Beach Rd, Castor Bay - Broken yellow lines Beach Rd, Castor Bay - Broken yellow lines

Consultation status: closed 19 February 2018

Proposal reference: BYL-212

We are looking to install broken yellow lines (No stopping at all times restrictions) along the inner corner of Beach Road, in front of property numbers 18 and 20 on Beach Road. The proposal will result in the loss of four parking spaces.

Download the consultation drawing for Beach Road (PDF 294KB)

Due to the curvature of the road, vehicles currently parking along this stretch of road pose visibility issues to road users. The proposal aims to eliminate these issues and to ensure safety of road users. 


The proposal received mixed feedback with some concerns raised by respondents. After reviewing this feedback and all other supporting evidence, the proposal will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning.

Specific feedback

  • Suggestion to install broken yellow lines along the entire length of Beach Road. Studies have shown that installing broken yellow lines en masse induces speeding. Permitting street parking serves as a speed calming measure, as vehicles generally slow because the through lane is narrower.
  • Requests to further extend broken yellow lines to several other sections of Beach Road, to include broken yellow lines: (a) in front of properties to the north of the proposal area, (b) on the eastern side of Beach Road between property nos. 17 and 33, and (c) through to Commodore Parry Road. Significant visibility issues occur around the bend in front of 18 and 20 Beach Road. Extending broken yellow lines in front of properties to the north would not provide considerable visibility benefits over and above the current proposal. The layout of the road, coupled with the fact that other bends in the road are not overly sharp, means that visibility issues are minor and do not justify installing broken yellow lines around these bends. Allowing on-street parking also serves as a speed calming measure, as vehicles generally slow because the through lane is narrower. As such, this proposal aims to limit the extent of broken yellow lines to be installed.
  • Concern that vehicles traveling southbound are frequently forced to cross the centre-line in order to pass vehicles parked along the eastern side of Beach Road. The road is wide enough to support 2 metres of parallel parking on both sides of the road while allowing 2.5 metres for a through lane. Permitting on-street parking generally encourages slower driving, improving road safety.
  • Concern that the proposal is not far-reaching enough and that parked vehicles along the eastern side of Beach Road cause visibility issues for residents entering and exiting their driveways. It is directly around the bends where the biggest visibility issues occur so broken yellow lines have been placed here, where it will have the most impact. Installing excess broken yellow lines will likely increase speeding, especially when motorists are going downhill. Parked vehicles make the road appear narrower to drivers, encouraging slower speeds and improving road safety.
  • Concern that vehicles that park illegally over the footpath on Beach Road force vulnerable pedestrians into the road. Parking on the footpath is illegal. Please contact AT enforcement on 09 355 3553 when cars are parked on the footpath.
  • Concern that the proposal could aggravate the problem by encouraging vehicles to park along other bends in the road. This proposal addresses the most problematic bend in terms of visibility issues. Other bends on this road do not present visibility issues to the same extent because: (a) the bends are not as sharp, and (b) they are in locations where there is ample visibility due to the road topography.
  • Request to install signage to remind motorists not to park on the footpath. Parking on the footpath is illegal. Please contact AT enforcement on 09 355 3553 when cars are parked on the footpath.
  • Suggestion to install speed tables to force vehicles to slow along this stretch of Beach Road. We do not install speed tables along bus routes.

Next steps

We expect to introduce this work between July 2018 and June 2019, subject to further changes in design or funding issues.

Contractors will issue 48-hour notices to all affected residents prior to construction work.