East & South Auckland flood recovery progres East & South Auckland flood recovery progres

Extreme weather events in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland caused damage to roads in 2023.

Over the last 18 months or so, we have made significant progress on repairing storm-damaged roads in the East and South Auckland area.

Reported sites and slip repairs in East and South Auckland as of 30 September 2024.

  • Total number of sites: 34 (24 major, 10 minor).
  • Currently under construction: 2.
  • Completed sites: 22 (65%).

We have completed:

  • 14 out of 24 major slip repairs
  • 8 out of 10 minor slip repairs.

There are 2 major sites under construction:

  • Hunua Gorge Road, Hunua
  • McNicol Road, Clevedon.

We have one upcoming site – Union Road, Makau.

Summary of South and East Auckland slip repairs up to October 2024.

The reported number of sites requiring minor to major repairs will change slightly over time as the design and investigation of each slip site develops.

We ask for your patience as we repair sites all over Auckland.

To report new issues, please contact us.

Completed slip repair sites

The following is a list of recently completed major slip sites in the eastern and southern areas of Auckland. Our thanks go to everyone in these communities for your patience and understanding as we made necessary repairs and restored safe connections.

  • Awhitu Road, Pollok (1 of 2 sites)
  • East Street, Pukekohe
  • Grahams Beach Road, Manukau Heads
  • Kingseat Road, Patamahoe
  • Laing Road, Karaka
  • Linwood Road, Karaka (2 sites)
  • Marine Parade, Mellons Bay
  • Monument Road, Clevedon (2 sites)
  • Otau Mountain Road, Clevedon
  • Skyhigh Road, Hunu

Awhitu Road, Pollok

Road status: open

16 October 2024

Work started on 25 June 2024. We completed repairs on both slip sites by the end of September 2024. AT and our contractor would like to thank the local community for their ongoing support and patience during these large-scale repairs.

An aerial view of the completed slip repair site 2 on Awhitu Road.

9 September 2024

Work is progressing well to repair the slip near #1966 Awhitu Road (original slip shown below left). The team have now finished all the soil nail and shotcrete work. Drainage installation and pavement repairs will take place this month.

An aerial photograph of the original slip taken by a drone. The wide and deep clay exposed on the cliff face. The people standing on the road appear tiny, showing the huge scale of this slip.
The slip face is now covered partially with concrete shotcrete stabilised by soil nails underneath. Coconut matting is shown in the lower left of the image which stops the soil from washing away.

9 July 2024

Two slips have occurred on Awhitu Road, near property numbers 1966 and 2049.

A new retaining wall is now in place at the slip near 2049 Awhitu Road. All traffic management has been lifted and the road is fully open at this site.

Work on the slip near 1966 Awhitu Road started on 24 June 2024. This is a large slip and will take approximately 6 weeks to repair. Reinstating the slip area will involve installing soil nails, a concrete retaining wall, and guardrail and pavement works. 

Stop/go traffic management will be in place when the contractor is working on the site. After hours and weekends, a traffic signal will manage traffic flow.

Before the works started, the site was blessed by local iwi and a powhiri held at Awhitu School. AT and Liveable Streets, the contractor for these works, have held 2 sessions with Awhitu School, including a site visit to see the dramatic slip on Awhitu Road. 

A group of schoolchildren and teachers in orange high-visibility vests at the works site with construction crew. One person is raising their hand to ask a question.

A digger lifting a piece of old guardrail from the site of a major roadside slip lined with black tarp

Grahams Beach Road, Manukau Heads

Road status: open

16 October 2024

We completed the repair work on Grahams Beach Road at the end of September. AT and our contract team would like to thank the local community for their patience and support.

The large slip in the foreground is covered with coconut matting. The top slip face is now concreted with soil-nails in place. In the background, you can see the contractor team finishing the road area.

9 September 2024

The team came back to the site in late August to begin soil nail installation. Work is expected to take about one month.

An excavator arm reaches over the edge of the steep slip face to install soil nails. A worker using abseiling equipment hangs over the slip face area to help.

Hunua Gorge Road, Hunua

Road status: open, single lane operating

16 October 2024

Work is underway on Hunua Gorge Road to repair the slip using a soil-nail retaining wall. This week, the team will be undertaking shotcrete work. The team are on track to complete the repairs by the end of October.

9 July 2024

Design is complete, and we are looking to resource construction in September. Traffic management has been changed to allow for 2-way traffic flow.

Manukau Heads Road, Awhitu Peninsula

Road status: closed, resident access only

9 July 2024

Design and project planning continues.

14 February 2024

The project team has completed geotechnical testing and a hydrology assessment. Their recommendation is to reestablish the road link by building a short road bypass at the slip site. Preparation of the detailed design and resource consent is under way. The project will include stormwater work to prevent storms from causing the same damage in the future.

20 July 2023

  • A safety fence to restrict access at the slip location has been installed. 
  • ‘No access to lighthouse’ signage has been installed.
  • The local access gate has been upgraded, for use by residents only.

17 May 2023

On Manukau Heads Road, Awhitu Peninsula, a major slip occurred just a few hundred metres from the Manukau Lighthouse. The slip severed the road connection, and public access to the lighthouse and nearby properties is unavailable. The following aerial photo shows the extent of the slip, which extends approximately 80 metres downwards from the road.

An estimated 90,000 cubic metres of soil moved during the slip.   

Image showing an aerial view of the major slip on Manukau Heads Road, Awhitu Peninsula

Initial assessment

The initial assessment indicates that stabilising the slip and restoring the road connection will not be a short process. A robust evaluation of repair options and site investigations are needed to ensure that the correct information informs decision-making before funds are committed to the design and construction of a permanent solution. 

With restoration of the road connection being 12 to 18 months away, discussion around whether temporary public access should be restored in the interim is needed. This will also be a lengthy process because it involves land that AT does not own.

The most recent traffic data indicates that during the summer of 2020 (before the slip), about 240 vehicles travelled to the lighthouse per day. 

Manukau Lighthouse

Road access to the lighthouse remains closed to the public.

McNicol Road, Clevedon

Road status: closed, resident access only

9 September 2024

Work started this month on two small retaining walls and rock armour protection to repair the slip on this road. We expect to complete repairs within the month.

9 July 2024

Design is in progress, and AT is looking for options to restore access to all motorists. This road provides access to one resident only.

Monument Road, Clevedon

Road status: open

9 September 2024

On 24 June 2024 we started to repair the two slips on Monument Road. Work is now complete and the road reopened. AT and our contractor would like to thank the local community for their patience during these repairs.

An aerial photograph shows the completed road area with darker asphalt and fresh line marking.

An aerial photograph shows the completed road area with darker asphalt and fresh line marking.

9 July 2024

Enabling works started on 24 June 2024 and are now well under way.

Repairs include the construction of a timber retaining wall, drainage improvements, and guardrail and pavement works. The work should take 6 weeks to complete, weather dependent.

The road is fully closed during construction due to the space needed for construction equipment. A detour provides general access to the Hunua/Clevedon area. Resident access is available at all times.

Union Road, Mauku

Road status: open, single lane operating

16 October 2024

Work started on Union Road at the beginning of October. The team are now working on pipe installation. They will then backfill behind the retaining wall. We expect to complete works at the end of the month.

9 July 2024

Design is complete, and we expect to start work at the site in September or October.