Mercari Way, Albany - Signalised pedestrian crossing Mercari Way, Albany - Signalised pedestrian crossing
Proposal status: updated 7 June 2018, open until 22 June 2018
Proposal reference: RTV-143
Proposal update
You may have recently been consulted on our proposal to install a new signalised pedestrian crossing on Mercari Way, in Albany. Given the low level of public feedback, we have decided to extend the consultation period to ensure that all potentially impacted parties have the opportunity to have their say on the proposal.
If you have not yet submitted feedback and would like to, we encourage you to do so using the link below.
If you have already provided feedback, there is no need to submit again unless you have further comments to make. Once the consultation period has closed, all feedback will be collated and considered in the final outcome of the proposal.
We're making changes in your area
We are proposing to install a new staggered signalised pedestrian crossing on Mercari Way, that will include:
- Construction of a new pedestrian refuge within the existing road median.
- Installation of traffic signals and pram crossings with tactile pavers.
- Increase the size of the traffic island outside Mercari Business Centre and introduce a pedestrian cut-through.
- Removal of the former pedestrian cut-through within the existing road median.
- Kerb buildouts and changes to signage and road markings.
View the consultation drawing for Mercari Way (PDF 430KB)
Why the changes are needed
With a wide range of eateries and retail shops on both sides of the road, Mercari Way experiences high volumes of vehicle and foot traffic. Recent surveys suggested there is pedestrian demand to cross Mercari Way between the adjacent intersections. Our proposal aims to improve existing pedestrian facilities and overall pedestrian safety, allowing a safe and convenient route to cross the road.
Proposal outcome
The proposal received positive feedback with some concerns raised by respondents. After reviewing this feedback and all other supporting evidence, the proposal will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning.
Feedback received
- Concerns that the signalised pedestrian crossing will exacerbate congestion along Mercari Way and would result in operational issues at the intersections with Don McKinnon Drive and the Albany Expressway. Traffic modelling has been undertaken to evaluate the operational impact the signalised pedestrian crossing would have on Mercari Way and nearby intersections. The results indicate that the new crossing is likely to contribute to minor traffic delays. Queues are likely to reach and extend past the roundabout with Don McKinnon Drive, which mirrors existing traffic conditions during peak hours. However, northbound queues along Mercari Way are unlikely to affect the Albany Expressway, and signals can be coordinated between the intersection and the crossing to mitigate potential impacts.
- Recommendation that the pedestrian crossing not be signalised. As a result of the locality, road layout, and speed environment, we believe that a fully protected, signalised pedestrian crossing would be the best option to ensure safety of some of the most vulnerable road users.
Next steps
This work will happen prior to June 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.