiple concerns that it is difficult to turn right at the Shelly Beach Road and Causeway Road intersection. Traffic waiting to turn builds up and creates a bottleneck. Impatient drivers try and pass on the left or suddenly move left to avoid hitting another car, and drive onto the cycle/foot path. This is a dangerous place for pedestrians to cross. Suggestions to install a roundabout to improve safety and traffic flow.
    The aim of this project is to improve connectivity for people walking and on bikes on the southern side of Causeway Road between Shelly Beach Road and the entrance to the foreshore walkway. Upgrading the Shelly Beach Road and Causeway Road intersection is not considered part of the project. We have forwarded the request for improvements at this intersection to our Traffic Operations team for consideration and prioritisation.
  • Concern that the open culvert outside 39 to 43 Causeway Road floods in heavy rain, is full of rubbish and is rarely maintained. Request that it is covered to improve amenity and safety on this dangerous corner.
    Issues relating to the open culvert outside 39 to 43 Causeway Road are not included in the new sealed shoulder project.  We have forwarded this request to our Maintenance team for consideration and prioritisation.
  • Concern that Shelly Beach Road is very wide to cross on foot and the kerb should be extended much further or a pedestrian island installed.
    As we show on the consultation plan, a new footpath and kerb is proposed at the south-eastern corner of the intersection to reduce the crossing distance and create a new, safe place for people to wait to cross the road. Unfortunately, we cannot reduce the space further as there must still be enough space available for large vehicles to safely turn the corner.
  • Suggest longer footpaths are installed at the Shelly Beach Road intersection to discourage people from parking on the verge and obstructing the view.
    The new footpath and kerb section at the corner of Shelly Beach Road will extend approximately 3 metres along Causeway Road where it will connect with the sealed shoulder. Combined with the rubber cycle separators between the shoulder and the road, this should help discourage drivers from parking cars on the grass close to the intersection and help improve visibility at the corner.
  • Request for additional road signs near the Shelly Beach Road intersection to warn of pedestrians. Cars are often speeding, and many dog walkers and bus users cross over to the bike path at this corner.
    We have forwarded this request to our Traffic Operations team for consideration and prioritisation.
  • Concern that the Shelly Beach Road street sign is not visible to people travelling north as it is obstructed by trees.
    We have forwarded this request to our Maintenance team for consideration and prioritisation.

Cycle paths

  • Concern that the new sealed shoulder is not connected to a cyclable path at either end and that cyclists are most at risk on the section of road between Shelly Beach Road and Donald Bruce Road where no safety improvements are proposed.
    The aim of this project is to improve connectivity for people walking and on bikes on the southern side of Causeway Road between Shelly Beach Road and the entrance to the foreshore walkway. Any additional cycling-related changes are not considered part of this project.
  • Request that the path finish is a smooth flat surface suitable for walking and cycling. The Donald Bruce Road path is not used by school students as the surface and camber of the road make it difficult to cycle on.
    The seal used for the shoulder surface will have a smoother finish, similar to a concrete surface, and give an easier ride for people cycling or walking.
  • General interest was expressed about the wider cycling network on Waiheke Island, how it would develop over time, attract tourists and connect together the existing, disjointed sections of cycling infrastructure, from Matiatia to Onetangi in particular.
    This project on Causeway Road aims to improve walking and cycling connectivity on one section of the Waiheke cycling network. Over time other sections will also be improved, with the aim of creating Waiheke's ideal transport network for its people, character, environment and community.

    In 2019, Auckland Transport, the Waiheke Local Board and the wider Waiheke community worked together to create a 10 year plan for Waiheke's transport system. This project for pedestrian and cycling provision on Causeway Road was ranked fourth in the top 50 projects identified. Find out more about the final Waiheke 10 Year Transport Plan

Other concerns

  • Concerns there are no streetlights on Causeway Road and suggest they are installed either with an underground cable or solar power. This would make it safer for early morning runners and dog walkers.
    Provision of street lighting on this section of road is not considered part of the project.  We have forwarded this request to our Streetlighting team for consideration and prioritisation.
  • Concern that if any trees are removed on the south side of Causeway Road that they are replaced.
    We can confirm that if trees are removed it is a normal part of the works consent to require planting replacement. This project should require only pruning of the existing trees.
  • Request that the trees along this stretch of road are tended as they often lose branches in high winds.
    We have forwarded this request to our Maintenance team to address.
  • Concern that a wooden fence over the culvert is not aesthetic and will block the view.
    The wooden fence over the culvert is required for safety to protect users of the walkway as they cross. It will be similar in design to the existing wooden fence on the northern side of the culvert.

We're proposing improvements in your area

The community has asked us to make a section of Causeway Road safer for people walking and cycling to the nearby schools. Waiheke Local Board and Auckland Transport are proposing to create a new sealed shoulder on the south side of the road.

Proposed changes

  • Construct a sealed shoulder of approximately 380 metres long on Causeway Road south side between Shelly Beach Road and the Ostend Reserve by the Waiheke Boating Club. This will include placing more rocks on the existing rock walls to make enough space.
  • Install a timber fence along the top of the existing culvert to improve safety.
  • Install rubber cycle separators, like those on the other side of the road, to physically separate the sealed shoulder from the traffic lane.
  • Trim some pohutukawa trees on the water’s edge to make space and improve visibility along the shoulder.
  • Construct a new footpath and kerb with ramps at the intersection of Causeway Road and Shelly Beach Road to provide a safe space for pedestrians to wait before crossing.

We understand that caring for the pohutukawa trees in this area is important. We are working with the Auckland Council arborists to ensure the trees next to the path are pruned only as much as needed to provide space for people to use the sealed shoulder.

This proposal is also supported by the Auckland regional fuel tax.

Download the proposal drawing for Causeway Road (PDF 692KB)

Community Safety Fund

The Community Safety Fund is focused on tackling road safety concerns. This programme is dependent on the level of funding AT receives from Auckland Council. Unfortunately this year, funding has been constrained due to the impact of Covid-19. Planning and design will continue but currently many projects cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year. 

Waiheke Island: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Causeway Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).