Sunnynook Road and Sycamore Drive, Sunnynook - Intersection improvements Sunnynook Road and Sycamore Drive, Sunnynook - Intersection improvements

Proposal status: Feedback closed

Reference number: NOP2021-005

Project update

We got in touch earlier this year with an update to proceed with this project with minor changes.  We are now planning to start construction of the safety upgrades on 8 April 2024. 

Proposal Outcome

In August 2020, we proposed to install three crossings with traffic lights at the Sunnynook Road and Sycamore Drive intersection to improve congestion.

Following public consultation, we reviewed the design further to ensure the changes reflect recent changes in design standards, particularly the current flood assessment standards.

After reviewing all the feedback we received and investigating the design further, we are proceeding with the following changes:

In addition to the original proposed changes on Sunnynook Road, we will:

  • Reconstruct the footpath outside the Sunnynook Community Centre.
  • Paint red ‘slow’ road markings near the approach of the intersection.
  • Widen the footpath outside number 105 to support the changes.

On Sycamore Drive, we no longer propose to install skid resistant surfacing on the approach to the intersection and relocate the existing pedestrian island. In addition to the original proposed changes on Sycamore Drive, we will:

  • Reconstruct the footpath and driveway into the Sunnynook Community Centre.
  • Paint red ‘slow’ road markings outside the Glenfield Greyhounds Rugby League Club.
  • Remove the pedestrian island.
  • Paint a new flush median to support the changes.


The project was updated to meet the latest safety and design standards and aims to improve pedestrian safety and congestion at this intersection.

Download the updated drawing (PDF 2MB)

What happens next 
Recently, we sent out a letter informing of service investigation work in the area to finalise the design.

Once the design is finalised, we plan to implement the changes in early 2024.

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. Your community have let us know that these intersection improvements could help improve congestion and the safety of pedestrians crossing here.

Your community has also provided queries, suggestions, and concerns about this proposal. A summary of this feedback and our responses are below.

General Design Feedback

Query about what consideration has been given to the Sunnynook shopping area vehicle entrances? They are both problematic for both roads.
When we visited the area, we observed the roads and shopping mall vehicle entrances at various times of the day. We didn’t observe any operational or access issues at these entrances.

Suggestion to consider only one set of pedestrian crossing lights (only needed on Sycamore Drive, not Sunnynook Road).
The signalised pedestrian crossing on Sunnynook Road was proposed based on the existing pedestrian crossing demand.

Query about why the skid-friction surfacing is needed.
Skid-resistant surfacing increases friction between vehicles and the road, which it improves road safety especially in wet weather.

Suggestion to install a cycle lane (reduce the median to accommodate this). Query about why there is a cycle box on a two-lane approach when there is no cycle lane?

We did consider installing cycle lanes when we investigated the area. However, it was not possible to accommodate cycle lanes without narrowing the road to a single shared lane in each direction. Modelling results have shown this would have resulted in significant impacts on traffic flow.

Advanced Stop Boxes provide a safe waiting area and head start for cyclists over vehicles when manoeuvring the intersection until more appropriate cycle lanes along the corridor are provided in due course.

Traffic Lights

Concern that traffic will back up towards the other traffic lights on Sunnynook Road, causing more congestion.

We have conducted a traffic light analysis based on the two sets of traffic lights being coordinated, and the results show that traffic flow will be at a suitable level during peak periods.

Query about whether the traffic light phasing will be coordinated with the traffic lights at Sunnynook Road/Becroft Road intersection? Query about whether the proposed traffic lights on the eastern side of the Sunnynook Road motorway over bridge have been considered in this design?

The other two traffic light-controlled intersections have not been considered in the design of this crossing due to the large distance between them.

Traffic Flow

Suggestion to remove the flush median and pedestrian refuge on Sycamore Drive. This can create a short right turn lane and allow for more vehicles to get out of Sycamore on each phase of the lights and reduce queues.

Adding a right turn lane could not be accommodated on Sycamore Drive due to insufficient space within the existing road. A larger vehicle like a bus or truck would not be able to turn safely in or out of Sycamore Drive. However, we will be removing the pedestrian island on Sycamore Drive as part of the changes.

Suggestion to create a free left turn from Sunnynook Road on to Sycamore Drive and to create a free left turn from Sycamore Drive to Sunnynook Road to keep traffic flowing.

We are not able to accommodate this suggestion as there is not enough land area at the right of way to create the turns.

Road Safety

Concern that vehicles turning left onto Sycamore Drive will mount the footpath and a wider pedestrian area may put pedestrians at risk.
We have investigated this further and the results of our vehicle tracking analysis confirms that vehicles can safely turn left from Sunnynook Road into Sycamore Drive without mounting the footpath

Concern about speeding on Sycamore Drive.
As part of signalising the intersection, a red ‘slow’ marking will be installed on Sycamore Drive to encourage motorists to slow down.

We're proposing changes in your area

We are proposing to install three crossings with traffic lights at the intersection of Sunnynook Road and Sycamore Drive in Sunnynook. We have identified this intersection as having a high level of congestion. This proposal aims to reduce congestion on Sycamore Drive, especially for vehicles turning right out of Sycamore Drive, and improve pedestrian safety by providing clear points for crossing the roads.

Changes proposed on Sunnynook Road

  • Install traffic lights at the intersection to help prevent crashes between turning vehicles and oncoming traffic. This includes Advanced Stop Boxes (ASBs) which are green boxes painted with a bicycle symbol where people on bicycles can wait before the lights. ASBs improve road safety by making cyclists more visible to people in vehicles.
  • Create two new crossings with traffic lights as safe places to cross the road. These will have street lighting and tactile pavers, which are yellow guidance paving markers to help visually impaired people to find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
  • Reconstruct the footpath and plant a new grass berm at the intersection. This will improve accessibility of the crossing. Trimming of trees will be required to provide clear visibility of the traffic lights.
  • Add broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) to formalise no parking on the corner of the intersection and ensure cars do not block the flow of traffic.
  • Paint new and modify existing road markings to support the signalisation of the intersection. This will include creating a new turning lane to enable signal-controlled turns onto Sycamore Drive, and a through lane for traffic continuing along Sunnynook Road. A keep clear road marking will be painted to accommodate nearby driveways.
  • Install skid-resistant surfacing on the approach from both directions in order to help with slowing vehicle speeds.

Changes proposed on Sycamore Drive

  • Install traffic lights with ASBs.
  • Create a new crossing with tactile pavers. This will require cutting back the kerb and reconstructing the footpath.
  • Install skid resistant surfacing on the approach to the intersection.
  • Relocate signs to support the new traffic lights.
  • Relocate the existing pedestrian island further away from the intersection.

This project is supported by the regional fuel tax fund.

Download the proposal drawing for Sunnynook Road and Sycamore Drive (PDF 1.6MB)

Sunnynook: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Sunnynook Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).