Rosebank Road, Avondale - Pedestrian improvements Rosebank Road, Avondale - Pedestrian improvements

Proposal status: updated 14 January 2019

Reference number: MIP1718-445

We're proposing changes in your area

We are proposing to make pedestrian safety improvements along Rosebank Road, including:

  • the construction of pram crossings with tactile pavers, side islands, and pedestrian refuge islands outside the addresses of 607, 519, 437, and 391 Rosebank Road.
  • the relocation of bus stop 8557 (outside 437 Rosebank Road) and the associated bus shelter slightly southwest along Rosebank Road.
  • minor changes to footpaths.
  • alterations to lighting, road markings and signage.
  • the removal of one tree as indicated in the drawings in order to improve visibility for pedestrians and drivers.

Download the proposal drawing for Rosebank Road (PDF 2.52MB).

Why the changes are needed

The proposal aims to improve pedestrian safety along Rosebank Road by introducing designated crossing facilities at locations that have been identified as frequent pedestrian crossing points. Changes to lighting, road markings and signage would raise driver awareness and ensure sufficient visibility for pedestrians using the crossing facilities and drivers approaching the crossings.

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed with minor changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.

As a result of feedback received, the side islands originally proposed at the pedestrian refuge outside of 320 Rosebank Road will no longer be installed. Instead, trees creating visibility issues for pedestrians and drivers will be relocated elsewhere, where required.

Feedback received

This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported efforts to improve pedestrian safety along Rosebank Road.

Side islands and safety of people on bikes

  • Requests to omit the proposed refuge side islands outside 320 Rosebank Road as they create an unnecessary pinch point, posing safety concerns for cyclists.
  • Query as to why one of the pedestrian refuges requires side islands when the other three proposed do not.
  • Requests to develop a bike ramp/bypass around the proposed side islands if they remain.
  • Requests to maintain edge markings and a clear road "shoulder" to allow a safer distance between cyclists and moving cars.
  • Requests that we remove shrubbery and place pedestrian waiting area on the berm outside 320 Rosebank Road, rather than introduce side islands.
  • Concern that debris also collects around side islands, creating further safety hazards for cyclists.
  • Concerns that side islands will slow traffic. 
  • Concerns that side islands will unnecessarily put people on bikes at risk of being hit. Initially, side islands were proposed outside 320 Rosebank Road as trees would otherwise create visibility problems for pedestrians. 
    However, as a result of feedback received from the public and Auckland Council it has been decided that the side islands will no longer be installed and trees creating visibility issues will be relocated.

Cycling infrastructure

  • Requests to introduce a formal protected cycle lane along Rosebank Road. At this stage we are unable to consider introduction of formal cycle lanes at this location due to funding constraints. However, based on feedback we have decided not to incorporate side islands on any of the proposed crossings so as not to interfere with people on bikes utilising the existing shoulder.
  • Request for more formal dual crossings along Rosebank Road that are also able to accommodate people on bikes. At this stage the number of people attempting to cross Rosebank Road does not warrant installation of formal dual crossings.

Traffic congestion

  • Requests to investigate measures to ease traffic congestion along Rosebank and Patiki Roads.
  • Concern that trucks frequently create bottlenecks along Rosebank Road. These concerns have been passed along to our travel demand team in order to carry out route optimisation analysis. Some congestion is to be expected along this road particularly during morning and afternoon peak hours due to Rosebank Road’s proximity to the motorway on/off ramps.

Tree removal

  • Requests to avoid all tree removal by "crown lifting" the trees - trimming all lower branches - to improve visibility. We will work with arborists during the detailed design stage to retain trees where possible. Those that will continue to pose significant visibility issues for pedestrians and drivers will be relocated.

Broken yellow lines

  • Concern that vehicles frequently park along Rosebank Road despite the broken yellow lines already in place. Parking over broken yellow lines is prohibited and therefore enforceable. If you observe this behaviour in the future, please contact Auckland Transport’s Enforcement Team by calling 09 355 3553.

Pedestrian crossings

  • Request to upgrade the proposed refuges to more formal pedestrian crossings – either signalised or zebra crossings. We have undertaken pedestrian counts at this location, and at this stage the number of people crossing Rosebank Road does not warrant installation of formal pedestrian crossings. We may re-investigate this request in the future if pedestrian demand at this location increases.
  • Concern over pedestrian visibility and vehicle speeds. During design of the proposal, visibility checks and safety investigations were carried out to ensure there is sufficient visibility at the pedestrian refuge crossing points. Pedestrian refuges will increase safety as it allows pedestrians to cross the road in two parts.
  • Concern over the placement of a crossing on the bend outside of 470 Rosebank Road. All required visibility checks have been carried out and they ensure that there is sufficient visibility to cross at this point.
  • Concerns that the refuge island provide little protection for pedestrians. Pedestrian refuge have been designed to meet current standards. The pedestrian refuge is wide enough to protect pedestrians while maintaining sufficient carriageway width for both vehicles and people on bikes.
  • Request for pedestrian crossing facilities on Rosebank Road between Jomac Place and Avondale Road, given the high number of pedestrians crossing here. Pedestrian counts and site visits have been conducted to decide on the locations. This includes looking at the proximity to intersections and conflicting driveways. The locations proposed are deemed to be the most appropriate.

Proposal goal

  • Concern that the changes are a “quick fix” which will end up being removed in the long run, that we’re not approaching this as the industrial area that it is. Pedestrian refuges have been investigated and proposed as a result of the public raising concerns around limited crossing facilities on Rosebank Road. We expect that the proposal will significantly improve safety for pedestrians at this location, while ensuring minimal impact on operation of the roadway. All vehicle tracking and modelling has been considered, and it confirms that large trucks will be able to manoeuvre around the pedestrian refuges.

Driveway access

  • Concern that the refuge outside 470 Rosebank Road will interfere with large trucks exiting the shared driveway immediately to the west of the proposed crossing (on the southern side of the road). Concern that trucks exiting the shared driveway for 482 Rosebank Road encounter difficulties turning right due to heavy traffic. Vehicle check tracking has been conducted and it shows that large trucks can exit the driveway and turn right with the pedestrian refuge at the proposed location.

Road widening

  • Request that crossings and bus improvements be considered in conjunction with road widening. Significant road widening would be likely to encourage higher vehicle speeds, creating unnecessary safety issues for people walking and cycling at this location.


  • Suggestion to follow Dutch models of road design. Auckland Transport follows Austroads standards for road design.

Next steps

This work will happen between July 2019 and June 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.

Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.