Shore Road, Remuera – Pedestrian improvements Shore Road, Remuera – Pedestrian improvements

Proposal status: Closed

Reference number: RSU2021-043

Proposal outcome

In August 2021, we proposed to upgrade the pedestrian crossing between Shore Road Reserve and Waitaramoa Reserve in Remuera. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.   

What happens next  

We anticipate the changes will be constructed in the current financial year ending June 2022. We will be in touch with local residents prior to any construction taking place. 

Community feedback

Thank you for adding your voice to this proposal. Your local knowledge has helped us make this decision for your neighbourhood. The majority of respondents supported this proposal, with 60% telling us they support the project because they believe the crossing upgrade will improve pedestrian safety in the area.  

We also received queries about other issues and additional ideas for improving safety in the neighbourhood. The following is a summary of those comments and queries.

Proposed crossing 

  • Concern that drivers will have to accelerate when turning left from Portland Road onto Shore Road because westbound drivers are speeding down the hill on Shore Road, which will be dangerous for pedestrians.  The proposed raised crossing will help to reduce speeds on Shore Road which will make it easier for cars to turn out of Portland Road onto Shore Road and to accelerate in a safe manner. The proposed raised crossing will make the road safer for road users, including pedestrians and cyclists. 
  • Suggestion that there should be more signage on Portland Road as westbound cars on Shore Road approach with speed. Additional signage will be installed on Shore Road and Portland Road to advise motorists of the raised crossing. 
  • Suggestion to widen the footpath on the north side of Shore Road as it is dangerous. The footpath on the north side of Shore Road is approximately 1.3 metres wide, while the footpath on the south side is approximately 2.2 metres wide. The raised crossing will make it safer for people to cross to the wider footpath on the south side of Shore Road. 
  • Suggestion that upgrading the existing crossing is not necessary. Concern that the raised zebra crossings will slow and hinder the flow of traffic and cause sudden and excessive braking which can be dangerous. Our on-site surveys showed that this road has high levels of traffic during peak periods and within a four-hour period, approximately 70 pedestrians cross Shore Road at this location for recreational activities.

    The proposed raised crossing should help reduce speeds on Shore Road and provide a safer crossing facility for pedestrians using the reserve with minimal disruption to traffic. The raised crossing is located so that it is visible to approaching drivers and there will be signs and road markings for additional advance warning. 
  • Concern that raised zebra crossings compromise shock absorbers on cars. The raised zebra crossing has gentle ramps and if motorists travel at a safe speed, there should not be any adverse impact on suspension. 
  • Concern that raised zebra crossings make bus journeys uncomfortable due to "bouncing." The design of the raised crossing has been discussed and agreed with AT Metro who are responsible for bus operations in Auckland. The design has been used successfully elsewhere and is more comfortable for bus passengers than regular speed tables.
  • Concern that the proposed island is too small. The proposed island is 2 metres wide and is sufficient to comfortably accommodate a person with a pram or a bicycle.     

Neighbourhood concerns 

  • Suggestion that a crossing on Portland Road near the intersection with Ingram Road is needed. Query about the Portland Road project. The proposed raised crossing outside 129 Portland Road is expected to be constructed before the end of June 2022, subject to no major design issues arising. Read more about this project here. 
  • Concern about motorist’s speeding along Shore Road. The proposed raised crossing is expected to reduce speeding in this section of Shore Road and make the road safer for all road users. 
  • Suggestion to install traffic lights at the Shore Road and Victoria Avenue intersection. The existing roundabout operates satisfactorily with no identified safety issues. Signalising the intersection will add delays on the network, especially for Shore Road which is used by approximately 21,000 vehicle per day. We will continue to monitor the performance of this intersection.  
  • Suggestion to install traffic lights at the Portland Road and Shore Road intersection. The intersection is operating satisfactorily with no identified pattern of crashes that warrants traffic lights at this stage. We will continue to monitor the performance of this intersection.
  • Suggestion that a raised zebra crossing on Shore Road near Bloodworth Park should be prioritised. The upgrade of the crossing outside 12 Shore Road is expected to be completed in this financial year ending June 2022. 

Feedback outside the scope of this project: 

  • Suggestion for a pedestrian crossing at the Shore Road and Orakei Road intersection.  
  • Query regarding traffic management solutions for Victoria Avenue school, e.g. 2-minute parking, parking at Portland Road and Shore Road.  
  • Concern about the lack of a safe pedestrian crossing on Orakei Road. 
  • Suggestion the pedestrian crossing at the bottom of Victoria Ave is raised. 
  • Suggestion for a reduce speed zone between Victoria Avenue and Portland Road. 

We appreciate your feedback and will pass it on to the relevant teams to investigate, as it is outside of the focus area and scope of this project. 

We're proposing improvements in your area

To improve the safety of people walking in your neighbourhood, we are proposing to upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing between Shore Road Reserve and Waitaramoa Reserve.  

We are proposing to:  

  • Upgrade the existing crossing point that links the footpaths through Shore Road Reserve and Waitaramoa Reserve to a raised zebra crossing, which is a pedestrian crossing on top of a flat, wide speed bump with a traffic island at the centre of the road.  
  • Add tactile pavers to the footpath and on the traffic island. These are yellow guidance markers that help people with visual impairments find their way across the road. 
  • Install high friction surfacing to Shore Road on the westbound lane leading up to the crossing. 
  • Install streetlights, signs, and new road markings to support the crossing. 

Download proposal drawing

This proposal is part of a region-wide programme to upgrade pedestrian safety. We aim to make walking around Remuera’s green spaces safer and more accessible to everyone. The raised table would slow drivers to a safer speed and is raised from the street level so it is comfortable for everyone, including people with prams and wheelchairs, to cross. These improvements would give pedestrians the right of way and connect Shore Road Reserve and Waitaramoa Reserve with a safe, highly visible option to cross Shore Road.  

Give your feedback on Shore Road, Remuera - Pedestrian improvements 

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it to Freepost using the address details on the form. 

What happens next 

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.  
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage. 
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey. 

 More information 

  • This project is supported by the Regional Fuel Tax. 

Remuera: Safe with us 

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Shore Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).