Corridor Access Requests Corridor Access Requests

If you are planning to carry out any work or activity that affects the normal operation of the road, footpath or berm, you must apply for a Corridor Access Request (CAR).

A CAR is a permit that helps to ensure that all road worksites meet national regulations, and that they are as safe as possible for workers, motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. Some examples of activities requiring a CAR are:

  • Placing a skip bin or container on the berm.
  • Installing a new stormwater drain that leads into the road corridor.
  • Using or parking machinery such as cranes, cherry pickers and water blasters on the road corridor.

Step 1. Check if you need a CAR

You will need a CAR if your activity involves digging, drilling or resurfacing, or if your activity will affect the normal operation of the road, footpath or berm.

Check if you need a CAR with our CAR criteria.

Step 2. Know what to include in your CAR application

Before you apply for a Corridor Access Request (CAR) make sure you have everything you need.

All new customers must complete all 3 forms to be registered as an Approved AT Customer. These are:

  1. Customer Accounting Application Form
  2. Terms of Business Form
  3. E2 Form

Use the CAR planner tool to find out what to include with your application.

Get CAR application advice for future projects.

Step 3. Apply for a CAR

Applications must be made at least 15 working days before work starts.

Submitting an application is not an authority to start work. You must wait until you receive your approved CAR permit by email.

You will be advised of the fee during the application process and you will be sent an invoice for payment.

Check the steps required to apply for a CAR.

See the list of CAR fees and charges.

Step 4. When your CAR is approved

When your CAR is approved, you will be issued with an accepted Works Access Permit (WAP) with a status of "Ready to Start".

You are then required to notify AT of your work start date in MyWorksites.

Find out more about notifying AT of when you start work.

Check the process for notifying AT of any changes (such as working outside your approved work date window).

Step 5. After the work is completed

When all work has been completed you are required to notify AT of completion via MyWorksites.

Check the work completion process.

Check if you need to notify AT after a 2-year warranty period.

Filming or event-related activity in the road corridor

Step 1. Establish whether you need Auckland Transport’s approval to undertake your activity.

You will need an approval issued by Auckland Transport if you’re planning to undertake the following activities: trading, holding an event, and/or filming within the road corridor, including on footpaths, or on Auckland Transport assets such as Te Komititanga.

Step 2. Collate all the information that Auckland Transport will require.

In addition to a Temporary Traffic Management Plan, all new customers must complete all 3 forms to be registered as an approved Auckland Transport customer before any approvals can be issued.

These are:

  1. Customer Accounting Application Form
  2. Terms of Business Form
  3. E2 Form

Step 3. Submit your application via MyWorksites.

Submit your application via MyWorksites, adhering to the relevant deadlines and ensuring that you select ‘Events’ under ‘Type of Work’.

Category of Submission Deadline
Events – All applications 8 weeks
Film – TMP With Parking Resolution* 30 full business days (6 weeks) prior to filming date
Film – TMP With Road Closure(s) 20 full business days (4 weeks) prior to filming date
Film – TMP With Stop/Go

CBD-12 Full business days prior to filming;

Non-Central 5 Full business days prior to filming

You will need to add your Auckland Council Facilitator to the Contacts/Affected Parties section of their submission to ensure they are kept up to date with your application.

Note: Submitting an application to WorkSites does not constitute approval for your event or filming to take place. You must wait until you receive confirmation from the Auckland Transport Events team that approval has been granted.

 Step 4. Wait for approval of your event or filming activity.

When your application is approved, you will be issued with a Works Access Permit (WAP) with a status of ‘Ready to Start’.

You are then required to notify of your event/filming start date in MyWorksites.

Step 5. Notify AT after your event or filming activity has been completed.

When your activity has been completed, you are required to notify Auckland Transport of completion via MyWorksites.

National code of practice

The National Code of Practice for Utility Operators' Access to Transport Corridors (opens in a new tab) defines the set of standards for working in the road and the Corridor Access Request (CAR) processes. The Code is mandatory under the Utilities Access Act 2010 and applies to all works carried out in the road corridor, whether the work is for or by a utility, local government, commercial organisation or private individual(s).


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Using a drone over the road corridor


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