Kupe Street, Orakei – Pedestrian improvements Kupe Street, Orakei – Pedestrian improvements

Proposal status: closed 5 October 2018

Reference number: MIP1819-012

We're proposing changes in your area

We are proposing pedestrian amenity improvements at the intersection of Kupe Street, Takitimu Street and Te Arawa Street, Orakei.

The proposed changes include:

  • raised crossing on Kupe Street. 
  • pram crossings. 
  • pedestrian refuge island on Takitimu Street.
  • changes to road markings and signage. 
  • footpath kerb extension.

Download the proposal drawing for Kupe Street (PDF 437KB)

Why the changes are needed

These changes are needed to improve road safety by calming high traffic speeds along Kupe Street and provide improved pedestrian connections.

​Proposal outcome

This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.

Feedback received

  • Affirmation that this proposal is a great start, however they would like to see two or three more similar projects along Kupe Street to decrease driving speeds.
    Our site observations showed that most pedestrians in the afternoon school peak were crossing across Takitimu Street and Kupe Street in the vicinity of the Kupe Street/Takitimu Street intersection. We did not observe such large amounts of pedestrians crossing at the other intersections of Kupe Street during our site observations. Pedestrians did cross at different points along Kupe Street with no particular location being preferred. As such, installation of crossings at the other intersections and locations along Kupe Street is currently not justified.
  • Question if there will be any other speed management measures along Kupe Street.
    This scheme has been proposed as a part of our pedestrian amenity program, and is not a part of the speed management program. We do have a separate portion of our work addressing the highest risk residential areas within the Auckland region, where speeding is an issue. Kupe Street is currently not part of that program. Our investigations show that the northern length of Kupe Street has low operating speeds, and no recorded crashes have occurred on that length in the last 5 years. Therefore we are not going to be proposing further speed management measures along Kupe Street within the next 3 years.
  • Customer would like another crossing installed further south, for school kids crossing heading toward Coates Avenue.
    At the investigation phase of this project, we observed very few pedestrians crossing Kupe Street away from the Kupe Street/Takitimu Street intersection. Children heading towards Orakei School were observed using Ngake Street to walk towards Coates Avenue. At this stage, we are not proposing further crossings as part of this project.
  • This is a Maori Community. Question whether the signs can be in Te Reo first and English second.
    The new signs which will be installed as part of this project are regulatory or permanent warning signage which have limited text and pictures. These types for signs are legal and enforceable so that they comply with rules under the Land Transport Act. Signage in Te Reo is usually general interest signs and these types of signs are not being installed as part of this project.
  • Hopes that the broken yellow lines will improve visibility at this location as it is very hard for this customer to turn into/out of Kupe Street with so many SUVs parked at this location.
    The proposed broken yellow lines at the corners of the Kupe Street/Takitimu Street intersection, are being installed to provide adequate sight distance for pedestrians using the new crossing facilities. These same broken yellow lines have the added benefit of restricting parking at the intersection and improving visibility for drivers tuning into and out of the intersection.

Next steps

This work will happen between July 2019 and June 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.