Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road, Ellerslie – Signalised Crossing Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road, Ellerslie – Signalised Crossing
Proposal status: Closed
Reference number: RSU2021-024
May 2024 update
Following a reduction in our budget, it has been necessary to reprioritise this proposal. Although this project is not currently progressing, we will continue to monitor the intersection and update the community of any changes.
Proposal outcome
In April 2022 we proposed changes to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road in Ellerslie. These changes aim to provide safer crossing locations.
After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed.
These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.
What happens next
Construction is planned for April to May 2023. We will update this webpage if there are any changes to the programme.
Community feedback
Many respondents told us that better and safer crossing facilities were long overdue on this section of Main Highway. Many people commented on the dangerously high speeds along Main Highway.
Here is a summary of the additional comments and queries we received, and our responses to them:
- Concern that a raised crossing should not be built on a main arterial road and this proposal will increase traffic congestion.
This project focuses on pedestrian safety, in line with our Vision Zero goals that prioritise human safety over other measures, such as minor time saving. Minor traffic congestion is expected when any signalised crossing is introduced. However, the changing of the lights will only be triggered when pedestrians push the button to cross Main Highway.
We designed the proposed raised crossing to slow drivers to survivable speeds if a crash happens, while reducing any negative impacts for everyone travelling on Main Highway. The height of the raised crossing is a relatively low 0.75m, with smooth off-ramps so drivers can re-accelerate after passing over the bump.
Main arterial roads are typically multi-lane in both directions. This greatly increases safety risks to pedestrians attempting to cross the road, as they must manoeuvre multiple lanes of traffic.
In the last 5 years, there has been one crash where a pedestrian was struck while attempting to cross Main Highway near Eaglehurst Road.
The proposed location is also next to a pair of bus stops which have a patronage of approximately 263 trips per working day. The next closest crossing is approximately 325m away, which encourages pedestrians to cross the road at dangerous locations.
We proposed this project to give pedestrians a safe crossing where there is currently no safe place to cross the road. - Request to improve the intersection of Main Highway and Michaels Avenue, so vehicles can exit safely and to combat traffic congestion.
We considered installing traffic lights during the initial investigation stage. However, as Eaglehurst Road and Michaels Avenue are quite close to each other and carry similar traffic, this makes the design complicated.
Signalising Main Highway with Michaels Avenue or Eaglehurst Road or both these roads would create significant delays to traffic on Main Highway. Our investigation also has not identified sufficient operational issues at the intersection of Michaels Avenue and Main Highway to support adding traffic signals to the intersection at this stage.
Widening the central median is outside the scope of this project. To widen the central median, we would have to widen Main Highway. We would also need to alter the existing lanes and widen the flush widths.
This would be a major project, and so we will not carry it out at this time.
- Concern about the safety of turning out of and into Michaels Avenue and Eaglehurst Road due to high speeds and visibility issues. Concern that when cars pull out looking the other way, they might hit pedestrians on the crossing.
The proposed raised crossing on Main Highway will help drivers exiting Michaels Avenue by lowering approach speeds and providing gaps in the traffic when pedestrians use the crossing facility.
The proposed signals are approximately 50m from the exit point of Michaels Avenue. We identified the existing substandard pedestrian facilities at Eaglehurst Road as needing an upgrade.
The proposed pedestrian island and the reduced kerb radius will help reduce speeds at the intersection. They will also lower the distance pedestrians have to cross. - Concern it is a dangerous location to encourage pedestrians to cross between 2 intersections with poor visibility, and that adding another variable to drivers’ decision making (by introducing a raised signalised crossing) will create safety issues.
This project focuses on providing a safe pedestrian crossing facility at a location where we have identified demand. The proposed raised crossing will slow approaching drivers to survivable speeds, while improving their awareness of pedestrians crossing the road at this location.
The 2 nearby intersections will be safer to use as people will be driving slower, and there will be breaks in the traffic when pedestrians cross the road.
We've undertaken all appropriate visibility checks to ensure that the proposed changes are safe. We will investigate further pre-warning signage. - Request for signage to warn drivers, especially before the corner passing Michaels Avenue, of the upcoming raised crossing. There may be an increase in nose to tail incidents as people come round the blind corner and must stop for the crossing, especially when they have poor visibility in the dark.
We will implement all appropriate warning signs to ensure that drivers are aware of the raised signalised crossing.
We've carried out visibility checks to ensure that the design meets visibility standards at this location.
The raised crossing will only be 75mm high, with a 1:15 gradient ramp, encouraging slower speed entry onto the speed table. There is a 1:40 exit ramp for dismounting the speed table. - Suggestion that further down the road near Ellerslie Park Road (near the bus stop) is a better location for a raised, signalised crossing.
We considered your suggested location during our initial investigation. However, there were too many constraints due to nearby driveways, guardrails, and bends in the road along this section of Main Highway. For these reasons, we could not progress the suggested location.
We investigated the proposed crossing location thoroughly before finalising the layout. The location is also central to the nearest crossing facilities east and west of Eaglehurst Road along Main Highway.
Crossing demand
- Concern that those crossing Main Highway can already take advantage of the existing crossings such as those at Alana Place and Ballart Street and do not require a new crossing. If the project goes ahead, there will be 3 sets of traffic lights within 550m of each other.
Although there are nearby signalised intersections, they are approximately 300m east and west of the proposed crossing location. Pedestrians, especially those trying to get to nearby bus stops or those with difficulties walking longer distances, are unlikely to walk that far if their destination is directly across the road.
There has also been one pedestrian crash at this location.
This is a residential environment. That's why we need frequent crossing facilities so pedestrians have safe places to cross the road. - Concern that pedestrians do not cross at the proposed location. Crossing Eaglehurst is easy and does not require a pedestrian island, as it would only make turning into Main Highway more difficult.
Currently, there is no safe way to cross Main Highway at this location. This prevents pedestrians, especially the elderly, those with disabilities, and people with young children from crossing the road. Some pedestrians cross the road anywhere between Ellerslie Park Road and Michaels Avenue to reach the bus stops.
We expect more pedestrians to cross the road with the proposed raised and signalised crossing here, as it will provide a safe crossing facility. The proposed raised crossing will give all pedestrians a safe crossing facility, as it is within walking distance of all nearby side streets.
The proposed pedestrian island on Eaglehurst Road will provide a safe crossing connection to the raised crossing on Main Highway. - Concern that students from Ellerslie Primary and Stanhope are unlikely to use this proposed crossing as it is too far away from the schools.
The crossing is proposed to improve safety for all pedestrians, not only school children.
The project identified this location for the crossing facility due to its pedestrian crash history, locations of existing bus stops, and the distance from the nearest pedestrian crossing facilities across Main Highway. - Concern that there is no footpath on Michaels Avenue, and no improvements for pedestrians crossing Michaels Avenue to access the new proposed crossing.
Pedestrian improvements at and along Michaels Avenue are currently out of the scope of this project. There are existing sloping ramps from the footpath to the road which connect the footpaths on both legs of Michaels Avenue to the proposed crossing location on Main Highway. - Request to see the data on pedestrian crossing movements, how many passengers are using the bus stops, and data on vehicle movements.
We identified this location for the proposed crossing facility due to its pedestrian crash history, locations of existing bus stops, and the distance from nearby pedestrian crossing facilities across Main Highway.
Data from passengers on buses in this area in 2019 shows 115 passengers boarding buses at stop 7511 on the southern side of Main Highway, and 101 passengers alighting at stop 7510 on the northern side of Main Highway. The existing bus stop locations create an automatic demand for pedestrians wishing to cross Main Highway.
Our pedestrian survey showed that 37 pedestrians crossed during the morning 2-hour peak period, and 24 during the afternoon 2-hour period.
Crossing design
- Request for the crossing to be flat with lights, as a raised crossing will impede traffic flow and is not any safer than the other nearby signalised crossings
Under the Vision Zero strategy, all new controlled pedestrian facilities are to be raised to ensure lowered vehicle travel speeds, improved awareness of pedestrians trying to cross the road, and improved safety if a driver does not stop for a red light.
All of this helps to improve pedestrian safety.
The design for the raised crossing we have proposed will have a minimal effect on journey times. This is because it is a relatively low 0.75m high and has a smooth exit ramp, allowing drivers to re-accelerate smoothly. - Suggestion to signalise the whole intersection of Michaels Avenue, Eaglehurst Road and Main Highway to improve safety.
We investigated signalising the full intersection of Main Highway, Eaglehurst Road and Ellerslie Park Road during the options phase of this project. However, as Eaglehurst Road and Michaels Avenue are close to each other and carry similar traffic, any potential design for signalising their intersections would cause significant delays to drivers travelling along Main Highway.
For this reason, we did not progress signalising the full intersection. - Suggestion to install a pedestrian island crossing on Main Highway instead of a signalised crossing.
Pedestrian safety is the focus of this project. A pedestrian refuge island is not a safe facility, especially because pedestrians need to cross 4 lanes of traffic on Main Highway. - Concern that the raised crossing will be an issue for emergency services vehicles who often use Main Highway.
We consult emergency services on all proposals, including those on lifeline routes.
The gradual exit ramp helps reduce the impact of the raised crossing on all vehicles. Similar raised crossings have been consulted and approved by emergency services at multiple locations across Auckland. - Request to paint the crossing a very bright red, like the one in Takapuna near Milford, so that it is visible for drivers.
The raised crossing is not currently proposed to have red pavement. However, we will investigate the suitability of this during the next phase of design. - Request to paint the road a light brown-grey colour before the crossing.
The light brown-grey colour seen before crossings at other locations throughout Auckland is high friction surfacing pavement. We use this where vehicles typically need additional assistance to decelerate, or where awareness of the crossing is limited.
We will investigate this in the next design phase and implement it if found necessary. - Question: Will 2 vehicles be able to turn out of Eaglehurst at any one time?
Tightening the intersection will mean that pedestrians will not need to manoeuvre across 2 lanes of traffic attempting to exit Eaglehurst Road. This means that only one vehicle will be able to turn out of Eaglehurst Road at any one time.
Allowing 2 vehicles to simultaneously exit Eaglehurst Road could obstruct visibility and potentially result in a crash. Based on the traffic volumes on Eaglehurst Road, the proposed layout will incur minor delays and discourage rat running along Eaglehurst Road.
- Concern that the bus stop is not placed in a safe location as buses will block visibility of vehicles trying to turn right out of Michaels Avenue. Also, if buses queue or park poorly at the intersection congestion will increase.
The bus stop locations are not proposed to be changed. They have been working well with no identified operational issues.
We are only proposing a minor adjustment to the bus stop west of Eaglehurst Road. This will let buses maneouvre safely without having to protrude into the traffic lane. - Concern that the construction works will take a long time and will be disruptive for residents.
As with all AT projects, we will make all necessary precautions to minimise the impact of construction on traffic and residents. - Suggestion to investigate building a pedestrian over bridge or tunnel here if required, as a signalised crossing will increase traffic congestion.
There are multiple issues related to installing overpasses and underpasses within residential areas. These include security and safety when allowing pedestrians on overpasses to see within private properties, and the noise and vibration related to underpass construction. Both options are also significantly more expensive and well outside the budget for this project.
Traffic will only come to a halt when the crossing is triggered by a pedestrian intending to cross the road. Therefore, disruption to traffic will be minimal.
Network Requests and Suggestions
- Request to paint broken yellow lines on both sides of Main Highway to always stop cars parking here.
Request to install broken yellow lines and signage at the intersection of Ellerslie Panmure Highway and Eaglehurst Road, as vehicles often park here.
We will undertake an assessment of the existing broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) around the intersection of Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road and the proposed signalised crossing to ensure adequate visibilities are met.
Any other locations are currently outside the scope of this project. - Request to paint broken yellow lines to be painted at the top of Alana Place, as there are currently no broken yellow lines here and cars park on either side, reducing it to a one lane road. This causes traffic congestion on the highway and Alana Place and is dangerous for pedestrians and drivers.
We'll forward your request for broken yellow lines by Alana Place to the appropriate team within AT for investigation. - Suggestion that Eaglehurst road should be a no exit onto Main Highway.
Converting Eaglehurst Road to a no exit road on the Main Highway end is currently outside of the scope of this project. The intersection operates satisfactorily, with no identified issues to ban vehicle movements in and out of Eaglehurst Road. - Request to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Penrose, Gavin and Portman roads as there is currently no safe place for pedestrians to cross.
Request to upgrade the pedestrian crossing at 207 Main Highway.
Concern that there is only one crossing in Ellerslie town centre that is nowhere near the train station or pedestrian routes.
These locations are currently outside of the scope of this project. We'll pass on these requests to the appropriate team within AT. - Request to install traffic lights at Ellerslie Park Road, as currently turning right out of Ellerslie Park Road is dangerous due to drivers speeding down Main Highway, and a blind spot of oncoming traffic.
This project has not identified sufficient operational issues at the intersection of Ellerslie Park Road and Main Highway to support the need for traffic signals at this intersection. Therefore, your request will not be considered at this stage. We will continue to monitor the operational performance of Main Highway and the adjacent side roads when the proposed scheme is built.
The proposed raised and signalised pedestrian crossing will help encourage slower speeds along Main Highway, and provide gaps in traffic when pedestrians cross the road. - Request for a site meeting to discuss trimming a Pohutukawa tree that is hanging over the footpath.
Trimming of trees which overhang the road and pedestrian footpaths is part of maintenance works carried out by Auckland Council. Get in touch with Auckland Council. - Request to investigate fixing existing issues in the area for future projects, such as installing cycling infrastructure, widening footpaths for pedestrians, narrow medians, and unsafe crossing points.
Many of the future corridor improvements such as cycle facilities, intersection improvements and pedestrian improvements are already under investigation by different project teams. We'll pass on this request to the appropriate teams within AT. - Request to install pedestrian crossing on Eaglehurst Road to improve safe access to the bus stop.
The project has proposed narrowing of Eaglehurst Road and installing a pedestrian refuge island. This will greatly improve safety for pedestrians crossing Eaglehurst Road. - Request to not remove all parking from Ellerslie/Panmure Highway to create cycle lanes, as it is an arterial route, and it is not safe to cycle in the area.
Parking and cycle lane improvements along Ellerslie/Panmure Highway are part of a separate project. We will direct this comment to the team looking after this project.
We're proposing improvements in your area
We are proposing to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road by installing two new pedestrian crossing facilities.
We are proposing to:
- Install a new raised crossing with traffic lights at 218 Main Highway. The crossing will be on a raised table, which is a flat and wide speed bump. The table will have a gradual slope at one end that will make it comfortable to travel over for all vehicles, including emergency services, buses, and large trucks.
The traffic lights will have a push button which when activated will give pedestrians right of way to cross. The sound will also assist visually impaired people to hear when to cross. - Install a pedestrian island crossing at the intersection of Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road. An island crossing is a raised platform in the middle of the road that makes it safer to cross by breaking up the journey for pedestrians. The crossing will have kerb ramps, so that people can move easily between the footpath and the road.
- Paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) at 2/243 Eaglehurst Road to ensure that clear visibility is maintained between pedestrians at the crossing at on-coming traffic. This will result in the removal of 2 on-street parking spaces.
- The bus stop at 243 Main Highway will be moved marginally. This will not impact the bus operation at this bus stop, and the bus shelter will also stay in the same place.
- Install new footpaths on the southern side of Main Highway to support the new crossings.
- Install new signage and orange beacons at each crossing so that they are visible to approaching drivers.
Download the proposal drawing for Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road, Ellerslie (PDF 694KB).
Main Highway is a busy 4 lane-wide road which accommodates roughly 24,561 vehicles per day. Currently there are no crossing facilities for pedestrians at this location, with the nearest crossings 325m away.
This proposal will increase pedestrian safety on Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road by providing 2 new crossing facilities. The crossings will ensure that pedestrians can safely access the bus stop at 243 and other local amenities when walking in the area.
The raised table will slow drivers down as they approach the crossing, and the traffic lights will give pedestrians clear right of way to cross, stopping traffic momentarily. The island crossing provides a place for pedestrians to wait until it is safe to cross, and increases driver awareness and visibility of those crossing at this location.
What happens next
- We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward
- We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage
- We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.
More information
- This proposal is supported with funding from the Auckland regional fuel tax.
Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road, Ellerslie: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Main Highway and Eaglehurst Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).