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Find your fare

Use the Journey Planner to plan your trip and calculate how much you’ll pay.

Discounts are available when using a registered AT HOP card with a concession applied for:

  • children aged 5 to 15
  • secondary and tertiary students
  • Community Services cardholders
  • Total Disability cardholders
  • Blind Low Vision NZ cardholders.

Children under 5 years old travel free on Auckland ferries if they’re with a paying passenger. They do not need their own AT HOP card.

Children aged 5 to 15 years can travel free on Auckland ferries on weekends and public holidays using their registered AT HOP card. This excludes Waiheke and Rakino ferry services.

Seniors with a concession on their AT HOP card can travel free on Auckland ferries after 9am on weekdays and anytime on weekends and public holidays. This excludes Waiheke and Rakino services. For travel before 9am, adult fares apply.

Find out more about concessions.

How to pay for ferries

The easiest way to pay for ferries in Auckland is with an AT HOP card or contactless method.

Contactless payments are accepted on all ferry services except Fullers360 Waiheke service and Belaire Rakino service.  AT HOP is accepted on all ferry services except Belaire Rakino Island service.  

Contactless includes:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • UnionPay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Samsung Pay.

Payment by these methods is discounted from our full-priced adult fare.

‘Tag on’ when you board and ‘tag off’ when you exit. When tagging on and off, remove your card from your wallet or phone case so that the correct card gets scanned. Always use the same card or smart device to tag on and off so that you’re charged the correct fare.

If you do not have a HOP or contactless payment method, you must buy a paper ticket before you board.

You can purchase a single-use ticket from a ticket machine or customer service centre.

Learn more about how to pay for ferries with your AT HOP card.

Ticket prices for ferries


AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


$50 7-day fare cap for AT HOP users, and $20 daily fare cap for contactless payments applies.


Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $7.40 

Contactless $7.40 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $6.50

AT HOP $4.44 

Secondary student

Cash $6.50  

AT HOP $4.44 

Tertiary student

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $5.92 

Community Connect

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $3.70 


Cash $6.50

AT HOP $4.44

Beach Haven

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.  


Fare caps do not apply.  


Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $9.90 

Contactless $9.90

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $8 

AT HOP $5.94 

Secondary student

Cash $8  

AT HOP $5.94 

Tertiary student

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $7.92 

Community Connect

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $4.95 


Cash $8  

AT HOP $5.94 

Beach Haven to or from Hobsonville Point


AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from Hobsonville Point.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $6 

AT HOP $4.65 

Contactless $4.65 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $3.50 

AT HOP $2.75 

Secondary student

Cash $3.50 

AT HOP $2.75 

Tertiary student

Cash $6 

AT HOP $3.70 

Community Connect

Cash $6 

AT HOP $3.32 


Cash $3.50 

AT HOP $2.75 


AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


$50 7-day fare cap for AT HOP users, and $20 daily fare cap for contactless payments applies.


Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $7.40 

Contactless $7.40 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $6.50 

AT HOP $4.44 

Secondary student

Cash $6.50  

AT HOP $4.44 

Tertiary student

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $5.92 

Community Connect

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $3.70 


Cash $6.50  

AT HOP $4.44 

Birkenhead to or from Te Onewa Northcote Point


AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from Te Onewa Northcote Point.


$50 7-day fare cap for AT HOP users, and $20 daily fare cap for contactless payments applies.


Cash $4 

AT HOP $2.80 

Contactless $2.80 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $2 

AT HOP $1.45 

Secondary student

Cash $2 

AT HOP $1.45 

Tertiary student

Cash $4 

AT HOP $2.15 

Community Connect

Cash $4 

AT HOP $1.40 


Cash $2 

AT HOP $1.45 


AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted (except on Devonport to Waiheke/Waiheke to Devonport services).


$50 7-day fare cap for AT HOP users, and $20 daily fare cap for contactless payments applies.


Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


Day-trip tickets are available at ticket machines or the customer service centre at the Downtown Ferry Terminal. These cost $23 for adults, $13 for children, and $13 for Accessible concession holders. Buy one before you board and keep it for your return journey (same day travel only).


Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $7.40 

Contactless $7.40 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $6.50 

AT HOP $4.44 

Secondary student

Cash $6.50  

AT HOP $4.44 

Tertiary student

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $5.92 

Community Connect

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $3.70 


Cash $6.50 

AT HOP $4.44 

Devonport to or from Waiheke Island


AT HOP cards and contactless payments are not accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from Waiheke, run by Fullers360.

Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $29.50 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $13.50 

Secondary student

Cash $13.50 

Tertiary student

Cash $29.50 

Community Connect

Cash $29.50 


Cash $29.50 

Gulf Harbour

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $17 

AT HOP $13.20 

Contactless $13.20 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $9 

AT HOP $7.92 

Secondary student

Cash $9  

AT HOP $7.92 

Tertiary student

Cash $17 

AT HOP $10.56 

Community Connect

Cash $17 

AT HOP $6.60 


Cash $9 

AT HOP $7.92 

Half Moon Bay

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $9.90 

Contactless $9.90 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $8 

AT HOP $5.94 

Secondary student

Cash $8  

AT HOP $5.94 

Tertiary student

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $7.92 

Community Connect

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $4.95 


Cash $8 

AT HOP $5.94 

Hobsonville Point

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $9.90 

Contactless $9.90 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $8 

AT HOP $5.94 

Secondary student

Cash $8  

AT HOP $5.94 

Tertiary student

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $7.92 

Community Connect

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $4.95 


Cash $8 

AT HOP $5.94 

Hobsonsville Point to or from Beach Haven

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from Beach Haven.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $6 

AT HOP $4.65 

Contactless $4.65 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $3.50 

AT HOP $2.75 

Secondary student

Cash $3.50 

AT HOP $2.75 

Tertiary student

Cash $6 

AT HOP $3.70 

Community Connect

Cash $6 

AT HOP $3.32 


Cash $3.50 

AT HOP $2.75 

Te Onewa Northcote Point

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


$50 7-day fare cap for AT HOP users, and $20 daily fare cap for contactless payments applies.


Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $7.40 

Contactless $7.40 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $6.50 

AT HOP $4.44 

Secondary student

Cash $6.50  

AT HOP $4.44 

Tertiary student

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $5.92 

Community Connect

Cash $11.50 

AT HOP $3.70 


Cash $6.50 

AT HOP $4.44 

Te Onewa Northcote Point to or from Birkenhead

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from Birkenhead.


$50 7-day fare cap for AT HOP users, and $20 daily fare cap for contactless payments applies.


Cash $4 

AT HOP $2.80 

Contactless $2.80 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $2 

AT HOP $1.45 

Secondary student

Cash $2 

AT HOP $1.45 

Tertiary student

Cash $4 

AT HOP $2.15 

Community Connect

Cash $4 

AT HOP $1.40 


Cash $2 

AT HOP $1.45 

Pine Harbour

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


Fare caps do not apply.


Baggage other than cabin baggage may incur a charge.


Cash $17 

AT HOP $13.20 

Contactless $13.20 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $9 

AT HOP $7.92 

Secondary student

Cash $9  

AT HOP $7.92 

Tertiary student

Cash $17 

AT HOP $10.56 

Community Connect

Cash $17 

AT HOP $6.60 


Cash $9 

AT HOP $7.92 

Rakino Island

AT HOP cards are not accepted on Rakino Island ferry services. Concessions are only available for children and students. 


Belaire Ferries operates the Rakino Island ferry. Tickets are available on-board using cash, debit, or credit cards.


Additional fees apply for extra luggage and delivery tickets. See Belaire Ferries travel conditions for more detail.


One way $45 

Return $75 

10 trips $335 

Stanley Bay surcharge $5 

Child (5 to 15)

One way $28 

Return $40 

10 trips $185 

Stanley Bay surcharge $5 

Secondary student

One way $28 

Return $40 

10 trips $185 

Stanley Bay surcharge $5 


AT HOP cards are not accepted on Rangitoto ferry services.

Fullers360 operates the Rangitoto ferry service. For fares and other information, please call Fullers360 directly on 09 367 9111 or visit the Fullers360 website.

Waiheke (Fullers360)

AT HOP cards are accepted. Contactless payments are not accepted. Concessions are available for children and students only.


Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland or Devonport. Capacity is limited, we recommend you plan ahead during busy seasons.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $29.50 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $13.50 

AT HOP $13.50 

Secondary student

Cash $13.50 

AT HOP $13.50 

Tertiary student

Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $29.50 

Community Connect

Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $29.50 


Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $29.50 

Waiheke Island (Island Direct)

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Concessions are available for children and students only.


Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland. Capacity is limited, we recommend you plan and book in advance during busy seasons.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $27.50 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $13 

AT HOP $13 

Secondary student

Cash $13 

AT HOP $13 

Tertiary student

Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $27.50 

Community Connect

Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $27.50 


Cash $29.50 

AT HOP $27.50 

West Harbour

AT HOP cards and contactless payments are accepted. Fares are for a single one-way journey to or from central Auckland.


Fare caps do not apply.


Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $9.90 

Contactless $9.90 

Child (5 to 15)

Cash $8 

AT HOP $5.94 

Secondary student

Cash $8  

AT HOP $5.94 

Tertiary student

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $7.92 

Community Connect

Cash $14.50 

AT HOP $4.95 


Cash $8 

AT HOP $5.94 

Monthly passes for ferries

There are several monthly pass options available for frequent ferry travellers. These are only available on registered AT HOP cards.

Monthly passes are valid for one calendar month from the date you tag on. For example, if your tag-on date is 13 January, your pass is valid until midnight of 12 February.

Monthly ferry passes include buses and trains in the same zone as the start or end of your ferry trip.

Find out how to purchase and activate your monthly pass

Inner Harbour: $195/month

This is for ferries travelling to or from the city centre and Bayswater, Birkenhead, Te Onewa Northcote Point, or Devonport. 

Mid Harbour: $310/month

This is for ferries travelling to or from the city centre and Half Moon Bay, West Harbour, Beach Haven, or Hobsonville Point. 

Outer Harbour: $400/month

This is for ferries travelling to or from the city centre and Gulf Harbour or Pine Harbour.

Waiheke Island: $400/month

AT offers monthly passes on both Fullers360 and Island Direct services to or from the city centre and Waiheke Island. Fullers360 monthly pass also includes travel between Devonport and Waiheke Island.

Waiheke monthly passes include bus and train travel within the same zone as the start or end of your ferry trip. This includes Waiheke Bus services.

Monthly passes are only valid for the service specified. You cannot use an Island Direct monthly pass on a Fullers360 ferry service.

Travel conditions

Passengers who are travelling on AT HOP card concession fares may need to show additional proof of ID such as student ID, SuperGold card, or mobility cards as required.

Fullers360 Ferry travel conditions

The SuperGold senior concession does not apply on ferries serving Rangitoto or Tiritiri Matangi.

A family pass is available for 2 adults and 2 children.

Travel on Fullers360 ferries is subject to Fullers360 terms and conditions.

Belaire Ferries travel conditions

The SuperGold senior concession does not apply on ferries serving Rakino Island.

Travel on Belaire Ferries services is subject to Belaire Ferries terms and conditions.

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