Grafton, Newmarket, Grey Lynn - Approved shared vehicles parking spaces Grafton, Newmarket, Grey Lynn - Approved shared vehicles parking spaces
Proposal status: Feedback closed 11 September 2019, last updated 16 October 2020
We've proposed changes in your area
In September 2019, we proposed new 'Approved Shared Vehicles' parking spaces in various city fringe locations. The full details of the individual spaces can be found below.
Why the changes are needed
We expect that this proposal will greatly benefit residents and businesses by allowing a quick and convenient alternative to owning a personal vehicle, particularly for infrequent drivers.
Car share services support our long-term vision of enabling easy journeys by offering transport options that complement walking, biking and public transport. They contribute to our efforts to deliver an effective and efficient transport system that allows all Aucklanders to make smarter transport choices.
Glenside Crescent, Grafton
Reference number: RTV-242
We proposed to convert an existing P90 parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times.
Download the proposal drawing for Glenside Crescent, Grafton (PDF 158KB).
Proposal outcome
We proposed to convert an existing P90 parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times. The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being implemented. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns.
A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the increase in car share availability. Thank you for your feedback. We are pleased to hear that you believe the Approved Shared Vehicles spaces will be a benefit to the local community.
- Respondents wanted clarification around the current usage rates of existing car share spaces, including the existing space on Carlton Gore Road. We only propose Approved Shared Vehicles spaces if we have been provided with sufficient evidence of existing demand in the area. The usage rates for each space is commercially sensitive information and is at the discretion of the Approved Shared Vehicles provider.
- Respondents requested that parking meters are introduced on Glenside crescent. Glenside Crescent parking will be reviewed as part of an upcoming Eden Terrace Paid Parking extension. Currently, paid parking is considered once occupancy levels of time restricted spaces regularly exceed 85% at peak times. This is intended to improve parking availability.
- Respondents reported that the 90-minute limit on Glenside Crescent is often not observed and were concerned that the Approved Shared Vehicles Only restriction may also be ignored. Respondents requested increased parking enforcement to deal with this potential issue. Our Parking Compliance team are aware of the issues on Glenside Crescent as it has regular requests for enforcement. As such, Glenside Crescent already receives a high level of enforcement. Paid parking will be considered for this area in the future to address this.
Next steps
These works were planned to be completed by the end of December 2019, but implementation has been put on hold until further notice.
Nuffield Street, Newmarket
Reference number: RTV-243
We proposed to convert an existing paid parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times.
Download the proposal drawing for Nuffield Street, Newmarket (PDF 161KB).
Proposal outcome
We proposed to convert an existing paid parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times. The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being implemented. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns.
A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the increase in car share availability. Thank you for your feedback. We are pleased to hear that you believe the Approved Shared Vehicles spaces will be a benefit to the local community.
- Respondents request that the Nuffield Street Space is relocated to the countdown car park or inside the carpark at 277. As the 277 development is on private property, we have no authority to take forward this suggestion, however we will raise this suggestion with the Approved Shared Vehicles provider at this location during our regular meetings for their consideration.
- Respondents requested additional spaces in the Central City and near Auckland Hospital. We understand that an Approved Shared Vehicles provider has plans to provide a vehicle on hospital property in the near future. There is also an existing on-street space on Carlton Gore Road which should be convenient to access the hospital.
Next steps
These works were planned to be completed by the end of December 2019, but implementation has been put on hold until further notice.
Teed Street, Newmarket
Reference number: RTV-244
We proposed to convert an existing paid parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times.
Download the proposal drawing for Teed Street (PDF 166KB).
Proposal outcome
We proposed to convert an existing paid parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times. We have listened to community feedback and have decided that this proposal will not proceed to the next stage of detailed planning. Feedback from local businesses outlined the negative impact parking removal on Teed Street may have, so we will instead be proposing another Approved Shared Vehicles Only space at a nearby location soon. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns.
A summary of this feedback and our responses to community questions and concerns is below.
Community feedback
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the increase in alternate methods of transport. Thank you for your feedback, we are pleased that you are in support of our aims to enable different types of journeys.
- Respondents were concerned that the proposal would disadvantage local businesses by removing customers’ parking. We appreciate your concerns about parking scarcity on Teed Street and have decided in this instance not to go ahead with this space, and to investigate alternative locations for this Approved Shared Vehicles Space instead. We will propose a space in a nearby location in the near future.
- Respondents suggested that Approved Shared Parking spaces could be leased in private parking premises such as the 277 carpark. As the 277 development is on private property, we have no authority to take forward this suggestion, however we will raise this suggestion with the Approved Shared Vehicles provider at this location during our regular meetings for their consideration.
- Respondents requested additional spaces in the central city, near Auckland Hospital and near the eastern busway. We understand that an Approved Shared Vehicles provider has plans to provide a vehicle on hospital property in the near future. There is also an existing on-street space on Carlton Gore Road which should be convenient to access the hospital.
- Respondents requested that the new spaces have Electric Vehicle chargers. This request would need to come from the carshare provider directly. If, in the future, any Approved Shared Vehicles provider requests charging stations for their electric vehicles it will be considered based on the suitability of the location for a charging point.
Bourke Street, Newmarket
Reference number: RTV-245
We proposed to convert an existing loading zone to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times.
Download the proposal drawing for Bourke Street (PDF 142KB).
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.
A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.
Community feedback
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the increase in car share availability. Thank you for your feedback. We are pleased to hear that you believe the Approved Shared Vehicles spaces will be a benefit to the local community.
- Respondents suggested that the loading zone is well used and opposed its removal. Respondents expressed concerns that its removal would cause trucks to double park in Morrow Street or on the Broadway. As the loading zone on Bourke Street is greater in length than is usual, we believe it can be shortened to accommodate our proposal without significant impact on congestion or the utility of the loading zone to local businesses.
- Respondents suggested that the space would not be easily accessible and require drivers to manoeuvre dangerously, such as performing U-turns, to access. These spaces are easily accessible from Eden Street and should not require any difficult manoeuvring. Bourke street has low parking occupancy and is regularly used by delivery trucks with no issues.
- Respondents requested that Bourke street be converted to one way to enable space for parking. We do not support making Bourke street one way to enable parking on both kerbs. Bourke Street provides access to an off-street car park, which makes retaining two-way traffic the most efficient option in this location.
- Respondents requested additional spaces in the Central City and near Auckland Hospital. AT understands that an Approved Shared Vehicles provider has plans to provide a vehicle on hospital property in the near future there is also an existing on-street space on Carlton Gore Road which should provide convenient access to the hospital.
Mackelvie Street, Grey Lynn
Reference number: RTV-246
We proposed to convert an existing paid parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times.
Download the proposal drawing for Mackelvie Street (PDF 198KB).
Proposal outcome
We proposed to convert an existing paid parking space to Approved Shared Vehicles Parking, At All Times. The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being implemented. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns.
A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported the benefits for local businesses, including alternate delivery methods. Thank you for your feedback, we are pleased that you believe this proposal will enable businesses to make the most of alternative transport modes.
- Respondents suggested that existing car share spaces are not well used, therefore the restrictions would not be the best use of space. Approved Shared Vehicles spaces are only proposed by Auckland Transport if we have been provided evidence of demand in the area. AT is providing a limited number of spaces for the shared vehicle scheme as we feel that it aligns with our strategic objectives and will help to introduce alternative transport modes in Auckland. We meet with the shared vehicle provider on a regular basis and monitor demand to ensure that there is effective use of the parking spaces.
- Respondents suggested that parking is already scarce, and the proposal would worsen this. We appreciate your concern. However, we need to ensure that the varied needs of the community are met. Auckland Transport supports Car Shares as each Approved Shared Vehicles space allows users (including businesses) to make a modal change and move away from vehicle ownership. AT feels that this proposal does not adversely affect the availability of general on-street parking.
- Respondents suggested that the Approved Shared Vehicles provider should lease spaces in private car parks, such as the Countdown car park. The Approved Shared Vehicles provider in this location does already lease spaces in private car parks. However, Ponsonby Countdown is already serviced by an Approved Shared Vehicles space on Williamson Avenue outside the main entrance.
- Respondents suggested that Hepburn or Picton streets would be a good alternative. Hepburn Street is serviced by the location on Williamson Avenue outside Countdown. AT has considered a facility on Picton Street however due to forthcoming road works in this area we do not feel it is appropriate at this time. We may reconsider this in the future.
Next steps
These works were planned to be completed by the end of December 2019, but implementation has been put on hold until further notice.
Next steps
Next steps for each of these consultations is outlined in the feedback within each proposed area.