Bucklands Beach safety improvements Bucklands Beach safety improvements

Proposal status: Feedback closed 12 March 2023

Reference number: HOW2021-02

Project update

Earlier this year, we reviewed all the proposed design elements to make sure the solutions are cost effective and minimally disruptive to traffic.

Based on the technical review, the proposal has been revised and staged into two phases.

Stage 1

We've made minor changes to the original design between Whitcombe and Laings Roads, now proposing one raised zebra crossing and 3 speed humps. This will maintain safety while reducing construction costs and impact.

We expect to save at least $200,000, which will be used for improvements in stage 2. The exact disruption from roadworks is not yet determined, but the duration should be shorter.

Stage 2

Savings from stage 1 will fund additional crossings on The Parade and its side roads where there is high demand by people on foot.

What happens next

We will get in touch again with more details about the commencement of works.

  • Stage 1 will be delivered before the summer season of 2024, as there are only minor changes to the original design.
  • Stage 2 will be undergoing design and public consultation in 2024 and construction is expected to happen in 2025.

View the full summary letter.

Proposal outcome

In January to March 2023 we proposed changes to The Parade and Bucklands Beach Road in Bucklands Beach in collaboration with the Howick Local Board.

We received a mix of feedback from the community, with 181 total submissions.

After sharing and considering all the feedback we received with the Howick Local Board, we are proceeding with the following changes:

  • Remove the raised crossing outside #71 The Parade.
  • Remove the raised crossing at the Laings Road-Bucklands Road intersection.
  • Remove the pedestrian refuge islands from Bucklands Beach Road.

What happens next

This proposal will now progress to the next stage where we finalise the design. We anticipate the changes will be constructed in July 2024, but we will be in touch with local residents and businesses prior to any construction taking place.

Community feedback

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our consultation. The feedback we received is summarised below, or you can download the feedback report for more detail and to see our responses to design suggestions.

Download the feedback report for Bucklands Beach Safety Improvements (PDF 376KB)

Over the consultation period, we received:

  • 123 online survey submissions 
  • 30 feedback from submissions
  • 2 email submissions 
  • 26 public meeting comment cards.

The proposed changes received a mixed response from the community. We asked respondents about the proposed changes in three sections:

The Parade raised zebra crossings and speed humps

  • 172 people answered this question
  • 27% said it would benefit the community 
  • 38% said it would not benefit the community
  • 35% provided their suggestions 

A chart illustrating the results of a survey done for the parade raised zebra crossings and speend humps

Laings Road raised zebra crossing 

  • 159 people answered this question
  • 30% said it would benefit the community 
  • 47% said it would not benefit the community
  • 24% provided their suggestions 

A chart illustrating the results of a survey done for Laings Road raised zebra crossing

Bucklands Beach Road crossing points

  • 138 people answered this question
  • 46% said it would be safe/easier to cross the road
  • 54% provided their suggestions or comments

A chart illustrating the results of a survey done for Bucklands Beach Road crossing points

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns during construction,

Call: (09) 447 4671

Email: projects@at.govt.nz.

We're proposing improvements in your area

On behalf of Howick Local Board, we are proposing changes to improve pedestrian safety at some key locations in Bucklands Beach.

Download an overview map of changes in Bucklands Beach. (PDF 412KB)

We are proposing to:

  • install raised zebra crossings, which are crossings on wide, flat speed bumps, at 78A, 71, and 80 on The Parade
  • install a raised zebra crossing on Laings Road where it joins with The Parade
  • improve and extend the footpath on the corner of Laings Road and The Parade
  • install 2 speed bumps at 74 and 66 The Parade
  • install a raised zebra crossing with long off ramps for a smooth drive at 24 The Parade
  • install traffic islands on 188 and 124 Bucklands Beach Road to improve access to the bus stops and make it easier to cross the road.

Download the brochure for Bucklands Beach Safety Improvements. (PDF 3.7MB)

The proposed changes aim to improve safety around Bucklands Beach for people walking, cycling, and driving. Raised zebra crossings and speed bumps would encourage lower speeds along The Parade and make it safer and easier for people to cross the road to Little Bucklands Beach.

These improvements would remove some parking near the proposed crossings to improve visibility. We understand this can be inconvenient, so we have minimised the removal of parking as much as possible while still improving safety for everyone.

This project is funded by the Local Board Transport Capital Fund Programme. This programme uses funding within AT’s annual budget to deliver on Local Board initiatives for local areas and communities.

This proposal supports Tamaki Makaurau’s commitment to Vision Zero, an ambitious transport safety vision, with the goal of no deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050.

This approach acknowledges that as people we all make mistakes, however a mistake should not mean someone dies or is seriously injured on our roads. It’s also an approach that values everyone using the road, not just those in vehicles. It is about caring for more vulnerable road users like people walking or cycling, children and the elderly. Vision Zero is the international benchmark for transport safety.

Bucklands Beach: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Bucklands Beach are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).