The Avenue, Lynfield - Broken yellow lines The Avenue, Lynfield - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 2 August 2019. Last updated 29 August 2019.
Reference number: BYL-406
We've proposed changes in your area
In July 2019, we proposed to improve road safety by preventing vehicles from parking outside the entrance to the shops on The Avenue in Lynfield.
Download the proposal drawing for The Avenue (PDF 559KB)
Why the changes are needed
The changes will improve road safety for all road users by preventing vehicles parked at this location from restricting visibility for drivers entering and exiting this shopping complex car park.
Proposal outcome
The proposed parking restrictions will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being painted on the road.
We received a range of feedback from the community, including support from Fire Emergency New Zealand who noted that the changes would provide better access to the shopping complex car park. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns.
Community feedback
- Request for additional broken yellow lines on the other side of The Avenue to further improve visibility. We have checked the level of visibility for drivers and we have determined it to be safe for drivers at this location. The request was reviewed in terms of the road width, off-street parking availability and crash statistics. While parked vehicles may reduce the traffic flow to a single lane, this has the positive effect of reducing driver speeds and encouraging greater care. After considering all factors of our assessment, we are not able to proceed with the request for this broken yellow line restriction.
- Requests for the bus stop at The Avenue near Lynfield shops to be moved away from the shopping complex on The Avenue to opposite Oriana Ave. The location of the current bus stop is reported to be restricting the visibility of car drivers approaching or manoeuvring around double decker buses. When we developed this proposal we also undertook a safety analysis of The Avenue which showed that there is sufficient visibility between all vehicles and people walking along the street. The design and suitability of the bus stop was also determined through liaising with both bus operators and the wider community. We note that no crashes have been registered at this bus stop and we are therefore reluctant to move it, but will continue to monitor the issues you have raised.
Next steps
These works are planned during the next six months, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents prior to construction starting.