Avoca Road, Cockle Bay – Pedestrian crossing Avoca Road, Cockle Bay – Pedestrian crossing
Proposal status: closed 14 November 2018
Reference number: MIP1819-021
We've proposed changes in your area
In November 2019, we proposed to install pram crossings and pedestrian refuge islands on Avoca Road and Advene Road to improve pedestrian connectivity and safety, especially for school aged children and parents as well as improved safety and accessibility for pram and wheelchair users.
Download the proposal drawing for Avoca Road (PDF 6MB)
Why the changes are needed
Concern was raised over the lack of effective pedestrian crossing facilities for children from nearby Cockle Bay School.
Proposal outcome
This project will not be proceeding to the next stage of detailed planning in its current form.
Recently Auckland Transport has embraced Vision Zero as a strategy to improve safety on our roads, and the proposed design has been reviewed to ensure it helps deliver on this outcome.
Significant lengths of on-street parking were proposed to be removed on Alexander Street to enable pedestrians to cross this road with adequate visibility of approaching motorists.
As this parking removal would potentially speed up drivers on Alexander Street, thereby increasing the safety risk to vulnerable road users, alternative design options are currently being considered.
We expect to come back to you with a new consultation towards the end of 2019.
Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback, it was greatly appreciated and has helped to shape this project going forward.