Green Lane West, Greenlane – Pedestrian Safety Improvements Green Lane West, Greenlane – Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Proposal status: Feedback closed 8 March 2022

Reference number: NOP2122-009

Proposal outcome

In February 2022, we proposed changes to improve pedestrian safety on Green Lane West.

After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the following minor changes:

  • Move the proposed signalised crossing slightly to the east to improve visibility for drivers turning left out from the school exit.
  • Install a new central traffic island with a right turn ban sign on top to stop risky right turn movements out of the school exit.

These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.  

Download the updated drawing for Green Lane West (PDF 1.06MB)

What happens next

We anticipate the changes will be constructed in 2023-2024. If there is any change to the programme, the webpage will be updated accordingly, and impacted people will be informed. We will be in touch with residents and businesses prior to any construction taking place.

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. Most respondents were supportive of this proposal. In their feedback, people reported feeling unsafe crossing at this location and expressed their belief that the proposed crossing would improve safety, especially for school children. 

The following is a summary of the additional comments and queries we received, and our responses to them.

Proposed changes:

  • Suggestion that these changes are not required, especially as there are nearby signalised crossings.
    The footpath on the southern side ends at the location where we have proposed the signalised crossing. There are instances where people walk to this point and are forced to cross the road using the existing pedestrian island. This is relatively unsafe and there have been several community requests to upgrade the island to a pedestrian crossing.

    This location also directly feeds into the Cornwall Park District School gate which will make it safer for parents and students walking to the school and further encourage walking.
  • Request to remove the raised table aspect of the design as it will impact traffic flow, increase travel times, and increase emissions.
    The purpose of raising the crossing is to discourage red light running and to ensure that if a crash were to happen, it would be at a speed that people involved in the crash could walk away unharmed or with minor injury. We understand that people make mistakes, and the raised table will ensure that a mistake does not turn into a serious or fatal crash.

    In terms of emissions, traffic calming and improved crossings for pedestrians are identified as a potential measure to reduce carbon emissions within the Ministry of Environment's discussion document 'Emissions Reduction Plan'. This is due to the broader potential to create safe environments at a network level that will increase a shift to active and sustainable modes of transport. 
  • Concern that the crossing will make it harder to exit Cornwall Park District School and that it may encourage people to enter the school via the nearby carpark exit.
    An aim of the proposed changes is to provide a safe crossing and therefore encourage parents and students to walk to school. As a result, this will reduce the number of cars using the carpark.

    We will move the proposed signalised crossing slightly to the east to improve visibility for drivers turning left out from the school exit and install a new central traffic island with a right turn ban sign on top to stop risky right turn movements out of the school exit.
  • Suggestion to use technology such as radar to detect whether vehicles have stopped before activating the signal to cross.
    The use of technologies such as radar and red-light cameras are being used by AT and continue to evolve, but currently, it is not deemed appropriate at this location. We will monitor the site and deploy them if this becomes necessary.
  • Suggestion to move the crossing closer to the entrance of Cornwall Park or to install another crossing closer to the park.
    There is no footpath on the southern side of the road between the proposed location of the signalised crossing and the Puriri Drive/Pohutukawa Drive/Green Lane West intersection which enters the park.
  • Request for the westbound lane to have a turn signal and turn priority during school rush hours.
    In order to do this, we would have to signalise the car park access. Given the volume of vehicles turning into the carpark, we will not be proceeding with this request.
  • Request for yellow and black raised plastic bumps at the exit of the carpark, so that cars don't turn without considering the signal colour.
    This will be monitored, and this adjustment will be made if required.
  • Concern that cars currently pile up of the flush median to drop students at school which is dangerous.
    One of the objectives of the proposed changes is to provide a safe crossing and encourage parents and students to walk to school. As a result, this should help reduce the number of cars using the flush median. We will continue to monitor this.
  • Suggestion for a sign at the Wheturangi Road intersection to warn pedestrians that the footpath stops on the southern side if they continue west.
    The proposed crossing will address this issue and provide a safe crossing for pedestrians to use at the end of the footpath.
  • Request for enforcement of the stop sign at the intersection of Maungakiekie Avenue and Green Lane West.
    This is a New Zealand Police enforcement matter.


  • Request for a separate crossing for cyclists adjacent to this crossing as children also cycle to school.
    Children with bikes can utilise the new crossing to safely cross Green Lane West. Providing a separate crossing for cyclists at this location will be considered with broader cycling improvements for the area. 
  • Requests to widen the cycle lanes. Suggestion to remove a lane or the median strip to make room for safe separated cycle lanes. Suggestion to install some protection physical separation for cyclists such as low concrete blocks or poles.
    The primary scope of this project is to provide a safe pedestrian crossing at this location. Providing separation for cycling at this location was considered but it was deemed more appropriate to provide separated facilities when these are introduced for the whole corridor, as there are no turning vehicles at this signalised crossing. The crossing has been specifically designed to an appropriate width to accommodate separated cycling facilities in the future.
  • Request for there not to be a narrow at the crossing that forces cyclists to merge with cars.
    The crossing has been designed to an appropriate width to accommodate separated cycling facilities in the future. Therefore, the existing width is not going to be changed.
  • Request to extend the shared bike/pedestrian path currently finishing at Wheturangi Road through the northern footpath, to encourage students to ride to school.
    The aim of this project is to provide a safe pedestrian crossing at this location. Your request is noted and will be considered with broader cycling improvements for the wider area. Students still have the option to ride to school and then walk along the footpath to the new crossing to access the school.
  • Concern that leaves clog up the cycle lanes and are not removed.
    As with the rest of road corridor, we have got proper drainage and regular maintenance that will help to keep the cycle lanes free of leaves.

We're proposing improvements in your area

Listening to what you have to say is important to us. Your local knowledge can help us make better decisions, so that together we can achieve the best outcomes for your neighbourhood.

We are proposing to:

  • Install a signalised (traffic-light controlled) pedestrian crossing on a raised table outside 191 Green Lane West. A raised table is a wide, low-profile bump with gentle ramps.
  • Install tactile pavers, which are yellow guidance paving markers that help visually impaired people find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
  • Install new road markings, bike lane markings, and signage to support these changes.

Download the proposal drawing for Green Lane West (PDF 1MB) 

We are proposing these changes to improve pedestrian safety at this location. The footpath on the southern side of the road stops at this location, which means that people using it must cross the road to continue their trip. As it is near to Cornwall Park District School, the proposed crossing would also provide a safe place for students to cross the road, encouraging them to walk to school.

The signalised crossing would give pedestrians priority to cross the road when drivers are stopped at the traffic lights. The raised table aims to promote safe speeds as drivers approach the signal crossing.

Give your feedback for Green Lane West

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it freepost using the address details on the form.

What happens next

  • We’ll listen to all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

More information

  • This proposal is supported with funding from the Auckland regional fuel tax.

Greenlane: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Green Lane West are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).