Glenfield Road, Birkenhead - Broken yellow lines Glenfield Road, Birkenhead - Broken yellow lines

Proposal status: closed 2 August 2018

Reference number: BYL-294

We're proposing changes in your area

We are proposing new No stopping at all times (broken yellow lines restrictions) on Glenfield Road, and we propose to extend the road markings located at the intersection with Coroglen Avenue and at the intersection with Moore Street, in Birkenhead. 

Download the proposal drawing for Glenfield Road (PDF 531KB)

Why the changes are needed

The broken yellow lines restrictions will improve road safety by increasing driver visibility at the intersection, as well as visibility and accessibility for buses approaching the bus stops on Glenfield Road.

The extension of the road markings will improve visibility for vehicles turning on to Glenfield Road, and improve the safe movement of vehicles. 

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.

Feedback received

The majority of the feedback we have received has been supportive of the proposed changes, with respondents being content to see safety issues at the current intersections being addressed. We are glad to see your responses and would like to thank everyone for their feedback. We have addressed your specific concerns and requests below:

  • Concerns regarding vehicles parking close to the Coroglen Avenue and Glenfield Road intersection, obstructing large vehicles from entering Coroglen Avenue. Respondents have requested to further extend Broken Yellow Lines on both sides of Coroglen Avenue, up until the first driveway on this street. We believe the proposed broken yellow lines are sufficient to provide a safe entrance for road users. We will not be extending the broken yellow lines.
  • Request for broken yellow lines along the entire south side of Coroglen Avenue. We try to keep the loss of parking to a minimum as on-street parking is a valuable asset for residents and commuters. We apply parking restrictions only where a significant safety or accessibility issue is identified. Therefore, we can`t justify the request to install broken yellow lines along this location.
  • Concern regarding sun glare, which has led to accidents with parked vehicles while turning into Coroglen Avenue. Request is to further expand broken yellow lines. We have investigated this situation and have not been able to identify any crashes involving parked vehicles while turning into Coroglen Avenue. We believe the current proposal is addressing these concerns sufficiently, with parking removal being kept to a minimun.
  • A request to extend broken yellow lines on the north side of Moore Street until the first marked parking area. We have assessed the situation and determined cars parking in Moore Street should not cause any visibility issues for turning traffic.
  • Concern regarding loss of parking during functions being held at some of the properties. We understand that parking is a valuable asset, and have addressed this in the proposal by not removing any more parking spaces than required to improve road safety.
  • Concern regarding loss of parking on Glenfield Road, leading to increased road crossings by vulnerable (infant and elderly) visitors, especially when heavy traffic is present and cars coming down from the hill might not having clear sight of the road. This proposal is designed to deliver safe accessibility for pedestrians. To increase safety, we have added a proposal for a pedestrian refuge to our list of minor improvements for construction.
  • Concern regarding loss of parking leading to parking on berms and damaging their appearance and infrastructure. The width of the roads in this proposal allows vehicles to park safely on both sides of the road. According to the topography of the roads, it would be unsafe for cars to park along the berms. If you notice cars illegally parked on berms, please call Auckland Transport for further investigation. We recommend reporting these infringements to our parking enforcement call centre, which operates 24 hours, 7 days a week on 09 355 3553.
  • The request to move the northbound bus stop further north, to the other side of the Coroglen Avenue intersection, in order to resolve overall parking loss concerns. The existing bus stops were installed where a high demand of travellers was identified. Bus stops are located with approximately 200 meters distance between them. Moving the bus stop would inconvenience our bus users.

Next steps

This work will happen between October and December 2018, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.

Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.