Arran Road, Browns Bay - Broken yellow lines Arran Road, Browns Bay - Broken yellow lines

Proposal status: closed 30 October 2018

Reference number: BYL-334

We're proposing changes in your area

We are proposing to install No stopping at all times restrictions (broken yellow lines) on Arran Road, Browns Bay as shown in the consultation drawing.

Download the proposal drawing for Arran Road (PDF 197KB)

Why the changes are needed

These changes are needed as parked vehicles are causing visibility issues at this section of road as it is on a bend. The proposal will improve the visibility for the affected parties.

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed with minor changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.

Download the revised proposal drawing for Arran Road (PDF 446KB)

Feedback received

This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the proposal of Broken yellow lines.

  • Respondents would like to have the Broken yellow lines extended especially at the top end removing up to 6 cars park right as you turn the corner. Traffic Engineering supports the extension of the Broken yellow lines along with the prolongation of the stone wall, ending approximately 7.0 metres from the driveway of 59 Arran Road.
  • Respondents suggests creating several parking bays along Arran Road. reating parking bays would not increase the number of parking along the road. Therefore this alternative will not be considered.
  • There are 4 units between 66 - 68 Arran Road, if Broken yellow lines are installed, visitors will not be able park on the road. They may park on the grass causing damage the grass verge. We understand the importance of parking, which is a valuable asset for all residents of the road. Parking restrictions are applied where a safety issue is identified, such as the visibility issues on this proposal.
    Parking on the grass is considered illegal as per Road Code and this practice may become a Parking Enforcement issue if raised by some of the residents.
    Traffic Engineering does not suggest residents to park on the grass. We understand that parking removal may cause some inconvenience for residents and visitors. However, safety is our target.
  • Respondent requests action on footpath parking. This issue will be raised to our Walking & Cycling department for further improvements.
  • Respondent suggests has there been any thought to making Arran Road a one way street, this would allow parking and traffic flow? Arran Road is a collector road with high importance on traffic network, as it connects a Local road to an Arterial road. Creating this road as a one-way street would cause congestion on Nigel Road and East Coast Road, as the entrance to Arran Road would be limited.

Next steps

This work will happen before June 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.

Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.