Rame Rd, Greenhithe - Broken yellow lines Rame Rd, Greenhithe - Broken yellow lines

Proposal status: closed 14 June 2018

Proposal reference: BYL-262

We are proposing to install broken yellow lines around the bend, in front of property #71 and #73 on Rame Road, Greenhithe.

Download the proposal drawing for Rame Road (PDF 302KB)

Why the changes are needed

These changes are needed to prevent parked cars from blocking driver visibility when navigating around the bend.

​Proposal outcome

This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.

Feedback received

  • Request for the broken yellow lines to be extended another 5 metres northward of those proposed for Rame Road. Due to the presence of a driveway directly beyond the proposed broken yellow lines and the fact that vehicles cannot parking within one metre of an existing driveway, we do not expect that further broken yellow lines are required. The broken yellow lines that are proposed should be sufficient to address existing visibility issues around the bend.
  • Concern that vehicles do not park at this location frequently enough to justify proposed broken yellow lines. Our investigations indicate that vehicles parked at the bend on Rame Road frequently pose visibility issues for drivers travelling along the road and residents attempting to access their driveways.
  • Concern over possible overlap with the development programme on Rame Road that is being led by the Local Board. The location of the local board development programme is separate from this proposal. We believe that these changes will complement the development programme to further improve safety.
  • Concern over the amount of time provided for public feedback. This proposal only involves installation of broken yellow lines around the bend on Rame Road in order to improve visibility. In this case, we believe that this provides ample time to give feedback.
  • Concern that Auckland Transport did not ask for the opinions of residents. All residents in the vicinity that are likely to be impacted by the proposal have been notified and have received an opportunity to have their say on the proposed changes through our public feedback channels.

Next steps

This work will happen on or before June 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting. ​