Grey Lynn, Arch Hill, Westmere project updates Grey Lynn, Arch Hill, Westmere project updates


30 January

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

In late 2017 construction of the Waitemata Safe Routes project was halted and works were left incomplete in the West Lynn village and along the rest of the project routes. In the village, the works created a steep footpath and worsened the drainage at a number of locations.

The issues were not rectified at the time because no further construction was permitted until Auckland Transport had completed a design review and carried out a new community re-engagement. The design review of the project routes has been completed and design changes are underway.

Separate to that, a consultation and design process is underway with the Grey Lynn Business Association and other stakeholders for footpath and drainage remedial works in West Lynn village.

This updates includes:

  • West Lynn Village remedial works.
  • Richmond Road/Surrey Crescent – proposed single lane roundabout.

West Lynn village remedial works

The remedial works in the West Lynn village are shown on the location plan below:

  • The footpath leading to the zebra crossing outside number 428 Richmond Road will be reprofiled to make it accessible for all users.
  • The footpath either side of the zebra crossing will be reprofiled to make it accessible for all users and create a level area alongside the three parking bays.
  • The ponding caused by the increased stormwater runoff from the increased footpath area.

Remedial work location map.
Remedial work location.

Partnering with the Grey Lynn Business Association, two consultation events were held with business owners to present the remedial design options and invite participation in selecting the preferred designs. The next stage is the construction planning which will be developed with the business owners before any work takes place.

West Lynn Village remedial works timeframe

Action Timeframe
Footpath & drainage consultation with GLBA stakeholders. Complete
Detailed design and consents. November 2019 – January 2020
Design review and stakeholder input. December 2019
Preparation of construction planning and business development assistance. December 2019 - January 2020
Tender and procurement of physical works. February 2020
Physical works commencement – in agreement with Business Association and key stakeholders February / March 2020*

* Date to be determined with GLBA and stakeholders.

Footpath Option four outside number 428 Richmond Road

The preferred design to correct the footpath has two ramps and a set of steps that provide access to the on-road parking and the area behind the crossing.


  • two ramps to the north and south of the crossing
  • stagger between the crossing and steps removes the in-line fall hazard at the rear of the landing platform
  • stormwater runoff directed away from shop frontages by the retaining wall along the ramp edge
  • wider footpath created to the base of the retaining structure provided for general usage
  • existing concrete drainage channel in the footpath replaced with a new concrete channel.


470 – 476 Richmond Road

The proposed slab drain would intercept run off from the widened footpath and the part of the footpath area in front of the businesses and outfall back out to the kerb

422 – 436 Richmond Road

The proposal is to replace the existing concrete channel that runs along the centre of the footpath with a new concrete channel. This would create a uniform fall along the channel and remove the flat section outside the Ray White business.

Richmond Road / Surrey Crescent – proposed single lane roundabout

An addition to the project is the proposal to convert the current Richmond Road / Surrey Crescent intersection to a single lane roundabout. No proposals for the intersection were presented at the 2018 community re-engagement events because feedback was sought on what could be done to improve conditions for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians. The preferred choice was for a roundabout and preliminary modelling demonstrated that the performance would be acceptable.


27 November

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

Welcome to our 12th newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • New Waitemata Safe Routes designs
  • How we got here
  • Public consultation and drop in sessions

New Waitemata Safe Routes design open for feedback

We are asking for feedback on the newly designed Waitematā Safe Routes project, which will deliver walking, cycling, road safety and village centre improvements to Garnet, Old Mill, Surrey and Richmond Roads in Grey Lynn.

The new designs are the result of months of engagement with schools, businesses, community groups and residents on how to fix and improve on the work undertaken last year.

Design elements:
  • Making the streets safer for everyone with raised crossings on every side street of the two routes.
  • A protected cycleway along both routes.
  • Improve retail centres with better urban design.
  • Fix the stormwater issues in West Lynn village.
  • Reduce the gradient of footpaths in the West Lynn village.
  • Improve the locations of bus stops and pedestrian crossings.
  • More trees and green space.
  • Better street lighting.

Artist impression of what the Cumberland Avenue and Garnet Road intersection will look like.

Image: Artist's impression of the Cumberland Avenue and Garnet Road intersection

How we got here

Timeline Status
Early 2015 Auckland Cycleway Network approved.
Late 2016 Public consultation completed on original design.
Late 2017 Construction completed in the West Lynn village centre. AT and local residents were not happy with the results. AT decides to halt construction and re-engage with the community towards a better outcome.
Early to Mid 2018

Re-engagement with the community. Surveys sent out, many meetings with community members and multiple drop-in sessions. Community Liaison Group formed to discuss issues with key community members.

Feedback from community plus insight from design experts leads to the creation of new and improved concepts for the routes.

Late 2018 - We are here Community re-engagement on the new concepts.
Early to Mid 2019 Take time to understand what the wider community has said. Update the designs to reflect the feedback. Confirm funding. Final decisions communicated to key stakeholders and the wider community.
Late 2019 Construction expected to start on the new facility after plenty of warning is given to the residents and businesses.

Public consultation opens until 14 December

It is now time for us to hear from the wider community on the proposals and get their feedback.

The consultation brochure and feedback form is being delivered to approx 9,000 letterboxes.

Absent property owners will also receive information. You can also speak to the project team in person at our public drop-in sessions.

Find out more information on the proposed plans, drop-in sessions or provide your feedback online.

8 November 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

Welcome to our 11th newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Public re-engagement
  • Speed calming measures
  • Future speed bylaw review

Public re-engagement coming soon

We have spent a lot of time in recent months listening to your community about the improvements you would like to see. Later this month, consultation on the revised designs and proposals for Route 1 and Route 2 of the Waitemata Safe Routes programme will be open to the public for further feedback. This is the opportunity for the wider community to join the conversation.

The consultation brochure will be delivered locally to approximately 3000 letterboxes and available online. The public are invited to come along to the information drop-in sessions to view the plans, proposals and talk to the project team.

More details about the consultation, proposals and drop-in sessions will be released next week.

Speed calming proposals

As part of our wider proposals to make these residential routes safer, we want to install speed-calming measures that will help to create a slower speed environment, which is safer for everyone, whether they walk, ride bikes or motorcycles, or drive.

Two such measures are:

  • a raised speed table - these will be used for pedestrian crossings to make it safer for people to cross, especial around schools.
  • a raised intersection - we are proposing these along every side street on each route.

For more information, see speed calming measures for general examples and their benefits. Specific project images of raised speed tables and raised intersections will be available for consultation.

Speed bylaw

The speed calming measures proposed will also enable the speed limit in and around West Lynn Village to be reduced to 30km/h in the future – as part of any speed limit bylaw.

14 September 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

Welcome to our 10th newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Revised project designs
  • Project budget correction
  • Public re-engagement in November

Revised project designs

At the Community Liaison Groups last week, we revealed an updated project design. The updated design is aspirational, based on the feedback from the liaison groups, community groups, local businesses, pedestrian surveys, retail surveys, a survey of farmers’ market users and the residents’ survey from earlier this year.

We are proposing to deliver a much improved design from the original project and this is about much more than just a cycleway, which is only small part of the overall project and project budget. We are wanting to improve the village centre, improve safety for people walking and crossing the road and getting to school, and improve stormwater along the entire route.

The original project would not have delivered the village centre upgrades, placemaking for people to enjoy the space, and the safety improvements that the wider community have asked for. It would not have delivered any speed tables on the side streets along the entire route, and changes to the Richmond / Surrey intersection. These are key elements of what we are currently proposing.

We appreciate that the community wants a much higher quality project through the village centre, with much wider benefits. We are considering improving safety and by signalising the Richmond / Surrey intersection it would make it easier for school children to get to the local primary school and for people on bikes to cross the road. We want to create a more people-focussed area at the Old Mill / Garnet Road intersection. This will deliver a great outcome that meets the expectations of the community.

Project budget correction

We expect the project to cost within the range of $17m - $22 million, not $35 million as presented to the community liaison group last week and reported in the media. The $35 million figure was an earlier estimate that has been refined over recent months and was presented in error.

The costs are indicative based on the design, and as we move into detailed design we are optimistic that the indicative costs will reduce. Detailed design will not be completed until after our re-engagement with the public and we will still be seeking feedback in the coming months.

Public re-engagement – November 2018

We plan to re-engage with the wider community in November. It will include an information brochure, mail drop to residents, online material as well as public information drop in sessions where people can view the drawings and talk to the project team. This is an opportunity for the wider community to join the conversation, and will also allow the hard working individuals of our community liaison groups to continue their pursuit of a better community.

Waitemata Safe Routes - artists impression of corner of Tutanekai & Richmond Road – draft design

Viewpoint: Corner of Tutanekai & Richmond Road – draft design

Sign up for the newsletter

We encourage people to sign up to receive the newsletter by email. 
To receive the newsletter email Bruce Thomas

August 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

This is our ninth newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Taking draft concepts to preliminary design
  • West Lynn Village bus stop survey
  • Keeping you informed

It has been a large task over the last few months investigating new design options, gathering feedback on proposals and bringing the various project elements together. We appreciate that everyone is awaiting the new designs. It is taking longer than we expected.

Here is what we have been up to:

Assessing feasibility of design proposals

The proposals are a substantial change from the original design brief and reflect the appreciation that we have on providing a higher quality approach to walking and cycling projects. This quality comes at a cost and that cost needs to be defined and funded. Taking the time to assess the feasibility of the proposals will put us in a better position to understand the relationship between quality and cost which will facilitate responding to community feedback and give more certainty as to what can be achieved.

Draft concepts to preliminary design

In April, we revealed draft concepts to the Waitemata Safe Routes Community Liaison Groups (CLGs). The designs focused on some key areas on both routes and showed ‘typical’ cross sections along the route.

During May, our urban design partners Boffa Miskell met with local businesses and community groups to get their impressions of the designs. We also received feedback from CLG members on the concepts after they had a chance to talk to the groups they represent.

This, along with the results from the wider community engagement from February to May, informed the development of the preliminary designs.

Preliminary designs

We believe the preliminary design options incorporate community design feedback.

There are still a number of options to share for bus stop locations, the treatment of side streets, and driveways and road and footpath surfaces.

There is ongoing work to be done on the feasibility of the designs particularly with regard to the vertical levels of the designs in the town centre, sight lines at intersections and where the cycleway crosses driveways.

The strategy guiding design is highlighted in the image below:

Preliminary designs guidelines

Input and review into preliminary designs

As required, designs are going through an internal technical review with various teams at AT:

  • AT Metro – public transport
  • Cycling and Walking
  • Road Safety
  • Transport Operations
  • Urban Design and Accessibility

Auckland Council’s Auckland Design Office (ADO) is also reviewing the designs via the Council Project Design Review Panel (CPDRP). The ADO champion universal design for the city and the Auckland Design Manual. We expect feedback from this review within the next week.

West Lynn village bus user survey

The wider community engagement up to this point has focused on design, residents’ travel habits and neighbourhood amenities. However, the people who ride the bus from West Lynn village have not yet been directly included in that engagement.

For a better understanding of how people use buses in the village and their preferences for bus stop locations, people waiting and getting off the bus in the village were asked to participate in a survey.

The survey was conducted:

  • Wednesday 1 August between 6am – 7pm
  • Saturday 4 August between 9am - 4pm
  • Bus stop front of Nature Baby, 433 Richmond Road

165 people responded by filling out some or all of the survey.


Results from the survey will complement AT HOP card readership data. The results are still being analysed.

Keeping you informed

It is important to us that everybody gets the same information at the same time. We want people to hear from us first, rather than hearing a diluted or different message from third parties.

The minutes of the CLG are published on the project webpage, followed up by a newsletter also published on the webpage. When decisions are made or we have progress reports to share, we will let you know.

We will be sharing the new designs in the coming months, with the CLGs in the first instance and then with the wider community. In our revised designs we aim to find a balance between the community’s aspirations and what could be delivered.

We acknowledge that not everyone will be happy with all aspects. There will be the opportunity for residents, retailers and visitors to express preferences, support of, or objections to the proposed re-design.

1 June 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

This is our seventh newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Technical Review engagement report released
  • Stormwater issues at Richmond Road shops
  • New bus services for Central Suburbs
  • New Zealand Herald article 25 May 2018 

Technical Review - Engagement Report

The Engagement Report from Boffa Miskell has arrived. It presents a summary of the engagement undertaken in the last few months with an array of people, including the residents’ survey.

We have taken a lot of learnings on board throughout this process and we are confident that a great outcome will be delivered for the residents and businesses. We have had many conversations with the community about what can be improved, and we look forward to progressing the concept designs and talking again with locals in the coming months.

In December 2017, we paused works on the Waitemata Safe Routes programme to review some elements of the design and re-engage with the community.

We commissioned Boffa Miskell to lead the technical review and engagement with input from Beca (stormwater, traffic engineering) and MR Cagney (bus stops).

Download the Waitemata Safe Routes 1 and 2 - Engagement report (PDF 2MB, pages 17)

Next steps

The feedback from this first round of engagement was used to develop initial concept options for discussion with the AT project team and the Richmond Rd and Surrey Crescent community liaison groups. Specific engagement may still occur related to location of bus stops in the village to confirm acceptable places for stops that residents support. Following refinements, the preliminary design for both routes will be presented to key stakeholders and the wider community for consultation later in 2018.

Stormwater issues at the Richmond shops

We have designed some solutions to address the ponding in front of Ray White and the stormwater flows in front of Siostra. Our intention was to put in an interim stormwater fix before winter to stop people getting wet feet when walking to some of the shops. It would have required 2-3 weeks of construction and likely would require changes again for the future town centre improvements.

In conversations with affected business owners, the vast majority were in favour of waiting for the ultimate centre works programme. Their direction to us – do it right once, not construction twice.
Should business opinion change on this and a temporary fix is required, we still have the plans and can revisit this decision if that time comes.

New bus services for Central Suburbs

Major improvements are on the way for bus services in Auckland’s central suburbs.

The New Network will roll out on Sunday 8 July, with many buses arriving more frequently every day of the week, with better access to popular destinations.

School buses operated by Auckland Transport in the central suburbs will get new route numbers and some will have route changes from Monday 23 July 2018, the start of Term 3.

AT will be supporting customers through the changes, with ambassadors at key locations who can help them plan their journey and find the bus they need to catch.

Find out more information including maps

The bus route that applies to the project area is the “105” with the Outer Link being accessible on West End Road and the Inner Link being accessed at Ponsonby Road.

New Zealand Herald article 25 May 2018

You may find the following article of interest: Simon Wilson: New hope for West Lynn

28 May 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes 1 and 2 - Engagement report - May 2018

From February until early May 2018, Boffa Miskell undertook engagement with an array of stakeholders and via a range of methods as part of the wider technical review of Routes 1 and 2 of the Waitamata safe routes.

The objectives of this further engagement are to:

  • Improve project outcomes by seeking and integrating stakeholder feedback into the project design
  • Clearly communicate the intent of the project and the benefits of the project
  • Raise local business and resident awareness of the project – in particular that it is undergoing review and we want input from them to inform the design response
  • Identify and notify stakeholders that could be affected by or are interested in the proposal
  • Ensure engagement approaches reflect the different needs of stakeholders
  • Clearly articulate the ability to provide feedback and how this will be used
  • Provide appropriate information to stakeholders to be able to understand and provide feedback
  • Ensure stakeholder feedback is given fair consideration as part of decision making on design and that this is clearly articulated as the design progresses

This report presents a summary of that engagement, which has then been used to inform the technical review of, and concept options for routes 1 and 2.

Download the Waitemata Safe Routes 1 and 2 - Engagement report (PDF 2MB, pages 17)

15 May 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

This is our sixth newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Draft designs progressing
  • Traffic data counts
  • Pedestrian refuges outside Grey Lynn School

Progressing designs

Draft designs for both routes are progressing.

We have been asked what are we doing with your feedback. You gave us feedback either through the survey, attending a drop-in session, at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market, or meeting with Boffa Miskell. This has informed the technical review and draft designs. It also told the designers where the problems were.

We have received a lot of feedback, outlining people’s experiences and frustrations with the project as a local resident, shopper or business owner. We also heard from people that drove their car as their main transport choice, and from those that walked their children to school or rode their bike, or did all three, and those who are keen to see a good outcome for both routes. It was a worthwhile exercise.

The draft design responds to several key themes from community feedback. We stress again that these are early designs and not by any means final. Nor have we closed the door to further engagement.
We will be back. Until then, while continuing design, we stay optimistic that we are moving in the right direction with the community and working towards a good outcome for wider community feedback.

Traffic counts

Garnet, Surrey and Richmond Road are main arterial roads, and as such, the number of cars travelling along them and through the area are high. So how many cars travel through the area?

We surveyed traffic numbers at several points on both routes. A quick summary:

7 Day ADT

  • Surrey Crescent 11,012
  • Old Mill Road 8,480
  • Garnet Road 8,560
  • Weekday highest count 11,776
  • Sunday lowest count 6,156

7 Day ADT

  • Richmond Road
  • 10,790
  • Roughly 5500 vehicles pass through the town centre in each direction, total volume over 10,000 per day
  • Average speed through town centre was 42km/hr
  • Weekday highest count 13,105
  • Sunday lowest count 8,539

ADT = average 24 hour daily traffic total of both directions

This information is useful in helping us determine appropriate traffic engineering solutions to manage the various users; motorists, public transport, people on bikes and pedestrians.

Some of the engineering solutions could include safer crossing options to help pedestrians and bike riders get across these busy roads, and it determines that a protected cycleway is required. The traffic volumes were sufficiently high that best practice recommends that a protected cycleway is the appropriate engineering safety solution.

The full excel data counts are available on request. Email Bruce Thomas

Minor works

Concrete islands (pedestrian refuges) in front of Grey Lynn School have gone in. This gives school children more standing room while waiting to cross and helps increase their visibility to drivers.

Pedestrian refuges outside Grey Lynn School

Grey Lynn School pedestrian refuge

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We encourage people to sign up to receive the newsletter by email. 
To receive the newsletter email Bruce Thomas

27 April 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

This is our fifth newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Boffa Miskell draft designs.
  • Key themes from engagement and survey.
  • West Lynn Village draft designs.
  • Richmond Road bus stops.
  • Community Liaison Groups.

Boffa Miskell draft designs

At the Waitemata Safe Routes Community Liaison Groups on Tuesday 24 April, Boffa Miskell presented their draft designs. The Waitemata Local Board also have a copy of the draft designs.
Please note that these are the views of our design partners and have been developed after community engagement. A summary of engagement activities including the residents’ survey is included.
The designs focus on some key areas in both routes and show “typical” cross sections along the route. It must be stressed that these designs are not by any means final and are indicative only. They are to give the community a sense of where AT and the CLG are heading before a further round of consultation followed by an AT internal review (e.g. safety) and detailed design and other statutory processes.

Key themes from engagement:

  • Make streets safer and more accessible for pedestrians.
  • Cycleway design needs to be consistent and legible.
  • Increase street trees/vegetation.
  • Acknowledge the history of the area.
  • Location and travel mode to West Lynn Village.
  • Remember parking and loading, particularly for retail.
  • Road user education is critical.
  • Listen to communities.

West Lynn Village draft designs

Key themes from the community engagement that mattered the most to respondents are safe walking for families, good pedestrian crossings, parking, trees and plantings used to slow vehicle speeds.
Boffa Miskell’s suggestions are to provide a balanced high street approach with linked and legible safe cycle connections, with people on bikes separated from cars so that children, shoppers and commuters are able to cycle in safety. Cars would be slowed at intersections with speed tables. Parking in the high street would be retained as much as possible and the road designed to keep car speeds moderate with selected trees and plantings. Safe pedestrian crossings will be kept in the design.

A copy of the presentation is on the project webpage here

Caption: A concept design for West Lynn Village

A concept design for West Lynn village

Richmond Road bus stops

Design reviewers MR Cagney’s scope was to consider how to optimise the bus network, bus stops and their locations.
In general, efficient bus operations occur when bus stops are about 400 metres apart in high streets. This gives a balance between a reasonable walking distance and allowing buses to achieve timetables without making too many stops in between.

Where possible, inbound and outbound stops should be paired on opposite sides of the road. This would aid legibility and people finding the stops.

The existing inbound and outbound stops in the village, while function acceptably, are not the best for efficiency and location. Greater legibility and bus service would be improved by relocating these stops to a central position, so the walking distances are placed to serve all shops fairly.

MR Cagney proposed that the current inbound stop at 35 Surrey Crescent be shifted to a new location on Richmond Road near the corner so it is better paired with the outbound stop, and consequently improving walking distances between stops.

Next steps for bus stops

The project team are still to work out details and discuss with potentially affected properties.

Surrey-Old-Mill-Garnet designs

Design for these sections are still being progressed and will be delivered in the next few weeks.
Community Liaison Groups (CLGs)

The Terms of Reference for the CLGs are on the project webpage.

Attendance at the CLGs are by invite only.  

11 April 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

This is our third newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Technical Review – feedback informing draft designs.
  • Restoring original kerbs at Surrey Richmond intersection and stormwater issues.
  • Additional construction works.
  • Car parking changes at the Buddhist Centre on Richmond Road.
  • Greening of the cycleways.

Technical Review – Feedback informing draft designs

Boffa Miskell are confident the feedback they have received from residents, business owners, schools, community groups and the more than 300 survey responses will give them a solid base to draft design options.

The draft options for Richmond Road could include:

  • Keeping parking precincts in the Village Centre.
  • Add significant vegetation to Richmond Road.
  • Improve cycling legibility.
  • Better located pedestrian crossing points. 
  • Making some changes to bus stop locations.

Improvements to the intersection of Old Mill Road and Garnet Road could include:

  • Retaining the existing tree, historical plaque and same general traffic island configuration.
  • Improving safety for people on bikes.
  • Reducing pedestrian crossing distances.
  • Slower vehicle speeds at the intersection.

The draft design options will be presented at the next Community Liaison Group meeting.
The community will have an opportunity to view and give feedback on the options before progressing to construction.

Restoring the original kerbs and Surrey Richmond intersection

We had planned to start on April 3 but after receiving feedback from the nearby shops and schools, we’ve delayed the works to align with the school holidays.
The plan is to start April 16, with the work expected to take up to two weeks.

Additional construction works:

  • A portion of the Peel Street roundabout will be repaved to address the potholes that have shown up.
  • The concrete islands adjacent to Grey Lynn School will also be replaced to ensure the crossing remains safe for children.
  • Some additional signage to be installed at pedestrian crossings and the new roundabout.

Watch out for these and other minor works coming soon.

Car parking at the Buddhist Centre on Richmond Road

We reviewed the parking area behind the Buddhist Centre and in conversations with them, agreed to make six car park stalls available for the public. These six car parks will have a parking restriction of P60, 8:30am – 6pm Monday to Friday.

We have installed some temporary parking signs to make it easier for you to park here.

Cycleways through Richmond Road Village Centre

We have been completing greening in the town centre to promote safe passage for people on bikes from Sackville Street to the Community Centre. Painting is done in the evening to minimise impact to commuters and shoppers alike. We understand some people have been parking in the cycle lanes and we are working on improving the paint and signage so it does not continue to happen.

Stormwater issues at the Richmond Road shops

We are keen to get these works completed before winter and are meeting with the shop owners to confirm the timing and impact of the works on their premises.

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We encourage people to sign up to receive the newsletter by email. 
To receive the newsletter email Bruce Thomas

6 April 2018

Waitemata Safe Routes – update

This is our second newsletter for the new start. In this edition:

  • Working through the Technical Review.
  • Boffa Miskell engaging with the community.
  • Community Liaison Groups update.
  • Stormwater issues and restoring original kerbs at Surrey Richmond intersection.

Working through the Technical Review 

The project has become complex and only partially complete because of the need to pause the delivery until the technical review is completed.

This has caused a level of dissatisfaction and frustration amongst residents and road users. Concerns have been raised about parking, safety when crossing streets and access. Rather than addressing matters in a piecemeal fashion and ending up with a number of unsatisfactory compromises, we ask for your patience while we complete the review so we can deliver an integrated solution that meets the agreed needs and objectives of the project.

This will require patience until this process has run its course. The end result will be a better outcome for community and is more likely to be much more efficient and safer.

Boffa Miskell engaging with the community

External urban design consultants Boffa Miskell is leading the review process for all roads and retail areas. Their scope also includes engaging with residents, businesses, school principals and other community groups.

They ran a  survey from 13 March to 6 April 2018 to gather residents’ feedback on their travel habits and neighbourhood amenities. Results of this survey will be made public on this updates page.

You may have already seen the team at the Grey Lynn Markets and outside the West Lynn shops talking to people and getting their views.

They are also hosting a drop-in day for people to meet them and discuss their concerns. If you want to meet with Boffa Miskell email Bruce Thomas with your contact details and they will be in touch.

Community Liaison Groups (CLGs) update

The second meeting of the CLGs took place on the 16th and 19th of March at Auckland Transport’s office. Future meetings are to be held in Grey Lynn, a venue is still to be confirmed.

The community have asked us for more about the members and the CLGs.

The CLG process is the mechanism for AT and its technical experts to provide feedback and updates to the community through the representation of the members. About twenty people, comprised of residents, local businesses, schools, the Garnet Road Occupy Movement, walk, and cycling interests and members of the Waitemata Local Board attend the CLGs.

Our consultants Boffa Miskell, Beca, and MR Cagney also attend. Minutes from the CLGs will be posted on the project’s webpage.

Once again, there are two Community Liaison Groups:

  • One group represents Richmond Road and the West Lynn Village
  • The other group represents the residents, businesses and schools on the Surrey Crescent/Old Mill/Garnet Road route.

Stormwater issues at the Richmond Road shops

Beca have been looking closely at stormwater issues in the Richmond Road shops. They have a plan to fix the problem and if you are interested in seeing the drawings or chatting to someone about it, please contact us. The stormwater fix is an early intervention before winter and is required to stop getting wet feet when walking to some of the shops on Richmond Road.

Restoring original kerbs at Surrey Richmond intersection

Although we are keen that the project does not proceed piecemeal, we do however need to make an interim change by reinstating the intersection of Richmond and Surrey to what it used to be and move the kerbs to their previous positions. Safety considerations have been impacted and there are also congestion issues at the intersection. The project team is also taking a close look at the intersection to address turning movements and pedestrian crossing. Dempsey Wood will start in early April 2018.

Sign up for the newsletter

We encourage people to sign up to receive the newsletter by email.
To receive the newsletter email Bruce Thomas

7 March 2018

Safety and Accessibility audit reports available

The safety audit Waitemata Greenways Pre-Opening Road Safety Audit was undertaken by Stantech who are independent of the scheme designers.

This safety audit is for the post construction works and only covers the works as they existed in December 2017, which were only partly completed due to the AT pause and review process. The territory covered is the main retail area on Richmond Road,. The review does not cover any works in Surrey Crescent.

The objective of the audit is to achieve a safe system approach. The auditors have taken a conservative view of the built environment. The designers, our own in house safety team and the project manager have all responded and their comments have been included in each section of the report.

It is important to recognise that the project is under a technical review, this means that much of the constructed works may change or be modified depending on the outcome of the review. Nonetheless we are keen to release the audit as there has been a good deal of interest around this project.

Similarly, with the West Lynn Accessibility Audit which was commissioned by Boffa Miskell to provide an independent and specialist audit of the streetscape environment of West Lynn with a particular focus on Universal Access and Injury prevention to confirm any areas requiring remedial work.

Areas of concern and suggestions raised within the Accessibility Audit report will be taken into account in formulating our recommendations for design changes and/or interventions to the current design and implemented works. We envisage some physical changes will be required, these include:

  • Tactile paving, drainage, use of colours confusing to the visually impaired, hard to traverse steep surfaces and trip hazards.
  • Spatial considerations to be addressed - removing barriers to desire lines, providing for safe movement for all users of the street environment, providing for safe crossing points with good sightlines.

We are confident that inputs from the Safety Audit and the Accessibility Audit into the Review Process will result in a better outcome for all pedestrians and road users.

Download the Waitemata Greenways Pre-Opening Road Safety Audit (PDF 3.5MB)

Download the West Lynn Accessibility Audit (PDF 11MB)


15 December 2017

Update on construction on Waitemata safe routes 1 & 2

We are pausing work on routes 1 (Surrey Crescent / Old Mill and Garnet Road) and 2 ( Richmond Road) while we review some elements of the design and re-engage with the local community. There are partially complete and open works on some sections which we will need to complete or make safe while the review takes place. Stakeholders and the local community were advised of this decision via letter on 1 December and 7 December 2017 respectively.

The review includes the following sections along each route:

Route 1 – Surrey Crescent – Old Mill Road – Garnet Road

  • Paused pending full review - Section from the Bullock Track to Meola Road, which is approximately two thirds of the (Surrey/Old Mill/Garnet) route.
  • Paused pending review of proposed markings and street furninture -section between Great North Road and the Bullock Track (see Surrey Crescent/ Old Mill/Garnet point 3), Some work is required to make this safe in Dec/Jan and this is detailed below.

Route 2 - Surrey Crescent to Richmond Road

  • On Richmond Road the section between Surrey Crescent and the community centre (Edwards Road) will be reviewed.

We are committed to talking with local people in early 2018 and will re-consult on those parts of the project.

Sections of the project that are on-going or being made safe pending review outcome:

Route 1 – Surrey Crescent – Old Mill Road – Garnet Road

  • Surrey Crescent/Bullock Track intersection – the intersection has been reopened with a temporary pedestrian island installed. This intersection will be included in the overall review.
  • Street light installation along Surrey Crescent from the Richmond Road intersection to the Bullock Track. 
  • At the intersection of Old Mill Road and View Road there are two unfinished crossings which will be completed for pedestrian safety.
  • There is a partially excavated bus stop outside number 45 Old Mill Road which will be returned to the original layout. The design of this bus stop will be reviewed.  
  • Reinstating pedestrian crossings between Great North Road and Richmond Road.
  • Surrey Crescent – Richmond Road intersection, works near the old diary made safe.

Route 2 Surrey Crescent to Richmond Road

  • Richmond Road/Peel Street roundabout and surrounding kerbs to be completed and sealed.
  • Richmond Road cycling facilities and bus stop upgrades from Warnock Street to the Countdown at 271 Richmond Road.
  • Cycle path running through the West Lynn retail village – partial greening and some separators will be added to make the cycleway safer as we re-evaluate outcomes.
  • West Lynn villages – we are currently engaged with the West Lynn retail community on remediation of construction issues in the village. 

2 November 2017 

Richmond Road Route 2 - Road resurfacing update - 5 & 6 November

Waitemata Safe Route Cycleways Construction along Richmond Road is nearly complete. One of the final stages of work, for this section, is the resurfacing of the roadway to restore the road condition. The resurfacing work will take place on sections of Richmond Rd between Surrey Cres and Warnock Street.

Weather permitting, these works are expected to start at 6am on Sunday 5 November, 2017 and will take place across one 24 hour shift and one night shift. All work will be complete on Tuesday 7 November. In the event of rain the work will be rescheduled to 12 November 2017. The work will take place in a series of stages and traffic management will change with each stage. The work is being staged this way to allow traffic to West Lynn Town Centre and access to the farmers market from Ponsonby Road on Sunday Morning, but still complete the works before trading hours on Monday.
Buses will have priority along Richmond Road and will travel through the site with the assistance of the traffic controllers. More information and the best way to travel around the site is outlined below.

The works are planned for Sunday 5 November from 6am to noon and Monday 6 November from 7pm to 5am Tuesday. 

Stage 1

Richmond Rd will be closed to through traffic from Surrey Cres to Edwards Rd. This section will reopen to traffic early Sunday afternoon. The section will close again on Monday evening from 6pm.
Fisherton St residents – Please exit by turning left onto Richmond Rd. Best way to access Surrey Cres is via Castle Street and Stanmore Road. Entry into your street is from Surrey Cres under the assistance of the traffic controller.
Baildon Rd – will be closed at Richmond Rd, please exit via Browning St.
Castle St – will remain open during this stage to assist market vendors accessing the Community Centre.
Richmond Rd - Residents living between Surrey Crescent and Edwards Rd please head north on Richmond Rd to travel safely around the area.

Richmond Road Route Stage 1

Stage 2 – will commence on Sunday 5 November when Stage 1 is complete. This section will remain closed for Sunday and reopen to normal traffic flow on Monday morning.

Wilton/Hakanoa/Francis Streets – Will be closed at Richmond Rd, please exit though the opposite end of each street.
Richmond Road Residents – this section will have access to your property under the assistance of the traffic controller.
Tutanekai Street residents - please turn left onto Richmond Rd and follow traffic management signs to safely travel around the worksite.
Wellpack Ave - No right hand turn onto Warnock Ave.
Sackville St - No left hand turn onto Richmond Rd.

Richmond Road Route Stage 2

Stage 3 – will commence on Sunday 5 November about 1pm. This section will remain closed for Sunday and reopen to normal traffic flow on Monday morning. 

Richmond Rd Residents – will have access to your property under the assistance of the traffic controller.
Richmond Rd – between Fisherton and Surrey Cres will be open to two way traffic.
Castle/Wilton/Francis/Hakanoa/Tutanekai Streets and Edwards Rd - will be closed at Richmond Rd, please exit though the opposite end of each street.

Richmond Road Route Stage 3

During work hours, street parking will be restricted on some side streets to allow traffic to flow safely around the area. Please park off street or away from the area until all traffic management is lifted. Traffic controllers will help vehicles and pedestrians to move safely through the work site. Please take care when walking or driving in the area and look out for changes in traffic management.

27 October 2017 - Route 1 Surrey Crescent update

Construction of the Waitemata Safe Route Cycleway: Surrey Cres to Garnet Rd continues with the bulk of works from Great North Rd to Richmond Rd nearing completion.

 Since works began in August Dempsey Wood Civil, Auckland Transport’s civil works contractor on this project, has:

  • Uplifted and replaced 800 metres of kerb and channel on both sides of Surrey Cres.
  • Upgraded 850 square metres of concrete footpath.
  • Built two new bus stop platforms to accommodate the new safe cycleway.
  • Realigned and raised 200m2 of driveway crossings to meet new kerb levels.
  • Removed traffic islands in preparation for road resealing by another contractor.
  • Installed an off-road asphalt cycleway within the grass berm on the southern edge of Old Mill Rd from the Bullock Track to View Rd.

Over the next month our work crews will:

  • Continue kerb and channel works along Surrey Cres and Old Mill Rd.
  • Realign and raise some existing driveway crossings to meet new kerb levels.
  • Extend and realign the kerb on the western corner of Surrey Cres and Richmond Rd, and at side road intersections.
  • Relocate existing bus shelters.
  • Install an off-road asphalt cycleway within the eastern grass berm on Surrey Cres between Richmond Rd and the Bullock Track, and beyond View Rd.
  • Realign the intersection of Old Mill Rd and Garnet Rd. This work includes kerb and channel realignments and replacements, footpath replacements and installing new traffic islands and signs.

Works will then continue north on both sides of Garnet Rd to the Meola Rd roundabout, before road line markings and cycleway surfacing is applied.                                       

What you need to know:

  • Shoulder closures to facilitate works means on-street parking will be limited in some areas as works progress.
  • Pedestrian access will, at times, be impeded and we encourage all residents and visitors to the area to be alert, abide by safety signs and exercise caution around the construction area. Traffic management staff are on hand during works hours to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
  • Some private driveways will need to be replaced to align with the new footpath and kerb. We will advise affected property owners and/or tenants directly to coordinate these works
  • Contractors are working on site at various areas along the route between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday, and 7am to 1pm on Saturday.

9 October 2017

Richmond Road Route 2 Works in West Lynn retail village progressing at pace.

Construction works within the West Lynn retail village are continuing at pace on the eastern side of Richmond Rd between Warnock Rd and Edwards St. Despite the inclement weather over the weekend, works remain on schedule for completion mid to late October.

Over the last week, Dempsey Wood Civil crews have:

  • Removed and realigned the existing kerb and channel.
  • Constructed inner kerbs to accommodate the new cycleway.
  • Installed Kassel kerbs to accommodate the new bus stop.

Continuing work will involve:

  • Constructing inner kerbs for new landscaping.
  • Building the eastern half of two new concrete speed tables.
  • Removing and replacing the existing asphalt footpath.
  • Replacing private vehicular crossings to meet raised kerb levels.

We anticipate civil works in the immediate West Lynn retail village finishing mid to late October, followed by road resurfacing. Dempsey Wood will then return to install road and green cycleway markings.

What you need to know:

  • Traffic along Richmond Rd is restricted to a single two-way lane, electronically controlled at either end of works.
  • There are shoulder, footpath, and side street closures on Richmond Rd:

  • On-street parking is not available on either side of Richmond Rd within the works area.
  • Auckland Transport has temporary short term parking on Hakanoa St and Tutanekai St to accommodate retail customer parking.
  • Auckland Transport and Dempsey Wood are currently working together to provide additional car parking on the eastern side of Richmond Rd between the two speed tables as work progression allows.
  • The temporary bus stop are established:

    • Travelling north, outside the Auckland Buddhist Centre near Warnock Rd.
    • Travelling south, outside the Ministry for Vulnerable Children near Tutanekai St.

  • Pedestrian access will, at times, be impeded and we encourage all residents and visitors to the area to be alert, abide by safety signs and exercise caution around the construction area.
  • Traffic management staff are on hand during work hours to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
  • Some private driveways will need to be replaced to align with the new footpath and kerb. We will advise affected property owners and/or tenants directly to coordinate.
  • Contractors are working on site at various areas along the route between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday, and 7am to 1pm on Saturday.

2 October 2017

Richmond Road Route 2 Physical Works are switching to eastern side of West Lynn retail village.

Works within the West Lynn retail village have switched from the western side of Richmond Rd to the east, between the corner of Warnock Rd to Edwards St. A new traffic management arrangement has been installed. This new configuration involves restricting the flow of traffic to a single two-way lane, electronically controlled at either end of works between Warnock Rd and Edwards Rd. These works require the temporary closure of Hakanoa St and Tutanekai St at the intersection of Richmond Rd, and a relocation of the existing bus stop.

The works on the eastern side include:

  • Removing and realigning the kerb and channel.
  • Removing and replacing the existing asphalt footpath.
  • Replacing private vehicular crossings to meet raised kerb levels.
  • Constructing inner kerbs to accommodate new landscaping.
  • Building the eastern half of two new concrete speed tables.

We anticipate civil works in the immediate West Lynn retail village finishing mid to late October, followed by road resurfacing. Dempsey Wood will then return to install road and green cycleway markings.

What you need to know:

  • Vehicular traffic along Richmond Rd is restricted to a single two-way lane, electronically controlled at either end of works.
  • There are shoulder, footpath, and side street closures on Richmond Rd:

    • Hakanoa St and Tutanekai St are closed to through traffic.
    • Francis St and Wilton St are restricted to one-way access from Richmond Rd.

  • There are road closures at the intersection of Hakanoa St and Tutanekai St. The closures are well signposted and include detour wayfinding.
  • On-street parking is not available on either side of Richmond Rd within the works area.
  • Auckland Transport is arranging temporary short term parking on Hakanoa St and Tutanekai St to accommodate retail customer parking.
  • The temporary bus stop established outside the Auckland Buddhist Centre remains in place to accommodate continuing works.
  • Pedestrian access will, at times, be impeded and we encourage all residents and visitors to the area to be alert, abide by safety signs and exercise caution around the construction area.
  • Traffic management staff are on hand during work hours to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
  • Some private driveways will need to be replaced to align with the new footpath and kerb. We will advise affected property owners and/or tenants directly to coordinate.
  • Contractors are working on site at various areas along the route between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday, and 7am to 1pm on Saturday.

28 September 2017

Waitemata Safe Route Cycleways Construction: Richmond Road Physical Works

Works on the western side of Richmond Rd within the West Lynn retail village are on track, on time and expected to be completed this week.

In just over two weeks, four Dempsey Wood crews, working simultaneously, will have:

  • Removed and realigned the entire kerb and channel, removed the old footpath and prepared the area along three street blocks between Castle St and Warnock Rd.
  • Laid a new asphalt footpath between Castle St and and Warnock Rd.
  • Replaced private vehicular crossings to meet raised kerb levels.
  • Constructed inner kerbs to accommodate new landscaping.
  • Repositioned an historic street light at the Francis St corner.
  • Completed both eastern halves of two new concrete speed tables.
  • Reinstalled pedestrian seating near the corner of Francis St.
  • Complete landscaping areas.

Road closures will remain at the corner of Francis St and Wilton St until Sunday evening, 1 October along with temporary repositioning of two bus stops and the pedestrian crossing near the corner of Francis St.

Works will switch to the Eastern side of the road, and a new traffic management arrangement will be installed, commencing Monday 2 October. This new configuration involves restricting the flow of traffic to a single two-way lane, electronically controlled at either end of works between Warnock Rd and Edwards Rd. These works require the temporary closure of Hakanoa St and Tutanekai St at the intersection of Richmond Rd, and a relocation of the existing bus stop.

View map of street closures and detours available (PDF 55KB).

We anticipate civil works in the West Lynn area finishing mid to late October, followed by road resurfacing. Dempsey Wood will then return to install road and green cycle markings.

25 September – Route 1 Surrey Crescent

Construction of the Waitemata Safe Route Cycleway along Surrey Crescent Rd is well underway with the first stretch of works from Great North Rd largely completed. The kerb, channel and footpath has been replaced on both sides of the Surrey Crescent and Great North Road intersection. A new bus stop platform allowing for the cycleway to flow on the non-traffic side behind it has been constructed on the eastern side of Surrey Crescent just south of the pedestrian crossing. Several driveway crossings have been realigned to meet the new kerb levels, and the two traffic islands have been removed in preparation for road resealing. These will be replaced once the road has been resealed.

Works on the second stage of Surrey Crescent from Grey Lynn School toward Richmond Rd are now underway, and include kerb and channel replacements, some vehicle crossing realignments and improvements to the bus stop and pedestrian crossing. Work this week on the north side of Surrey Crescent heading west will be followed on the south side working east from Richmond Road back to the bus stop. Works are also underway on the southern side of Old Mill Rd heading west. Once complete the road will be resealed, road markings installed and cycleway finishings added.

What you need to know:

  • Shoulder closures to facilitate works means on-street parking will be limited in some areas as works progress.
  • Pedestrian access will, at times, be impeded and we encourage all residents and visitors to the area to be alert, abide by safety signs and exercise caution around the construction area.
  • Traffic management staff are on hand during works hours to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
  • Some private driveways will need to be replaced to align with the new footpath and kerb. We will advise affected property owners and/or tenants directly to coordinate these works.
  • Contractors are working on site between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday, and 7am to 1pm on Saturday.

18 September – Richmond Road Route 2 construction update: West Lynn Retail Area

Construction of the Waitemata Safe Route Cycleway along Richmond Rd is well underway with good progress being made in the West Lynn retail area.

The first stage of works along Route 1, between Surrey Crescent and Fisherton Street is nearly complete. 

Initial works began on the western side of Richmond Rd between Castle St and Warnock Rd. This required road closures at the corner of Francis St and Wilton St and temporary re-positioning of two bus stops and the pedestrian crossing while the new bus stops and pedestrian crossings were constructed.

Works began on the Western side of Richmond Road at Castle Street

Caption: Works began on the Western side of Richmond Road at Castle Street

Four road crews, working simultaneously, have removed the entire stretch of existing kerb and channel, and constructed the western half of two speed tables.

Construction underway on the western half constructed of one of two speed tables being installed in the West Lynn retail area

Caption: Construction underway on the western half constructed of one of two speed tables being installed in the West Lynn retail area

Over the coming week construction crews plan to:

  • complete the kerb and channel along the road and side streets.
  • adjust some private vehicle crossings to meet raised kerb levels. 
  • repave the footpaths.

The next set of works involves installing new footpaths, relocating street signs, laying temporary asphalt surfacing prior to road resurfacing and sealing.

Once work on the western side of the West Lynn retail area is complete, construction will shift to the eastern side of Richmond Road. This will require temporary closure of Hakanoa St and Tutanekai St at the intersection of Richmond Rd, and the relocation of the existing bus stop.

How works may affect you

What you need to know:

  • There are shoulder, footpath, and side street closures on the western side of Richmond Rd. On-street parking remains on the eastern side of the road, however traffic flow is restricted.
  • The existing bus stop on the eastern side of the road near the corner of Francis St has been temporarily moved to outside the Auckland Buddhist Centre. Signage is in place.
  • Pedestrian access will, at times, be impeded. Please abide by safety signs and exercise caution around the construction area. Traffic management staff will be on hand during works hours to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
  • Some private driveways will need to be replaced to align with the new footpath and kerb. 
  • Contractors are working on site between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday, and 7am to 1pm on Saturdays.

Road Closures:

There are currently road closures at the intersection of Richmond Rd and Francis St and Wilton St. This will last until 5 am on Sunday 24 September. The closures are well signposted, detours are in place.

Find out more information about street closures and detours available (PDF 51KB).

13 September – Route 2 Richmond Road

Physical Works begin in West Lynn September 13

Construction began at the Surrey Crescent end of Richmond Road last month and has progressed to Fisherton Street. This stage is currently nearing completion.

The next stage of works, from Tutanekai Street to just south of Sackville Street begins Wednesday 13 September. Initial works start on the western side of Richmond Road from Tutanekai Street to Francis Street.

Work in the West Lynn area should finish mid to late October, and road resurfacing to be complete in November.

Initial works on the western side of Richmond Road will involve:

  • Kerb and channel removal and realignment on both sides of the road and at side streets.
  • Adjusting some private driveway crossings to meet raised kerb levels.
  • Backfilling and temporary asphalt surfacing prior to road resurfacing and sealing.
  • Constructing two new speed tables.
  • Installing new footpaths.

How works may affect you

What you need to know:

  • There will be shoulder, footpath, and side street closures on one side of the road. On-street parking will remain on the side of the road not undergoing works however traffic flow will be restricted to one-way at times. You may need to park elsewhere if you do usually park on the side of the road in the construction zone.
  • Existing bus stops will be temporarily moved to facilitate works and road signs will indicate where alternative stops are placed. 
  • Pedestrian access will, at times, be impeded. Please abide by safety signs and exercise caution around the construction area. Traffic management staff will be on hand during works hours to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
  • Some private driveways will need to be replaced to align with the new footpath and kerb. We will contact affected property owners and/or tenants directly to coordinate these works.
  • Contractors will be working on site between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday.

Road Closures:

In the first stage of works on the Western side, there will be road closures to Francis Street and Wilton Street at the intersection with Richmond Road. This will last from 8 pm Sunday 10 September until 5 am on Sunday 24 September. The closures will be well signposted with detours in place.

Find out more information about street closures and detours available (PDF 51KB).

12 September – Route 1 Surrey Crescent

Work began at the Great North Road end of Surrey Crescent last month and have progressed to just south of the pedestrian crossing outside Grey Lynn School. Construction will finish at Firth Street completing section one shortly. Section two from approximately Browning Street and on to Richmond Road will start 12 September.

These will involve:

  • Removal and re-installation of the existing bluestone kerb. Realigning the channel along both sides of the road to cater for new road sealing.
  • Adjusting some private driveway crossings to meet raised kerb levels.
  • Backfilling and temporary asphalt surfacing prior to road resurfacing and sealing.
  • Installing new pedestrian crossings.
  • Installing new footpaths
  • Removing sections of concrete to install new footpaths.

How works may affect you

  • Shoulder closures on both sides of the road means on-street parking will be restricted within the construction area. You may need to park elsewhere if you do usually park on the side of the road in the construction zone.
  • Existing bus stops will be temporarily moved to facilitate works and road signs will indicate where alternative stops are placed. 
  • The pedestrian crossing near Grey Lynn School will be shifted temporarily to allow for works.
  • Pedestrian access will, at times, be impeded. Please abide by safety signs and exercise caution around the construction area. Traffic management staff will be on hand during works hours to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
  • Some private driveways will need to be replaced to align with the new footpath and kerb. We will contact affected property owners and/or tenants directly to coordinate these works.
  • The road will remain open to traffic but there will be some narrowing at times to accommodate works.

11 September - Route 1 Surrey Crescent

Work began on 11 September on the southern edge of Old Mill Rd 200m west of The Bullock Track. 

These will involve:

  • Removal of the grass berm between the roadway and footpath.
  • Removal of three existing trees.
  • Installing a cycleway path.
  • Installing a new pedestrian crossing.

How works may affect you

  • There will be shoulder closures on the southern side of the road and on-street parking will be restricted within the construction area. You may need to park elsewhere if you do usually park on the side of the road in the construction zone.
  • Vehicle access to all properties will be maintained.
  • The road will remain open to traffic.
  • Contractors will be working between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday.

10 August

Construction on cycleway routes 1 (Surrey Crescent to Garnet Road) and 2 (Richmond Road) began on Monday, 6 August. 

Work on both routes will be undertaken in sections, starting with:

  • A 200m-long section, running along Surrey Crescent from Great North Rd to Grey Lynn School.
  • A 200m-long section, running along Richmond Road from Surrey Crescent to Edwards Rd

Works in these sections are expected to take around 3 weeks to complete.

How works may affect you

These works will require shoulder closures on both sides of the road. This means:

  • On-road parking along the 200m section will be not be available. There is on-street parking available within easy walking distance.
  • The road will remain open to traffic but there will be some narrowing at times to accommodate works.
  • Contractors will be working between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday.

12 July

Updated detailed design plans now available for routes 1 and 2.

The plans include changes to the design in response to public feedback.


22 December

Feedback reports for all the routes are now available.

Work on the detailed designs is continuing. We will update you once the completed designs are available.